Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Suddenly everything changes 17


aziz: abdullah ana aby.. e9ara7a ana ….

He said something and both abdullah and I shouted: SHNUUU?


lazim ashra7lla elly ga3id e9eer..

I stood up..

Me: abdullah ana aby.. e9ara7a ana .. abdullah ana aby atzawaj ghala!

Both ghala and abdullah looked at me and shouted: SHNUUU?

Me: ee! O ana makalmtha li3ib! 6ool elwagt 7a6 ebbaly enny aby atzawajha! O ba3dain adry enyy 
ghal6an 3baiid wallah adry o lo tithba7ny al7eeen ma3thooor!! Bs ent gilt’ha ent wathiq feeny o tadry 
enny magdar a’athyy wala wa7da min banat khawalik la ghala wala ghairha.. o ana 3ad’hum ahaly mithil mahum ahalik

I looked at the ground.. and walked closer to abdullah.. adry enny ra7 an6ag bs 3ady mistimed at7mal mas2oleyat elly sawaita..

I whispered: 3baid wallah a7ibhaa.. tathker elly kint akalmik 3anha elly ma3ana bljam3a.. elly bs gtlk eny 
sa3adt’ha.. wallah makint a3aref esimha a9lan wala adry enha t9eerlik o min thak elyoom o ana a7ibha.. 
Al7een 3ad lama shft’haa mabeeha t’thee3 min edee mara thanyaa! O e7na wallah minziman 
mumkalmeen ba3ath wala shayfeen ba3ath lana kint aby agoolik.. aby agoolik enny abeeha o aby atzawajhaa!

They were looking at me.. speechless..

I could see ghala from the corner of my eyes.. she was shocked and was placing one hand over her heart 

Abdullah 3affas wayha: aziz wakher 3any magdar akalmik al7een..

He turned around and shouted: ghala dishay dakhhil al7een!

Ghala jumped and ran inside the shalaih..

Aaaakh!! yaraaab tyasrly abdullah o yifhaaamnyyy o et3ady esalfa 3ala khaiir! I cant loose ghala.. I cant!


Omg.. did I hear him right? He wants to marry me? All this time .. that’s what he wanted to talk to 
abdullah about? Marrying me?

This is too much and its all 6alals fault that BASTARD!!!!!!!!

But no.. I couldn’t put all the blame on him.. its aziz and my fault too.

I ran up to my room and just stayed there.. my tears were falling continuously down my cheeks no matter 
what I did they didn’t stop..

The door opened..
Talah came in..

Way la please talah mu wagtich..

I hid my face with the pillow..

She came and sat next to me..

Me: talah please if you came here to tell me I told you so -----

She hugged me tight..

Talah: shh I only came to hug you and not to torture you with I told you so’s

I hugged her back and started crying really hard..

Me: talah wallah asfaa! Everything you said was true! I was too stupid to believe it! now abdullah hates 
aziz kila minny! I ruined their friendship!

Talah: ghala khalas elly 9ar 9ar o u shouldn’t regret it etha entay o aziz et7boon ba3ath.. o entaw 
masawytaw shay ghala6 kil elly sawaitooh kan 3an 7ub o a pure heart.. I’m sure ena abdullah is going to 

Me: I really hope so! I don’t want him to hate me!!

Talah: 9adgeeny he wont..
She continued calming me down until I slept like a baby..


It was too much for me to take in one day..

o min mnu? Aziz?

La ma9adig
Wallah many gader astaw3ib elly ga3ed e9eer!

Aziz o ghala?

Ghala? Laish?
Khali9aw banat edeeeraaa maliga ella ghala?

Aaaakh!! Wallah madry shasawyy!

My phone started ringing.. it was talah

I didn’t answer wallah maly khilg a7ad!

After a while wela talah dashat 3alay eduwanya..

I was sitting on the floor with my back to the couch and my head between my knees..

Me: talah wallah maly khilg atkalam..
Talah came closer to me and hugged me..

Talah: abdullah please lat3a9ibb, adry enna elly 9ar shay qawy bs tara they love each other!

I pushed her away: ya3ny ga3da edaf3een 3anhum?!

Talah: ee ya3ny 7i6 nafsik mukanhum!!! Tikhayal ent et7ib cousin aziz!

Me: masawy elly uhu sawa!! Akalma 3ala 6ool mala da3y laf o dawaran

Talah: enzain etkalma shetgola? Aby atzawaj your cousin? Enta mat3arefha wala ehya et3arfik!! Tara ezawaj mu li3ba y3ny aziz o ghala tara tawhum e3arfoon ba3ath ma9arlhum 7ata 3 weeks!! O 9arlhum 1 

week maykalmoon ba3ath lana aziz kan bekalmik!
Abdullah: ya3ny mashallah eb hal 3 asabee3 3refaw ba3ath??

Talah: eee o 7abbaw ba3ath! 3al aqal uhma 7adhum bbm ma6la3aw o tewa3idaw min warana!

Me: wentay shdarach? Ymkin ghala ga99a 3alaich mithil maga9 3alay 3azez!

Aah it hurts saying her name out loud..

Talah lowered her voice: abdullah enta t7ibha?


Me: la shaku!

Talah: way tara its so obvious kil hal a39aab o mat7ibha?

Me: shnu y3ny tara et’thil bint khaly!! Akeed ba3a9iib!
Talah: la im sure enna there is more.. u can tell me abdullah gooly enta shit7is fee?

Me: talah please 3ady tkhaleeny broo7y shway?

Talah: hmm ok you can always call me if you wanted to talk..

She got up to leave..

