Sunday, April 29, 2012

Give fate a chance 23


He called again, I hesitated at first but I ended up answering.

Me: aloo?

Khalid: hala wala hala Lama shlonich?

Me: el7mdla bkhair..

Khalid: ha shlon umich o uboch?

Me: el7imdla tamam 3amy baghait shay?

Mala da3y en6awil elsalfa.

Khalid: ee Lama, uboch galich 3an el mashroo3?

Me: ee

Khalid chuckled: ee, fe cham shaghla aby agolicheyahum gabil la yistimir el mashroo3.

Me: tefathal..

Khalid: agolch hal mashroo3 bainy o bain el CEO's ely eb sharikty, bs oboch yally o galy dakhilny bl mashroo3 tukfa o 3a6any 20,000Kd first payment 7ag ras elmal.

What the hell?

Khalid: 3ad ana gitla ent rifeejy o badakhlik, 3ad ba3dain ga3adt afaker bil mawthoo3, may9eer adakhla bilmashro3 wakhaly ystfeed o ana shakh9iyan ma astfeed!

Me: bas 3a6ak 20,000!!!

Khalid: haha hathaila mu 7agy agolich hatha ras mal el mashroo3!

Ok latzifny :(

Khalid: o fakart gilt flos? Maby floos 3ndy khair o n3ma el7mdla. Shnu aby yaraby shnu??

Lama: 3amy taby tkalim uboy?

I have no idea why I said that :s

Khalid: la!!

Lama: ok 3ayal shnu taby?

Khalid: aby akhthich 3ala sinat allah o rasoola

I blurted out: shnu?

Khalid: Lama fakray feeha, ubooch galy enkum khisrtaw floos o enkum b7aja 7ag hal mashroo3. Elmawtho3 kila eb eedich. Etizawjainy, akhaly uboch bil mashro3. Tarfitheeny, a6rid obooch. Fakray 3adel o ma3 esalama.

Khalid: ee gabil la asida, tara kalamt uboch o gal ena ma3inda mani3 etha entay rethaytay.

He hung up.


I woke up the next day with the biggest headache in the history of big headaches. Why? Maybe because I spent most of last night thinking and crying my eyes out. Or maybe because a grown man as old as my dad wants to effin marry me. Seriously, I feel like my life should be turned into a Turkish series.

I texted Dalia yesterday telling her that I won’t be able to attend breakfast. I had to make up a lie because I just can’t tell her the truth!

I spent last night thinking about what Khalid said.

"Etizawjainy, akhaly uboch bil mashro3. Tarfitheeny, a6rid obooch. Fakray 3adel o ma3 esalama. Ee gabil la asida, tara kalamt uboch o gal ena ma3inda mani3 etha entay rethaytay."

My heart and my mind were having one of their daily feuds.

Heart: I don't believe Khalid for one second, my dad would never do that! He would never sell his own daughter for money!

Mind: But, he was so excited about the project, he would do anything to be a part of it.

My father spent his life sacrificing everything for my mom and I. He worked day and night just to provide for us. My father worked really hard for this project and getting kicked out will cause unwanted humiliation. However, the question here is did my dad tell Khalid that he was ok with a 40 something year old man to marry his 22 years old daughter?

If it is, then I honestly don’t know what to feel or think. What would any girl in my situation do? Oh right, I don’t think any loving father would put his daughter in such a situation!

Thinking about it is mind throbbing. I honestly don’t know how to handle such matters. If I refused Khalid, my dad will be kicked out and we will suffer while living with small amounts of money. Yet, if I said yes my dad will continue in his project, we will have money and everyone becomes happy again .. except for me.

My phone vibrated, Wahab was calling.

I forgot about Wahab and Saud, what’s their role in this whole Khalid situation. My decision will not only affect me but it will affect Wahab and Saud. Well, maybe not Saud because we don’t really know each other.

