Sunday, March 31, 2013

Mit3eb ElGalb 13

Mit3eb’s POV:

Madry meta btit3adaaaal hal maraaa! Kilshay ga6ita eb raas hal Lucy!

Adry enha mo ga3da echathib bs Lucy 9arlha 10 sneen 3indena o 6ool 3umerha zaina mo ma3qoola tsawy kil hatha awal ma yat Noura!!!

Ya3ny etha ehya sawat shay ghala6 tgdar tgooly mala da3y tgi6ha bras Lucy!

3al3umoom mo hatha mawthoo3na, ba7jiiz thalaath tathaker 7ag Paris 7agy ana o Laila o Lamees. Etifaqt ma3a Lamees ena hathy bitkoon hadeyat qbool Laila eb kuleyat el 6ib.

I got out my phone and started looking for seats on the Emirate airways when it hit me, I didn’t ask Noura if she wanted to come or if she can come since she has to work.

Waaiih.. as2alha 3ugub ma arid min el duwaneya. Wela chena ehya mataby a9laan …..

Noura’s POV:

“Nahla 7abeebty shnu ga3da tgoleen? Ya3ny shlon kntay tkalmeena shnu taben? mnu?” gumt agi6 khai6 o khai6 many m9adga!

“Noura walla a7ibaa!! O uhwa y7ibny wayed bs Khalid kharab 3alainaa,” she said.

3umry matakhayalt enna Nahla tkalim.. many gadra a9adig!

“Shlon ta3arftaay 3alaih?” I asked.

Makint aby ekhty el wa7eeda e6ee7 min 3ainy, bs magdaar many gadraa ashofha nafs gabel!

Bas bema enha ga3da ti3teref ly lazim atfaham el mawthoo3 o ma a9eer shideeda 3alaiha.

Aby a7awel aqne3ha enha t’hid hal 6ireej..

“Tathkreen lama kint mshtarka eb dawrat ta9weer? Kan uhwa ma3ay o kina kla ng3ad ma3a ba3ath..” she said.

“O shlon ti6awar el mawthoo3?” I asked.

“Kan 3ndna project fa th6araina nakhith arqam ba3ath o shway shway… you know,” she said lowering her head.

“Shkubra? O shisma?” I asked.

“21 esma Nasser AlX,” she said.

I took a deep breath and covered my face with my hands. I honestly don’t know how to deal with this. Aby a7awel awary Nahla enna elly ga3da tsawy ghala6 bs bedon la akhleeha tgalib el salfa 3nad. UGH I don’t know how to deal with teenagers!!

“Enzain o shloon 6a7 3alaikum Khaled?” I asked.

“6ala3 rifeeeeja tikhayilayyy, o elyoom sima3ny akalma o staw3ab enna Nasser rfeeja fa 3a9ab 7aaail o hadadnyyy,” she said as the tears made their way back on her cheeks.

“Shloon? Shlon dara?” I asked. Lazim a3aref esalfa bethaab6!


Nahla’s POV:

“Nasser magdaar akalmik al7een ana bilzwara!! O my cousin elly gitlik 3anna mawjod!” I said.

“Walaaain hatha meta befiich?” he asked.

“Madryy bs ana lazim asakra al7een,” I whispered into the phone. Khaled was staring at me, its obvious he was getting suspicious.

“Nahlaa tukfain may9eer chthyy!! Kil ma kalamtich glteely lazim asakra!!” he complained.

“Ya3ny shtabeeny asawy? Ga3ed ekhiznyy ashkara 7aas ena fe shay ghala6,” I said as my heartbeats accelerated.

“Malich shighil fee shbesawy ya3ny? Mara7 eyelich o ys2ilich mnu t7acheen!!” he said.

“9adigny mat3aref Khaled!!”  I said.

Khaled… ah khaled kan msabiblyy azma b7ayaty!!! 9ayer china ukhoy bs 3ala mi9akhaa! Elly qa9ib yaby e3aref wain aroo7 o ma3a mnu o laish o o o ….

Madry mnu gayela Nahla 3ala thimitik yalla raqib kilshay tsawee!! La welly e7ir zyada enna marat egooly matroo7een amaken mu3ayana ya3ny na3aaaam shtaaabyyyy

“Ykhaaasy mayigdar esaweelich shay wana mawjood!!” he said.

“Waay faj2a khtifa madry wain raa7!!” I said looking around for a sign of Khaled.