Me: talaahh

I had mixed emotions.. I don’t know if I was angry because I love her so much.. or because I have to be angry..

She turned around

Talah: amernyy

I think I should admit it.. I’ve been holding it in my heart for so long.. I need to say it out loud!

Me: ee.. a7ibha..

Suddenly everything changes 16


He showed me a picture..

I looked at it..

Me: shnu hatha?

It was a picture of the ocean..

He took the phone ..

6alal: la la7thaa aq9id hathy..

I smiled and took the phone..

I saw two people holding hands..

I quickly returned the phone..

Me: 6layil shnu hatha? Ana shaku feehum?

He widened his eyes..

6alal: ya walad shoof e9oora 3adil!

I took the phone again to take a better look..

My heart beats accelerated for some reason..


Hatha elmukan a3arfaa..

O elwyoooh mu wath7aa bs ..

Hathy mu chinha ghala?

My eyes popped out


SHNU? SH3araafhuuum eb ba3aath?



My face turned red.. I was enraged!

Bs la7thaa..

La mu ma3qoolaa

Aziz maysaweeha feenyy.. laaa maysaweeha


Faj2a wela asma3 9oot warray..

Aziz: ent shga3ed etsawwy hny?

I turned around and he was looking at 6alal..

6alal: hmm khal abdullah ygoolik..


I returned to the shalaih to see 6alal and abdullah talking..

7aywan shyayba

me: ent shga3id etsawy hny?

6alal: hmm khal abdullah ygoolik..

he had a smirk on his face..

abdullah held a mobile in his hand.. Actually he clenched the mobile very tight it could break any second..

his face .. well I’ve never seen him this angry what the hell is he looking at?

Me: abood shfeek? Shimsaweelik hatha?

He looked up at me.. he gave me a look as if he was going to murder me ..

He shoved the mobile in front of my face..

Abdullah: aziz, wely esalmik gooly ena hatha mu enta

He was breathing heavily while talking..

I looked at the picture.. and then looked again

I snatched the phone from his hands and stared.. WTF? WTF?

I raised the phone: mnu m9awerha?

Abdullah clenched my shirt and brought me closer to him..


I just stared at him.. elsany enribaa6 madry shagool .. maly wayh agool shay


Me: abdullaa.. anaa

Abdullah was furious every vein in his face popped out.. he punched me in the face


I fell to the ground .. I can taste the blood in my mouth..


I think he punched 6alal too but I couldn’t see them..

Suddenly I heard..


laa bada3aaaww shfeeehum sh’haal 9raakh!!

I quickly washed, changed and ran down stairs..

I got out and my heart almost stopped..

Abdullah, aziz, and 6alal all in the same place..

Aziz and 6alal were both on the ground writhing in agony.. and abdullah was like an animal he was 
hunched over 6alal and shouting at his face..

This is not good..

He was punching him on the face non-stop

I ran to abdullah..


I tried to pull him away..

He was too heavy..


I pulled him once more and he got up..


I started to cry

Me: abdulllaah pleasse bass gooly shesalfaa

I think I know what’s happening..

Abdullah looked at me.. but it was different .. every time he looked at me he was smiling.. and I could see 
the passion in his eyes..

But now.. its like he hated me, like he was looking at something filthy

Abdullah came closer to my face and whispered, he was shaking from anger: latsaween nafsich baree2a o 
matadreen shisalfaa

He yanked my t-shirt, and I let out a low shriek

Abdullah: min meta etkalmeen aziz ha? GOLEEEELY MIN METAA??

I tried to remove his hands..


He wrapped one hand on my jaw to pull my face closer to his..

Abdullah: Betyanineeeeny??? Ha? 3ajbiiich elly ga3id e9eeer al7eeen??? Laish ghalaaa? Laishh 
etsaweeen feeny chithyy??

I couldn’t say anything.. my tears said enough.. I couldn’t bring my self to talk..

He pushed me away and turned to 6alal..
Abdullah: 3a6ny mobilik

He bent down and snatched the mobile.. he did something

Abdullah: mesa7t e9oora.. 3ndik wa7da thanya? Wetha chathabt wallah lathbi7ik fahim?

6alal: laa wallah el3atheem ma3ndy ghairhaa

abdullah: ethlif shalaihkum o en garrabt 9oob shalaihana wallah latshoof shay mashiftaa.. wen garrabt 
yam ghala ….. ra7 tmoooot yaalla gam

aziz slowly stood up..

aziz: abdullah ana aby.. e9ara7a ana ….

He said something and both abdullah and I shouted: SHNUUU?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Suddenly everything changes 15

Mawa3aaiiit ella ashhoof ghbara jedaamy!! Wain 6alal? Thalaaf! Roo7a balla radaa! Ma9adig shkithir hal ensaan ekhaaf!!

Me: waaain abdullah?

Salma: wallah madry shift wa7id china abdullah o e9ara7a matewaqa3t 6alal ebyin7aash eb hasur3a! lo 
adry chan gilt minziman!!

Me: entay 3amya? Hatha china 3abdulllah wallah mayishbaha kilish wala 7ita nafs jisma! Bs 7ilwa 
minnich ashwanich 9irtay ghabya o anqathteena

We both laughed 3ala elly 9ar.. 6alal ensan ma9yood!

We went back to the shalaih.. and salma called abdullah to assure him that we arrived safely..

We went inside to see a bowl of pink pasta.. it smelled soooo good!!

Me: allaaah mnu msaweeeha!!

Hala: 9un3 edaya we7yaaat 3enayaa

I grabbed a spoon and a plate and started eating I was soo hungry.. the girls joined me except for talah..