Me: aloo

Wahab: hala walla

Me: hala feek

Wahab: ha shfeech ams adig 3alaich wadizlich messages matrideen? Ra7 ra9eedy kila hahaha

Me: umm madry nimt

I didn’t want to tell Wahab about Khalid.

Wahab: ee, enzain magilteely shisim hatha elly yabech?

Me: umm Saud Al*****

Wahab: a77

Me: haaw shfeek?

Wahab: madry ebtarftheen hatha 3ashany?

Me: umm ee?

Wahab: its either I’m a very lucky person, or this is just a dream

Me: shda3waaa!!

Wahab: wallaa!

Me: way wahab

Wahab: enzain sim3ay, we both love each other right?

Me: eee?

Wahab: ok laish mankamil 3elaqatna bil 7alal? Ya3ny nitzawaj bsr3a? Laih meta binkalim ba3ath chithy bil khash wildas, ya3ny e9ara7a ana marthaha 3ala ekhty wala arthaha 3alaich..

I stayed quiet..

Wahab: Lama la tifhmeeny ghala6, bs e9ara7a ghala6 elly ga3deen ensawy ya3ny we both love eachother why wait when we can get married now?

Me: la Wahab mafahmtik ghala6 bil3ax I totally agree! Haha kubart eb 3ainy e9ara7a

Wahab: ashwa zaain! Khalas 3ayal ana bagol 7ag umy edig 3ala umich.. bs enyeelich enshallah 3ugub hatha Saud

He almost spat after saying Saud’s name I can feel it.

Me: haha shfek 3a9abt

Wahab: bs karih Saud mo zain ashoofa

Me: enshallah matshofa :p

Wahab: ok khalas 3ayal ana basida al7een o etha fe emergency kalmeeny ha?

Me: enshallah

Wahab: so this is goodbye..

Me: more like a see you later..

Wahab: ee.. Lama

Me: hala?

Wahab: deray balich 3ala nafsich o latkhaleen Saud egi9 3alaich ha?

Me: haha don’t worry about it

Wahab: faman allah

He hung up.

I’m going to miss talking to him, but what he said is right. What we’re doing is wrong and we will make it right by actually getting married.

My phone vibrated, my mother was calling..

Me: alo

Mom: aloo lama?

She was shouting in the phone, 7ada ez3aj 3indaha!

Me: eee yuma shhal ez3aaj??

Mom: ana bilsayara ma3a khalatich Ghanima o Mothy binroo7 360 o Ghanima mu9era ennich etyeen ma3ana

Me: la yuma maly khilg

Mom: yalla 3ad 3an edala3 o ta3alay ekhthay sayartyy

Me: yuma please!!

--: Lama?

Me: alo?

-- : 7abeebty ana khaltich Ghanima yalla 3ad mama badlay o ta3alay ba3ad murt wildy enshallah lazim ag3ad ma3ach shwaya

Oh my god?

Me: hehe khalty

Embarrassed is an understatement.

Ghanima: yalla shgiltay?

Me: enshallah khalty al7een ayelikum

Ghanima: 3afya 7abeebty yalla na6reenich

She hung up..

Ugh, I dragged myself out of bed, changed quickly, and left.

I called my mother as soon as I reached 360.

Mom: alo

Me: hala yuma wainkum?

Mom: e7na eb cacao

Me: ok kany yaya

I parked my mothers Benz and walked to Cacao. As soon as khalty Ghanima saw me she grinned and stood.

Ghanima: hala eb Lama hala wala bil channa

This is awkward!

Me: hehe hala feech khalty shlonich?

I kissed both her cheeks, and did the same to khalty Mothy and my mother, then I sat down.

It was fun, hanging out with my mother’s friends. They were funny and they made it really easy for me to join in with them. Of course, khalty Ghanima made sure that I wouldn’t forget that I would marry her son. I don’t know how hard she’s going to take it when she finds out I don’t want him. Halfway through the afternoon a guy walked to our table.

Ghanima: hala yuma Saud shlonik?

My face was like this “:O”

What is he doing here? Khalty Ghanima kept looking at me and flashing me mischievous smiles. FASHLA.