“A7saan khal efukna, elmuhim goleeely meta bashofich?” he asked.

“Haha not anytime sooon,” I said.

“A7iiiib elly etaghalaaa, yubaa wallaa enich ghalya 3ala galby laish t3athbeeny chthy!!” he said.

I instantly smiled; I loved how he made me feel so good about myself.

“Smilaaa 3ala galbiik min el 3athab,” I said as my cheeks flushed.

“Galbik??? GALBIK??? Entay mn t7aacheen??????” I heard Khaled shout behind me.

I jumped and dropped the phone on the floor. My heart started thudding in my chest.

Shit shit shit!!!!!!

Hatha min waain 6alaaaa3!!!!

I can’t breathe!! I CAN’T BREATHE!!!!!!!

“MATA7ACHAAAAAIN??” Khaled shouted.

I felt the hot fat tears stream down my cheeks. Suddenly my vision blurred and my legs started to shake.

I leaned against the wall and started trembling. Khaled took a couple of steps forward and stood in front of me.

“Mnu elly ga3da tkalmeena?” he asked through gritted teeth.

When I didn’t answer, he bent down and picked up my phone. He looked at the screen and read the name.

“Shnu NX??” he asked. I saved Nasser under his initials.

“R-rfeejtyy,” I mumbled. It was soooo obvious that I was lying.

“Tstikhfeen damich? Shayfatny athwal jidamch??” he shouted.

In a quick motion Khaled saved Nasser’s number on his phone “many Khaled wild bo Khaled en ma 6ala3ta, hayyen!!” he said before he walked away with my mobile still in his hands.

I stared into space with my eyes wide. Its funny how your life can change in a blink of an eye.

What if I had hung up the phone when I sensed Khaled’s mysterious staring?

What if I didn’t call Nasser while I was at the gathering?

What if I can get back the last 10 minutes of my life to change my future?

I sat on the floor and started sobbing as the idea of what might happen started to sink in.

Ra7 yethba7a..

O ba3dain ra7 yethbaaa7ny

O yimkin yethbaaa7 nafsa!!!

Akhhh Nahlaaa why are you so stupid!!!!!?

Suddenly Khaled came back fuming. His face was red and his eyes were bulging out of their sockets.

“NASSER AL X??????? ETKALMEEEN NASSSERRRR AL X??????????” he shouted at the top of his lungs.

“Shnieofijd?” I mumbled, I swear I have no idea what I just said.

He walked over to me, grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

“Entay wa6yaa o mo mtrabyaa!!! Entay mo bas shwahtay sum3at el 3ayla! Entaay khalaiteeny akhser wa7id min a3aaz rab3yy!!” he said through gritted teeth. “Hayyeen ya Nahla, en ma3araft shloon arabeeech ma a6laa3 Khaled!!”


Noura’s POV:

“O bsr3aa radaait el bait Noura 7ady khayfaa madry shbeesawy hatha,” she said.

Nahla ya3ny khalesaw el shabab elly bildeera maligaitay ella rfeej hal ma6fooog!!!

“Khala9 ana atfaham ma3a Khaled layifthaa7na mu nag9een!” I said.

“Mashkora Noura a7ibich wallaah,” she said as she pulled me in for a hug.

“Nahla la7tha, 9ij enny bakalem Khaled bs hatha mo ma3nata enny basa3dech wela rathya bily sawaitee!!” I said.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

“7abeebtyy entay elly sawaiteeh ghalaa6, o Khaled mayinlaam laih 3a9aab o 9araakh! Lazim tit3alimain min hal dars o tg63een 3elaqtich eb Nasser,” I said.

Her mouth slowly formed a large “O”.

“Shfeech e6al3eeny chthy?” I asked. “E9ara7a ana matiwaqa3t’ha minich umy marabitich 3ala hal kharabee6 ya Nahla!!”

“Noura you don’t understand!!! Mo kharaabee6!!! A7iba o uhwa y7ibny!!!” she said.

“Lo 9ij e7ibich chan taqadamlich! Ya Nahla elly e7ibich mayil3ab eb galbich o ekalmich bil khash wil das!!” I said.

“Ma9adeg!!!! I thought you would understand but you’re just like the rest!!!” she said before she huffed and stormed out of the room.

Wallaa ana elly many m9adga enna my baby sister t6laa3 chthy!!!!