We continued talking and having a good time.. 6ab3an talah mat7acheeny wala ma36eetny wayh..

Faj2a wela abullah ydig 3alay.. stanast madry laish.

Me: aloo

Abdullah: ghala.. aby akalmich tharoory

Me: hmm ok

Abdullah: ta3aleely bara..

Me: ok

I closed the phone and went outside..

He was angry.. a part of me thinks that aziz told him about us

I saw him and walked to where he was standing..

Me: shfeek khara3tny?

Abdullah: la maku shay bs aby agoolich shay o e9ara7a madry shloon agoola..

I smiled: gola 3ala 6ol mala da3y muqademat..

We were walking 3ala el shari3… it was dark so I stood close to abdullah

Abdullah: ghala a7issich madry shloon.. kila mitnarfiza minny o killa m3a9ba 3alay shisalfa yuba?

Me: haa? Laa walla mu m3a9baa

Abdullah: akeed?

I smiled: eeee


hmm 7asait’ha ga3da traggi3 el mawthoo3..

me: akeed?

Ghala smiled: eeee

Hmm not convincing..

Me: enzain 3ayal laish kil ma gtlich shay tanarfaztay?

Ghala: la tara mu kil marra.. o marat tkalmny o ana akoon mtanrfiza mn shay fa a6ale3 7arety feek.. o 
adry enna hatha ghalaa6 o ana asfaa wallah!!

Tawny yay batkalam wela asma3 shay yet7arak wara leshyara elly yamna wela ga6wa tishkha6 jedamna 
o kanat greeba min ghala..

Faj2a wela ghala t9arekh o talzig feeny..

She held on my blouse and her eyes were closed shut! Her body was very close to mine..

I put my hands on her waist without thinking.. it all happened so fast!

My heart started beating fast.. and her heart thudded too

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me..

I looked into her eyes.. she’s very beautiful!

She slowly removed her hands and took a step backwards..

She placed one hand on her heart,,

Ghala: abaih wallah sorry!! Bs 7al khare3atnyy!!

I chuckled: laa 3ady bs shda3wa takhfeen chthy tara kilha ga6wa!

Ghala: waaai3 wallah akrah lig6awa o akhaf minhum!!

Abdullah: dala3 walla dala3..

And I loved everything about her “dala3”

We continued walking .. until it was late and we went back to the shalaih..

Awal ma we9alna ghala received a message.. o wayeha e3tefaas..

Me: shfeech?

Ghala: la maku shay.. ok yallah bye lazim aroo7 daykha

And she left .. I didn’t tell her what I wanted to say..


I ran inside and called salma..

Me: SALMAA!! Wainiiiich??

Salma shouted from our room upstairs

Salma: ana fouug shfeeech?

I ran up the stairs, got into the room and closed the door..

I showed her the message..

"ana awareech o rab elka3ba many m3adeeha 3ala khair."

Her eyes popped out

Salma: ay shaaaay la mu min9ijaaa!!!!

Me: wallaah madry shasawwwwy ifff enarfiz ge6ee3a uhwa elly bady el mashakil kilaha ana masawaitla 
shay madry laish 7aqid 3alay!!

Salma: ghala lazim tgoleen 7ag 3aziz lana shakla hal marra its not an empty threat shakla besawy shay 

Me: laa abaih entay shfteeh elyoom shlon gab bs lamma sima3 esim 3abdallah? Mayigdar esawy shay

Hmm I doubted what I said.. but decided to sleep on it and figure out a solution tomorrow.

I woke up the next morning from loud noises.. it was 12 pm o kal 3adda kil min nayyim.. mashallah 
nomhum thigeel

I peeked out the window wella abdullah and aziz were sitting on the beach side and were laughing loudly 
and abdullah was playing on his 3ood..


I called abdullah..

Me: aloo

Abdullah: 9a7 enoom

Me: iff tara 7adkum muz3ijeen ga3adtoony min enoom

Abdullah: 9ootich noooom

Me: please ga9raw 9otkum o ghayraw mukankum

Abdullah: eta2ammar ba3ad

Me: yallah bye

I closed the phone wallah 7ady mit3asra ma7ib agoom min enoom 3ala z3aj!


Shfeeha hathyy..

I closed the phone and stared at it.. madry laish kila mitnarfiza lama t7acheeny

Aziz: shfeek tana7t eb talephonik?

Me: la wala shay bs 9ootna 3aly o ga3adna el banat..

Aziz: ohh enzain ana baroo7 ayeeb mobily min el duwaniya shway wayeek..

Me: yalla ok

hmm the weather was not bad for a day in mid july.. o elba7ar chena ynadeeny wallah mal anazil el jet o 

Hmmm elba7aar.. laish el ba7ar ethakirny eb ghala?

I started strumming on my 3ood waisting time..

            “Laih dayem a7taaj as’aalaak weshfeek o shilyy za3alaak o laih dayim erdoodik tkoon nathraa bema3na shdakhalik ..
 laaaih tis’aal laaih tis’aaal? ya3ny mata3ref ghalaaaak?”

Aziz: yaah yaah kil hatha 7agyy yakhyy wallah adry eniik et7ibnyy

I smiled: kil kharraaa

I sang that song with ghala on my mind..

Aziz: mayindara min haly makhthaa galbik wallaah

Me: enta elly makhith galby yal 7uub haha

Aziz: hahaha ashwaa 6amantyyy

Aziz’s phone rang so he got up to take the call.. he walked In circles then walked along the beach side 
until he was tiny meaning he went far away.. ulla kil hatha mukalamaa

I continued playing on my 3ood wellaa eyeeeny..

---: halaa wallah bu najim!