Ghanima: ta3al salim, hathy khaltik Khalda o hathy Mothy o hathy Lama bint Khalda.. she nudged him.

Is this some kind of set up?

He looked at me and smiled.

Let me say this: he is CUTE!

He is tall, not very bulky he was good, his hair is long it reached his neck and he has this baby face. He looks so much like his mother.

Ok now I have to stop staring. He chatted for a while then left, I was blushing the whole time and he wasn’t even talking to me. Shortly after Saud left, the women and I left Cacao and started shopping. We entered Bottega Veneta, everyone spread around the shop. I looked at the small clutches and instantly liked a blue colored clutch. I turned to my mother

Me: yuma shofay hathy

She inspected the bag..

Mom: ee 7ilwaa shofay cham si3irha

I turned to the sales woman and asked: hi, how much is the clutch?

Sales woman: 560 KD

I looked at my mother and she looked back at me. My mother lowered her head and there was an expression on her face that I can’t quite put my finger on. It was like it hit her that we couldn’t actually afford anything with that price anymore.

Mom: uhm la china matiswa

I have never heard my mother say this sentence before; she always gave me some other excuse but never this one.

Ghanima asked my mother: allah 7ilwa el clutch eb takhtheenha?

Mom: la ma3jibat Lama

Ghanima: wee ma3indich salfa etyanin! Ekhtheeha lich Khalda malich shighil eb Lama

Mom: haha la wain ana malbis’ha 7aram akhith’ha o a7i6ha bil kabat

Ghanima: wee min meta hal kalam Khaldo hehe

Ok let me tell you something, my mother and her friends define the term “shopaholics”. They buy everything and anything they like never minding the price. My mother used to be like that but now she has to cut down on buying. That’s why I’m not surprised at all that she lied to khalty Ghanima, because under normal circumstances we’d be paying for the bag by now. I know its crazy buying everything, but not being able to buy simple things makes my mother sad and I don’t like to see her that way.

Khalid came to mind.


I was pacing back and forth in my parents’ room, I was so nervous.

Dad: yuba shfeech yalla ta7achay!

Mom: tara khara3teeny tgolelina bsr3a bagolikum shay muhim o sa3a 3ala ma t7acheen!!

Me: ok ok al7een agool

My heart was going so fast, I can't even feel it beating anymore.

I took a deep breath before I said: yuba, ana mwafqa.

Give fate a chance 22

I typed Dalia a reply: of course I forgive you, I love you and our friendship means so much to me too!

Dalia: aah I miss you wallah!! We have to do something soon!

Me: I miss you more! Yes, how about breakfast tomorrow?

Dalia: sounds great! Khalas enshallah :D

I love Dalia. She was always there for me, this girl really knows the meaning of friendship. I looked around for my parents but they were no where to be found. My phone vibrated, it was a message from Wahab,

Wahab: ta3aleely 9oob el desks

Obviously, he was in Pottery Barn too. I looked around for my parents while walking over to Wahab. Kilish mala da3y uboy eshofna. I stood in front of him with a question mark on my face.

Wahab: Lama, asif enny 3a9abt .. He lowered his head .. Bas fakart feeha

Me: fakart eb shnu?

Wahab: akeed elly eb yitqadmlich ghany, fa chthy umich tabeech takhtheena o ana .. Akeed ahalich mara7 yerthon feeny

Me: Wahab please latgool chthy! Ana elly ra7 atzawijik wela uhma? Enshallah ra7 yerthoon you just have to .. Make your move.

I felt embarrassed saying that. It was like telling him "ta3al ekh6ibny" in other words.

Wahab smiled: I will make my move 3ala goltich, 3ad el walda ga3da tgoly tizawaj o shayfatly wa7da tadreen tawha ray7a 3irs o ga3da t9ayyed banat. Bs latkhafeen ana gayilaha maby ghairech.

Me: 3ayyal laish shafatlik wa7da ghairy bil3irs?