**I KNOWWW ITS SHORTT AND IM SOORRY!! bs wallaa bser3a ketabta o i have a quiz bacher lail7een madarastla fa ed3ooly pls :$ 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Mit3eb ElGalb 12

Dalal’s POV:

“Dalal tukfaiin riday 3alaay”

“Kalameeny tharooooryy!!!”

“Wallaa asif Dalal 3ashaany bs khanitfahaam!!”

“Daloola 7abeebtyy aby akalmich.”

I skimmed through the messages Rashid has sent me these past two days. 7adyy mitnarfiizzaa!!! Elly sawa feeeny mo shwayaaaa o magdar asaam7aa! But I still love him!!!

He gave me so much to remember! I wish there was a switch that helps me control my feelings. I wish I could forget people and the pain they had caused me in a blink of an eye….

Kil yoom edig 3alaay o lama ma arid 3alaih edizleey siteen message egooly riday 3alay bakalmich!! O walla galby y3awerny 7ail because a part of me wants to answer him and the other part wants to kill him!

Lail7een magilt 7ag ahaly enny bafil elkhi6ba, a9laan magiltlhum 3an elly sawa Rashid kilish..

I’m not even sure if I want to end this or continue..

Walla madryy shasaawyy!!!

He called for the 83938 time today, so I decided to answer.

“Aloooo??” he said.

I stayed quiet.

I missed his voice..

“Dalaal??” he asked.

I kept quiet.

“Dalal tukfain kaleemy golay ay shaayy tukfain!!” he begged.

I didn’t reply.

“Adry ennich m3a9ba 3alaay o malomich wallaa, bs Dalal tadreeen shkither a7ibiiich o maby ghairich magdar atkhayal nafsy ma3a wa7da thanya ghairich!!” he said.

“Damik et7ibnyy laish tkalim wa7da thanya winta kha6ibnyy?” I asked.

“Wallaa 7awalt ag6aa3 el3elaqa bs ehy m7ancha mo rathya tfich!!” he said.

“Min meta tkalimha a9lan?” I asked.

“Ya3nyyy…” he said.

“Min meta?” I asked again.

“9arly cham shahar,” he said.

“Et7ibha?” I asked.

“Akeed laa!!” he said.

“3ayaaal laish kalamt’ha min el bedaya?” I asked.

“Madry walla ga9 3alay blees,” he said.

“Aha, yalla ana lazim aroo7 ma3a---

“Laa7thaa Dalal tukfain aby ashoofich aby akalmich mayinfaa3 hny!!” he said.

“Madry e9eer khaiir,” I said before hung up.

I don’t know why I believe him…

Yimkin akhalee eyely o nitkalam bilmawthoo3!

I decided to call Lulu o agolaha tmurny lana bni6la3 ana ma3aha o Noura.

“Aloo, yalla ana barra,” Lulu said.

I quickly rushed out of the house and got in the car.

“Ha misti3ida 7ag el shopping therapy,” she asked.

“EEEE!!” I said. Shopping makes me feel better.

After we arrived at Salheya I called Noura.

“Ha wainich?” I asked.

“Ana eb gathering an6erkum,” she said.

We went to the restaurant and sat down in our seats.

“Yalla khana6lib 7ady yo3ana,” I said.

We ordered and started chatting.

“Magitlkum, Saro ekhtyy 7amil its official!!” Lulu chirped.

“7ilfayyy mabroook!!!” I said.

“Mabrooook allaah ysahel 3alaihaa yarab!” Noura said.

“Ameeen wil faal lich Nouro,” Lulu said with a wink.

“O laish matgolely el fal lich ba3ad?” I asked with one eyebrow raised.

“Laih tizawajtayy agoolich!!” Lulu said.

“3ala 6aryy el zawaj, shloon Mit3eb o how’s the married life?” I asked Noura.

“Walla zaain, kilshay tamam el7imdlaa!” she said with a smile.

“Basss??? Tiwaqa3tich tishta6ain akthaar,” Lulu said.

“Ba3ad shtaabeeny agool??” Noura snapped.

Shda3wa chthy 3a9ebat..

“Nouroo goleelina el 9iij mirta7a ma3a Mit3eb?” Lulu asked.

“Haww eee,” Noura said playing with the spoon.

“Akeeed?” I asked.

“Eee el7imdla, enzaaiin Lulu entay meta nawyaa titzawijain ballah?” Noura asked.