I looked up.. ukh hatha mu china 6alal al*****

I stood up,,

Me: halla walla bu 6ilyyy shakhbariik?

6alal: wallah bkhaaiir ent sh3lomik? minziman moshayfik!

Me: eee wallah khubry feek yoom ma9khartik thaak el yoom eb li3ib elkuraa hahaha

6alal: hahah ee eth7ak eth7aaak wallah ya bu najim 3ndy lik khabar eshayib eraas!

Me: affaa2 shisalfaa?

6alal got his phone out started pressing on it then showed me a picture..

Suddenly everything changes 14

I turned around wela ashoof Talah…

I gasped! Hathy min meta hny!

She looked at me and went back inside..


I followed her inside…

Me: talah shfeech?

Talah: mafeeny shay

I held her arm and made her face me..

Me: kil hatha mafeech shay?

Talah: ghala matiwaqa3tich chithy!

Me: shnu :S?

Talah: entay o 3azeez.. hmm shlon ashra7.. en9idamt lama shftkum

Me: shnu shftay?

Talah: shnu shft? Shft kilshay masek eddich 3ugub ma7a6aiteeha 3ala khada shisalfa ghala? (she was 

Me: talah please ga9ray 9ootich.. adryy enna elly 9ar ghala6 bs a9lan mara7 akalma mara thanya!

I looked at the ground it was painful saying that out loud

Talah: o laish wayed za3lana? Shnu mafakrtay ena etha abdullah shafkum? Hatha rfeeja 7ail o chthy 
ga3da tsaween ma3a?! tadreen enna ra7 tkharbeen 3elaqathum etha abdullah chakkum!

Me: adry talah o ra7 enwagif kilshay lama aziz ygool 7ag abdullah

Talah: abaih hatha maynon?

Me: laa bs he has his way madry shnu begoolaa.. allah yaster

Talah grunted and walked away..

Ok wth?

Ok maybe I need to give her some time to realize what’s going on..

I went to the room, changed into my pjs and slept!

I woke up the next day at 3 pm! No one was awake yet!

I got up and went into the bathroom to wash… I then changed and went downstairs

I poured my self milk and cornflakes and watched friends on salma’s laptop..

After a while I heard footsteps.. refa3t rasy wela talah..

She looked at me, grabbed an apple and walked outside to the beach side..


I closed the laptop and went outside to talk to her..

Me: talah

She turned around..

Me: entay laish m3a9ba al7een?

She was quiet..

Me: talah please lata7green!! Ga3da akalmich!

Talah: ghala ana mu m3a9ba

Waay e7irny burood’ha!

Me: wow kil hatha mu m3a9ba? 3ayal etha 3a9abtay shloon?

Talah: way ghala y3ny lama glteelina 3an aziz, magiltay ennich t7ibeena laih hal daraja bs elly shfta ams 
.. kan wathi7 enkum wayed et7boon ba3ath!

Me: talah ana mkalmatkum mimziman o 9ij makint a7iba wayed bs .. al7een ghair I got to know him 
better o 7abaiitaa

Talah: aha..

Me: bs ana many fahma laish m3a9ba, 3ashan 7abaita?

Talah: ya3ny ghala your supposed to love abdullah mu 3aziz!!! I see the way abood looks at you.. 3aziz 
will never look at you that way!

Me: talah entay mat3arfeen aziz!!

Talah: hmm what I saw last night yakfyy mala da3y a3arfa 3ashan a3aref uhwa shnu yaby minnich 

Ok 7ady tanarfazt!! Malha 7ag titkalam 3an erayal chithy!!

Me: ok y3ny entay ga3da tgolen ena uhwa byil3ab 3alay? Latinsain enna uhwa a3az rabi3 ukhooch o 
matwaqa3 enna abdullah berafij 9bayan ray7een feeha ella etha uhwa nafs’hum hatha shay thany!!

She widened her eyes..


She shouted and walked away..

I admit it I crossed the line bs shtabyy ya3ny qasiib a7ib elly ehya tabeeny a7iba? Iff!

Faj2a wela tyeeny salma..

Salma: ghala? Shfeekum entay o tala 9ayer shay?

Me: la maku shay

Salma: shnu maku shay? 7ad’ha m3a9baa shway o t’thabe7na!!

Waay talah!

I told salma everything..

Salma: enzain o shaku talah t3a9eb chithy? Y3ny elly gilty 3an ukhoha ghala6 bs ehya ba3ad malha 7ag 

Me: adry!! O al7een madry shasawy feehaa ma3anny 3ayazt wana agoolaha enna aziz begol 7ag abdullah 
about us. Wallah madry shlon begoolah estakhaf elwalad

Salma: bs tara zain esawyy 9ij mala da3y tintihy 3elaqta ma3a abdullah 3ashan 3elaqatkum elly madry 
laih meta eb tistimir..

Me: I guess..

It was so overwhelming! Aziz ghaiir wallah.. I started liking him min el bedaya! O ma3any makint a3arfa 
o may9eerly bs a7is ena I feel comfortable talking to him!

Me: emshy salma khanetmasha 9oob elshari3 maby aroo7 9ob el ba7ar yi6la3ly hal 3itwy ge6a3!

Salma: haha yalla emshay

We went outside wela enshoof abdullah, aziz, and their friend..

Ana tana7t eb aziz madry laish o wayhy 9ar a7mar!

Abdullah came to us…

Abdullah: wain ray7een?

Me: bnitmasha

Abdullah: enzain bs latba3doon

He was angry I can feel it from his tone.. and he kept giving me creepy looks.. laykoon aziz galla

Before we left I turned to aziz.. and he was looking at me then he looked away and he was smiling..