Wahab: ehya galatly mara7 yerthoon feek bs ana mara7 astaslim :D

I giggled: hehe ee 3afya shid 7ailik

Wahab: bs Lama lazim et7i6een eb balich shaghla muhima!

My phone vibrated, my mother was calling. I took two steps away from Wahab just in case they were close.

Me: aloo

Mom: wainich?

Me: entaw wainkun ga3da adawerkum

Mom: ta3aleelina el cashier elly foog

Me: ok

I hung up, then looked at Wahab.

Me: shnu elly lazim a7i6a eb baly?

Wahab: khalas wala shay..

Me: laa goool bsr3a I have to leave

Wahab: Lama, tadreen ma3indy emkaniyat a9rif wayed fa mushtarayatich lazim etqil, o etha yibna 3yal manigdar endakhilhum madares kha9a --

Me: Wahaab we'll worry about that later! Just live in the moment. Yalla lazim aroo7

Honestly, I didn't want to hear anymore of this. He's putting these scary thoughts into my mind, when I was trying so hard to get rid of them.

Ahh, finally I was on my bed. My feet were hurting from my heels. I laid there watching Friends until I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up at 10:30 pm to find 3 messages from Dalia asking me where we should have breakfast tomorrow.

Me: tabeen Cocoa Room?

She didn't reply.

I decided to call Wahab

Wahab: alo

Me: aloo wahab malaait

Wahab: haha wainich entay?

Me: bilbaait!

Wahab: tabeeny ayelich?

Me: madry enta shrayik?

Wahab: ana ma3indy mushkla

Me: ya3ny 6ab3an laa Wahaab!!!!

Wahab: hahaha ee adry ga3ed atghashmar shfeech

I giggled: maleeq

Wahab: tara entay wayed 3a9abeya yabeelich anger management

I gasped: haaay!

Wahab: ur just proving my point

I sighed: many rada 3alaik o baghayer elsalfa

Wahab chuckled: be my guest

Me: su2al, enta kint madrisa kha9a wela 7ukoma?

Wahab: uh 7ukoma, ulla shyab e6aryy?

Me: la bs how come you speak really good english?

Wahab: walla ya Lama its a stereotype enna elly eb 7ukuma may3arfon english tara we can teach ourselves

Me: ohh, waay etshawig enta 3alamt nafsik??

Wahab: ti6anizaain??

Me: laaa wallaa min9ijyy

Wahab: ee ana ta3alamt o ham bil dawam shighilna kila bil english

Me: tara lail7een magitly shnu tshtghl!

Wahab: shay

Me: aah ee ok ashwaa thats what I was guessing :)

Wahab: hahaha Y3ny shashtighil? Muwathaf eb sharika ba3ad shnu

Me: okk

Wahab: ee muwathaf o ma3ashy mu 3aly 7i6ay eb balich hal shayy.. Ya3ny lama tikhtirib el Bentley haha mara7 agdar a9ali7ha!

Aaaaah my Bentley:'(

Of course, I didn't tell him that my dad sold it and I'm not planning to tell him anytime soon.

Me: hahaha 3ayal eshtarly sayara thanya

Wahab: laa we'll share the Camry

Me: hahaha yeah sure we will

Wahab: Lama min9ijyy

Me: ok Wahab I get that you cant afford everything bs 3ad mu kilish matigdar 3ala wala shay

Wahab: 7abeebty lo agdar chan sharaitly sayara ghair el Camry but I wasn't kidding when I said I have a low income.

I was quiet for a while.. But he continued,

Wahab: o 7ata el mahar Lama mara7 ykon 3aly. And probably mara7 ensafir eb shahar el 3asal lana ma9areef el 3irs, o we're going to have to live at my mother's house because well --

Me: waay Wahaab bas!! Laish ga3ed etgoly kila hatha? Are you trying to push me away??