He bbmed me:


I know we’re not supposed to talk.. but looking at you just made my day..


O ghala la6awloon o etha a7ad athakum digay 3alay aw 3ala abdullah 3ala 6ool ok?

Lool I like how he gets worried about me..

Ghala al******:


Ghala al******:

You always make my day <3


Haha yabakhtyy :p I cant wait till you’re mine!!

Ghala al******:


I ended the chat ..

Salma: ghalo hiday mobilich! Yaybatny ma3ach 3ashan t’hathreen ma3a 7abib el galb?

Me: hahaaha ok khalas khalas

Salma: o ba3dain la7tha mo china you guys r on a break?

I laughed…

Salma: shfeech teth7keen?

Me: la bas thakarteeny eb Rachel o Ross tawny shayfa friends haha

Salma: way 3abaly 3indich salfaa!

I gave her my mobile to read the convo..

Salma: yal khafeeeeefaaa!!

Me: loool chuub!!! Wallah manshawig??

Salma: emballah klaab etshawgooon!! Yallah meta ebyakh6ibich el 7abeeb?

Me: hmm latista3yilain!

We continued walking and talking .. o 6ab3an el syakil kil ma marraw yamna ewayloon y3ny ytfalsfoon! 
Wana bs ad3eey enna allah y7afith’hum lay6ee7oon!

Bs fee sayara lfetat nathary kil ma marrat yamna 6agaw hirnaat! O kila yakhthoon u-turn 3ashan ymiroon 

O el mushkila kanat land mghayima fa manadry minu dakhil.. o elly e7ir ena e7na 7agreenhum o mo 
ma36eenhum wayh kilish bs still mu9ireen!

Me: emshay salma khanrid ma9akhooha hathail!

Salma: diggay 3ala 3azeez plss naby action!!

Me: maynooooonaa 9adgeeeny mara7 adiiig!!

Faj2a wela abdullah edig 3ala salma..

Salma: alooo .. hala abdullah .. ha china 3ady? Ka al7een binrid a9lan.. la maku shay.. ee ok bye

Hmm.. he’s supposed to call me..

Me: ha abdullah shyaby?

Salma: egool 6awaltaw meta tridoon?

Me: haw shdarra ena maradaina?

Salma: madry ethahir beshoof etha radaina wela la

Me: aha..

We continued our way to the shalaih.. o el land lail7een yl7goona

Gabil la nosal shalaihna, laffaw eshalaih elly yamna o they parked jedamna.. nazelaw edereesha wela..

Of course its 6alalJ

Ge6ee3aaaa hatha maniftaak minnaa waaay wedy lo athba7a!!

6alal: shlonkum banat?

We tried to go around the car but he kept driving back and forth to block our way..

Salma and I looked at each other.. we were both scared!

6alal: shda3wa latkhafoon tara ma a3ith ana..

He looked at me..

HAHA a7san and I hope I hurt him again!

6alal: okk chithy shighilkum 3ayal? Ya3ny lazim enwareekum el 3ain el 7amra yalllah tit7achoon?

Salma: sh-shtaaaby feeenaa???

6alal: entay malich shighil .. aby elly yamich ana

he winked and gave me a flying kiss.. WA9IKHH!!!

I whispered: badig 3ala abdullah

Salma: mu min 9al7ichh

6alal: haay entay!! Shglteelaha?

We ignored him..

6alal was shouting: yakhyy wallah ma7ib elly ya7groon wa7da mnkum trid 3alay!!

Me: shtaby bithab6?? Ma malait min 7araktik hathy?

6alal clapped (iff hailigyy): zaaaaain ta7achaat!! Wallah 3abaly elfar makil elsanich


Me: ya3ny ath7ak?

6alal: la ebchayy..

me: wallah 9ij? Mwagifna eb ni9 eshare3 3ashan tistikhif dammik witnakid 3alaina? Tara ma3indyy ay 
mushkilaa adig 3ala ukhoy aw wild khalty eyoon y2adbonik!!

6alal: ukhh mayibtay 6ary 9a7bich.. wela falaitooha?

Hmm.. atwaqa3 7alal thab7a hatha J

Salma shouted: abaih hatha mo china abdullah!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

suddenly everything changes 13


I couldn’t take my eyes off of ghala

Her smile was soothing its like whenever I looked at it I get overwhelmed with joy!


I looked at her after I finished singing but she was motionless..

I looked away..

Ma9akht’ha wana akhiz!

Me: hahaha shakla wayed 3jebatkum lighnya!

I looked at ghala, I needed a response from her!

Salma: eee mashallah akeed ebta3jubna dam enta mghaneeha!

Hmm not the person I wanted to hear from

Me: afa 3alaichh;)

I had to say something..

Me: ha ghala shrayich? Magiltay?


ok so abdullah was staring at me the whole time..

or am I just seeing things?

But the problem is that tala was nudging me and wiggling her eyebrows every 2 seconds .. im sure she 
noticed too..

Abdullah: ha ghala shrayech? Magiltay?


Talah: shfeeech ga3ed ekalmich Abdulla!

Me: haa? Ee wayed 7ilu

I smiled awkwardly

He looked at me for another 5 seconds and got up..

Abdullah: ok yallah 3ayal ana lazim amshy eshabab yaw

They all said goodbye, then started talking about how great he was .. except for me, I just nodded without 
uttering a word..

Kil wa7da gamat ra7at mukan.. chan tyeely talah..

She whispered: e7ibich?

I stopped what I was doing and looked at her..

Me: shnu?:o

Talah: abdullah.. a7isa y7ibich

Me: haw shakuu

Talah: yalla 3ad don’t act as if you don’t feel it too?

Me: wallah madry shga3da tkharb6een

To be honest, I figured that he has feelings for me but I’m sure its nothing..

Talah: hmm pls latsaween nafsich ghabya o 3ady golay enna ee t7seena y7ibich!

She stopped for a second then continued..

Talah: allaah o goolay enich et7ibeena o ra7 titzawijoon o et9ereen my sis in law allaaah wanasaa ghaloo 

Me: abaaih haay layakhthich el 7amas loool ba3dain shfeech latnsain aziz

Oh yes aziz, I totally forgot about him..

Talah: ifff hatha lazim ekharib!

Me: “hatha” 3umra 6iweel.

He was calling ..

Me: aloo

Aziz: hala bl ga63a

Me: hehe sorry

Aziz: enzain aby ashoofich shlon?

Me: hmm wain?

Aziz: meet me 3ind elkarasy ely jbal el ba7ar?

Hahaha no way!


Aziz: laish?

Me: uhh bs, khanroo7 el mamar elly ywady 7ag el parking

It’s a closed area o no way 6alal eshofna hnak bdoon ma n7is fee

Aziz: hmm ok

I closed the phone and went to the hall area

Aziz came after me in a few seconds.. he started singing

Aziz: magedart a9ber o jeetik gabil maw3idna bisa3a o elghareeeeb enny legaitik tintithir gably bisa3aa!

Me: hahaha cute!

Aziz getting serious: shnu cute? Rayal sh6ooly sh3rthy tgoleely “cute”?

Me: eeee cute o etshawig o mal tigiris ba3ad!!

Aziz: hahahah yallah gar9eeny!

He wiggled his eyebrows

Me: 3abalik mara7 asaweeha? Lat7idny

Aziz raised one eyebrow: yallaa

I looked at him playfully: game on

I placed my fingers on his cheek and pinched him slowly..

He held my hand and flattened it on his cheeks..

He closed his eyes and slipped his fingers between mine, then he slowly removed my hands and kissed 

My heart stared racing!!

He took my hand and placed it on his chest.. his heart was racing too

I smiled and slowly removed my hands..

I whispered: elmafrooth eny agrisik bas

He stood closer and whispered in my ear..

Aziz: ya lait el 3umr yitwagaf 3ala 7alat hana janbaak n3eesh feeha wala nkhafif min el 3ishg elly ma 
yo9af! O nit’hada worood el 7ub o narwy feeha nashwat 7ub wa giliik enta ma7booooby!!

I blushed! He’s soooo cute!

Aziz: 7addich “cute” 3ala goltich wentay tst7een

Me: hehe enta 7adik cute lama tahdeeny min aghany 3abdu!

Aziz: yakhy kalemat aghaneya mu3abera

Me: ana ashhaad!!

Aziz: o ba3dain la7tha? Laish edich mthalja we7na b3iz e9aif?

Me: madryyy kila chithy!

Aziz: akeed matakleen 3adel

Me: waay lat9eer umy ethanya!

Aziz: haha! Enzain sm3ay aby akalmich eb mawthoo3

Me: amerr

Aziz flashed his glamorous smile: ma yammer 3alaich 3aduu, bs kint bagoolich enna mu chena elly 
ga3deen ensawy ghala6..


Aziz: ya3ny.. wallah lama ashoofich madry she9eer feny anhibil o mafaker gabel la asawy shay.. bs 
ghala6 o lazim agool 7ag abdullah may9eer chithy aroo7 min warra walla mu 3adla… fa chthy ana afathel 
enna manshoof ba3ath lama akalim abdullah wenshoof she9eer

Me: shnu? Tkalem Abdulla? Ya3ny ebtitwaqa3 enna begolik ee azoz shda3wa kalimha laish yay 
tista’thin? (I was imitating abdullah’s voice) wela begolik afa 3alaik bs ent tamir amir??

Tanarfzat eshawy.. ma3ana kalama 9a7!

Aziz: ghala 7abeebty fihmeeny.. wallah magdar hatha rifeejy min 3umr! Maby 3elaqtna tkhareb 3ala 
3elaqty ma3a abdullah! O ba3dain ana akeed mara7 aro7 agola bakalim bint khalik! Ana 3ndy 6areeqty

Me: 3ishtaaaw o shnu 6areeqtik ballah?

Aziz: ba3daaain t3arfeen ;)

Me: okk!

Aziz: lat3a9been 3ashany bs ham matgdreen tankireeen enna ely ga3ed e9eer ghala6

Me: lil asaf laa

Aziz: haha, yallah 3ayal ana bamshy (he gave me a flying kiss) hopefully soon I can be able to kiss you 

He winked and walked away

I whispered: ahh 3azeez walla a7ibik! He makes me feel like I’m the only girl in the world!

I turned around wela ashoof Talah…

I gasped! Hathy min meta hny!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Suddenly everything changes 12

I woke up from a loud noise..

Salma: sorry sorry!! Kint ba6ali3 el sishwar  o 6a7 blghala6!

I moved in bed.. aah it was warm and cozy!

Me: la 3adyy.. esa3a cham?

Salma: esa3a 5

Me: ulla!

Salma: ee o ba3dain entay fee shay ga3id e3awrech? Laish nayma?

I remembered what happened earlier o enqimat galby.. but I decided not to tell her

I sighed: la mafeeny ella el 3afia el7mdla!

She came closer and sat on my bed

Salma: akeed ghaloya? You can tell me etha feech shay!

I don’t know why I just can’t tell her!

I smiled: la 7abeebty mafeeny shay

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I washed, prayed and went down stairs.