Wahab: shnu? 6ab3an la!! Bs Lama tabeen akhish 3anich kil hatha o tin9admain akher shay? Maby athlimich! Kha9atan enna beyelich wa7id ghany o you have the right to choose!

Me: way! Ta7asaft enny gitlik 3an hatha kil kilma wilthanya gitly beyelich wa7id ghany

Wahab: Lama entay shnu tabeen? Tabeeny agoolich lamma nitzawaj agdar ashterelich kilshay o ra7 ensafer ay dawla tabeen o bashtereelich akbar bait?

Actually, thats exactly what I wanted to hear.

Wahab: lazim t3arfen e9ij 3ashan matin9admain, but if you want me to stop I will.

Me: please stop kfaya umy bs etekalam 3anna!

Wahab: shiftay? Wallah ana khayef ennich tistaslimain witwafqeen 3alaih!

Me: akeed mara7 asaweha! Don't even think about it.

At least I will try not to think about it.

Wahab: aslan shisma?

Me: madry shnu esma el awal bs --

Someone was knocking on my door

I whispered: bye bye

I hung up the phone.

Me: mnu??

Mom: ana

She slowly opened the door. She came in holding a black Bvlgari bag. She sat on my bed with a huge smile on her face.

I pointed at the bag: shnu hatha?

Mom: haha shda3wa nesaity el markat?

Me: haha laa bs min minu?

Her smile widened: min khaltich Ghanima y3ny min wildhaa

She handed me the bag and gestured for me to open it. I untied the ribbon on the handles and pulled out the box. I opened it to see a rose gold two twirls Serpenti watch with diamonds. My heart ached a little, its perfection.

My mother nudged me: libseehaa

Like I was hypnotized, I gently pulled out the watch and wore it.

Mom: tyanin 3ala edich mashallah

It really looked beautiful.

Mom: ta3alay wareeha ubooch

Me: yuma la7tha

I ached while trying to get the question out.

Me: umm etha ya3ny refatht el walad, lazim arid el sa3a?

I closed my eyes: please say no please say no

Mom: ya qaleelat el adab, akeed lazim etrideenha! O thany shay mara7 tarftheena enshallah emshay wareeha ubooch

I sighed: okk

I followed my mother down the stairs to the living room.

Mom: Barrak shoof Saud shyab laha

My dad's eyes popped out: mnu saud??

Mom: haw wild Ghanima shfeek!

Oh, so his name is Saud, good to know.

Dad: ee 9aa7 ashoof shyablich?

I stretched out my hand for him to see the watch.

Dad: shnu hathy?

Me: sa3a!

Dad: adry bs laish chthy laffa 3ala edich ba3ad ana khaber esa3a sair wa7id

Me: mu kilhum nafs eshay

Dad: ee 7ilwaa 3alaich bil3afya 7abeebtyy

I forced the words out: allah y3afeek

I turned around and returned to my room. Meanwhile, I slowly took off the watch. I really didn't want to return it to Saud! I was telling my mother about this watch two years ago, but she always came up with a lame excuse for me not to buy it. Instead, she got me a Rolex. I’m not saying that I'm not happy with the Rolex, I just want to be able to keep the Serpenti too.

I stood in front of my room, paralyzed. Wahab was right; I have to reconsider things. Ugh, why is it that when I'm finally content with my fate, something happens and ruins everything?

If I marry Saud, I will be receiving similar gifts more often and I love gifts. However, when I marry Wahab I wont be receiving anything with value. I think I need to see Saud..

I walked into my room and pulled out my phone to find a message from Dalia: ok khalas we meet there at 9ish?

I typed a reply: lol no you're going to have to pick me up!

Dalia: where's your driver's car?

Ahh Shakeel, our ex-driver, I hope he's enjoying his time in India, or where ever he is.

Me: long story :p

Dalia: ok ebtalasht I'll pick you up :p

I was just about to type a reply when I received a call from an unknown number. I let the phone ring until it finally ended. I don't like answering unknown numbers.

A few seconds later I received a message from that number: Lama, I am Khalid Al****** answer me.