Hala: zaaain enzalat sleeping beauty

Me: haha ay sleeping beauty entay ba3ad

Hala: madry 3aniich kila nayma

I faked a smile and sat on the couch…

Salma: tara khali9at machlatna.. khanroo7 sultan

Hala: yalla ok bs talah wainha?

Me: madry ka al7een adig 3alaihaa

I called talah..

-- ring ring --

talah: aloo

me: hala wainich??

Talah: ana barra ga3da ma3a abdullah ta3aly?

Me: la sim3ay bero7on sultan byshtron ashya lana khalas el akil

Talah: okk o tara abdullah beye weyana

Me: ok

I closed the phone..

Me: kahy yaya o abdullah bero7 weyakum

Hala: weyakum? Laish mara7 tyeen?

I wasn’t in the mood.. and I was too afraid to go anywhere

Me: la rasy y3awerny bag3ad hnyy bs latinsoony ha yebooly ashyaa

Hala: akeed bnyeeblich wela btakleen akelna kila

Me: hehehe

Talah and abdullah came in..

Abullah looked at me and smiled.. I smiled back.

Talah was looking at us chan tith7ak broo7ha .. weird

Salma: yallah meshaina?

Hala: ok, bs ghala ymkin nroo7 mc lana abyy, bbm me shnu tabeen

Me: okk

Abdullah: shnu mara7 tyen?

Me: la..

Salma and hala already went to the car.. only talah was standing next to abdullah

Abdullah: talah.. khalas entaw roo7aw ana bag3ad hny lana maku a7ad blshalaih o ghala broo7ha..

Talah looked at us and smiled: okk..

Shfeeeha hathyy

I turned on the tv.. wela aziz calls me

Ana 6ool 3umry a7i6 my mobile silent lana ynarfzny el9oot o elyoom elly ga3da ma3a abdullah ma a7i6a 
silent o aziz edig..

I pressed ignore.

Abdullah: laish matsheleena tara arthalich eta7achain wana mawjood

Me: hehe la malyy khilg hathy rfeejtyy

He called again. I pressed ignore and bbmed him.

Ghala al******:
Ana ga3da ma3a abdullah

Ah ok

9ayra wayed tg3deen ma3a ;P

Ghala al*****:
Haw my cusin 3ady..

Ee magilt shay..

I ended the chat.. maly khilga… 9ayra maly khilg shay!

Abdullah: hmm sh6ary 3alaich 7a6a qanat likuwait?

me: madryy hak el remote farfer

Abdullah: oh 9ayra 6ayba elyoom.. she6aryy?

I just looked at him..

Ga3ad efarfr lama 7a6 mubarat..

me: way maligait el mubarat ferra pleassse

Abdullah: gilt ana hal6eeba mara7 edoom

Me: waay, enta wain rab3ik?

Abdullah: haha kilhum 7daraw beyoon bilail

Me: aha

I got up.. 7ady kint mit3asraa

Abdullah: shda3wa yuba g3day kint ga3ed atghashmar ma3ach!

Me: la baroo7 foug

I went up stairs and laid on my bed..

I started crying..

OMG SHFEENYY BASNY BACHY!!!! I think I’m pmsing..

I contemplated whether to tell aziz about 6alal.. or just let it go..

Well I ignored 6alal earlier today and he almost chocked me to death.. madry shbesawy al7een?

I don’t know If I should send him a message and tell him to get a life..


Way 7aram abdullah ga3ed bro7a ta7at..

I decided to go down stairs o a3adel mazajy mala da3y a6ale3 7arrety fee

Abdullah saw me smiling

Abdullah: hala wallah

I smiled: hala feek.. sorry tawa kint mitnarfiza min shay

Abdullah: la 3adyy, ashwa shaklich ray2a al7een

Me: ee lat7aty :p

Abdullah: zain ashwaa..

We continued talking until the girls arrived..

9ar ez3aaj o 9raakh..


hala: waay yuma enzaain

hala passed out the orders and we started eating and joking around .. it was fun..

Abdulla: ha taboon ayeeb 3oody o a6rebkum eb cham ghneya?

The girls and I: eeeee :D

9ootaa wayyedddd 7iluu mashalaah!!! I love listening to him sing wallah e7aly elghnya!

He went to the duwanya to bring his 3ood..

He came back..

Abdullah: ok baghaneelikum 3umry ma fakkart feek – majeed.. madry laish hab feeha hal cham youmm

Hala: allaah a7ibhaa yallaah a6ribnaa

Abdullah started singing.. mashallah his voice amazes me every time!!

3umry ma fakart feeeek o makhaa6r flbaal 7ubk , lain galby gal abeeek o galat 3yoony a7ibaak..

he looked at me..

9irt 3indy aghla shaay.. o aghla min nafsy 3alay, malaak eb galby shireeeek ba3d ma fakart 

3umry ma fakart feeek….

Kint ashoofek min greeb ma3 jimee3 enas 3adyy.. matikhayaltik 7aabeb raye7 eb galby o 

He looked at me again with a hint of a smile…

Aaaah gimt afiz lshoofitak o at7arra jayitaak.. antithir 7uby el jdeeeedd ba3d ma fakarrt feeek..

O 3umry ma fakart feeeek..

La ta3ajab min ghalaaay ….

He looked at me again lama gal ghalaay..

mithlik e7sassy ta3ajaab o enta fee yaddak haway mihtny wela m3athaaab

Ok now he was staring at me.. I blushed madry laishh

Ya 3asaany man7irim enta ya ajmaaal esim .. ya 3asaany man7irim enta ya a7la esim latrik 
edenya wajeeek ba3d ma fakkart feeek

Lahjir el 3alam wajeeek ba3d mafakart feeek

3umry ma fakaaaart feek..”

The girls clapped o ga3deen ymd7oonaa

Ella ana ma9dooma.. it was like he was singing this song to me..

And he was looking at me as if waiting for me to say something..

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Suddenly everything changes 11

I received a message from an unknown number..

I opened it..

My. Heart. Will. Stop.

There was a picture of me and aziz holding hands..

And a note: “hmm I wonder if I should send it to abdullah? I’m sure he’s going to like what he’ll see:)”

My heart started racing!!




I panicked and I didn’t realize I dropped my drink..

Abdullah: shfeeech 7athftaay el drink??

I quickly hid my phone

Me: huh?

Abdullah laughed..

Abdullah: shfeech 9ayra msabaha?

Me: haa la madry 6a7 basheela

I bent down to pick it up and abdullah handed me a tissue box to clean the mess

Abdullah chuckled: 7ata cup mu 3arfa tamsika

Kilish mu wagtikk

I faked a smile and quickly went up stairs..

I opened the door to our room.. ana o salma kinna naymeen eb hal ghurfa..

Wela ashofha minsad7a til3ab eb mobilha

I started crying..

Salma looked at mee

Salma: shfeeeech??? Kil ma ashoofich tabcheen?

Me: *sniff* shoofay

I gave her my phone

Salma’s eyes popped out!!

Salma: OMG!!! Mnuuu dazzaa???

Me: maddryy wallah madryy

Salma: ma titwaqi3ain ekoon the guy ely ta7arash feech?

I stood up straight, mafakart feeha

Me: akeed! Akeed uhwa!! U heard what he told me ams!!

Salma: eee! Kalbbb!!!!! O ba3dain la7thaa.. entay shaku maska eed aziz???

Me: waay salfa 6weela.. bs 7maar shaku e9awirna o kilish ma7asaina feeeh!! Iff aby athba7a!

Salma: jleel el7ayya

Me: yarabyyy allah yaster bas! O salma pls bainy o bainich latgolen 7ag a7ad ok?

Salma: okk 7abeebty lat7ateen 9adgeeny hal ashkal bs kalam mayigdaar esawy shay!!

She hugged me and tried calming me down..

 Suddenly my phone vibrated..

I checked wela a new msg

I opened it and it says: “aby minnich shay.. saweleya o madizha. O atwaqa3 3araftay mnu ana yal ***”

Khara 3alaih!!

I showed salma the msg..

Salma: la la mu min9ija hal 7aywaan!!! Ro7ay warray hal msg 7ag aziz khal ythba7a wefikna minna!

Me: MIN9IJICH? NO WAY!! Bs salmaa arid 3alaih wela a7ger??

Salma: 7igryyy ekhasy trideen 3alaih

Me: iff 7ata madry min wain em6ali3 raqmy

Salma: guys.. they have their ways

Me: ahhh

I ignored the msg..

Dashaw hala and talah..

Hala: haa shisalfa?

Salma: rfeejtich qassib taby tga3edny wallah 7anna (pointing at me)

I was trying to act normal..

Me: ee bassich noom!

Salma: faz3a min fayer allah o tabena kilina nig3ad!

Hala: way khalas forget I asked!

We both laughed..

It wasn’t from my heart though..

Bs aby a7awil ansa elmsg! O ba6ub ba7ar o bastanis bss mayseer hal kalb ekharib 3alay kilshay!

Me: banat feekum ba7ar?

The girls: yalllaaa

It was 1 pm.. We changed into our swimming suits and headed to the beach..

Talah and salma freshaw fwa6hum o ensad7aw o they started tanning..

Hala and I nazalna el jets ..and we hit the water

Im going to have fun, and enjoy my time I wont let that a** ruin my day!

Hala and I started going in circles o en7awil en6ayi7 ba3aath!! O ga3adna n9arikh o nith7aak

Then we went and got buckets, filled them with water then poured them on talah and salma..

Kanaw eb 3alam thany kil wa7da ma3a ipod-ha o msakreen 3yoonhum..

Hala and I tiptoed to where they were o kabaina el may 3alaihum..

Talah + salma: AAAAAAAAH

Hala and I : AHAHAHAHAH!!!

Salma: yal 7ameeeer!!!! Wallah awareekum

Talah: bathba7kum!!

Ga3adt arkith o ri7t wegaft warra massanat eshalaih elly yamna.. kint minkhsha

Maskeena hala msikooha athnainat’hum..

I was laughing, o kil shway ga3da a6il

I was sitting on my knees.. suddenly I felt someone hold me from the back with one hand and cover my 
mouth with another


I started screaming bs his grip was tight enough… no one could hear my cries!!

I was pushing and trying to move but I was too weak.

I tried turning my face wela its 6alal.. THAT BASTARD!

He whispered: ta7greeny ha?

I squealed

6alal: kharra 3alaich lata7arikain!!

Qaleel el adaaab akrahaaaaaa, i bit his hand

6alal: ana awareechh walllah

he quickly let go of me and ran to his shalaih

The girls were looking for me..

Salma: hathy wain ra7at?

Hala: madry 3anha 7mara n7ashat o khalatnyy

Talah: emshaw enroo7 9oob el parking tlageenha minkhasha warra esayayeer

The girls went to the parking from outside the shalaih..

As soon as they disappeared I ran into the shalaih.. went up the stairs and into the bathroom..

I showered quickly.. changed into my pj and tucked my self in bed my hair wrapped in a towel.

I started crying until I fell asleep.