“Wallaa madryy ga3deen edawrooly wa7id akh6iba.. ya3ny mashallahh shayfa kilyoom wa7id e6ig bab baitna?” Lulu asked sarcastically.

“3aaan el 3ayaraa shkither ytqadimolich bas entay kila tarftheen laish?” I asked.

“Bas tawny 9gheera,” she said.

“7abeeebty 3umrich 24 o ba3ad cham shahar bt9eren 25 latg9een 3ala 3umrich wtgolen enich 9gheera,” I said.

“Madry meta ma allah ketab e9eer khair,” Lulu said. Madry shfeeha hal bnaya shayla fikrat el zawaj min bahla.

Noura’s mobile started ringing so she answered.

“Aloo, hala Mit3eb, tawna ga3deen, yabeelina ba3ad shwaya, haw makhalsnaa, ok ok ok!!” she said before she hung up.

“Shfeech?” I asked.

“Mit3eb yabeny arid al7een,” she said.

“Hawww?” I said.

“Yalla byee,” she said as she quickly left the restaurant.

Noura POV:

Waaaay madry shfee Mit3eb 9ayer mayinta7acha hal yoomain!!!! Kila m3a9iiib o mala khilg shay :)

“Elyoom baroo7 el duwaneya o abeech tsaweely shay awadee ma3ay,” he said as I came in.

“Hatha elshay elmuhim elly khalaitny arid 3ashana?” I asked.

“Eee,” he said playing with his phone.

I balled up my fists, ENARFIZ.

“Mit3eb laisssssh khalaitny ariiiid bas 3ashan tgooly hal kilmitain????” I asked.

“Lana abech tsawena al7een,” he said.

Allahuma 6awilch ya rooo7

“Shnu tabeeny asaweelik?” I asked.

“Shdarany?? Entay adra eb halsuwalif, ana banam aby kilshay ekhali9 3al sa3a 7,” he said and went to the bedroom.

Mu min9ija!! 7eta madry etha yaby 7ilu wela mali7!!

I decided I would bake a chocolate cake o a6libla sandwiches.

I prepared all the ingredients and started baking; after I finished I placed the cake batter in the oven and asked Lucy to wait for the cake while I take a bath.

Awal ma6ala3t min el 7amam wela ashof Mit3eb jidamy.

“Khalastay el akil?” he asked.

“7a6ait el cake bil firn shway wtkhalis,” I said.

He walked past me and entered the bathroom.

Madry shfee 9ayer nafseya chthy!!

Nadait Lucy 3shan as2alha 3an el cake.

“Did the cake finish?” I asked.

“Ee o kila 7araag,” she said.

I widened my eyes. “SHNU?”

“Ana rooh ta7at digeega hatha cake 7arrag ana shnu ysawyy?” she complained.

“Luucccyyyyyy I asked you to do one thing now sir will kill me!!!” I said freaking out.

I looked at the time it was 6:15 o uhwa 7 eb yi6la3 :’(

I quickly called Opera and asked if they had a cake that is ready for pick up and thankfully they did. I sent the driver to buy it.

I dragged myself to the room to tell Mit3eb what happened. I can feel the sweat beads prickling on my forehead.

T3arfoon lama min el khar3a tsm3oon nabth eb raskum? Shu3oor ghareeb bs hathy 7alty al7een!!

“Umm Mit3eb,” I said.

“Hmm,” he said looking at his phone.

“El cake elly sawait’ha 7targat,” I stuttered, I swear I can feel my legs wobble and my palms begin to sweat.

He turned around and looked at me with wide eyes.

“Sawait kilshay bs gilt 7ag Lucy tshofha wehya bil firin o 6ala3t’ha mit2akher fa 7targat,” I said quickly. My heartbeats accelerated with every word that escaped my mouth.

He will kill me. I can feel it.

The way he’s looking at me, the rage dancing like flames in his eyes made my heart almost jump out of my chest.

“Tadreen shlon? Entay mo kafu a7ad ewa9ech 3ala shay,” he whispered through clenched teeth before he stormed out of the room.

My legs gave in and couldn’t carry me anymore so I sat down on the bed. I was staring at the door where Mit3eb just left, not believing what I just heard him say.

He’s kidding right?

He MUST be joking!!!!

I waited for a couple of seconds till my heartbeats slowed down and grabbed my phone. I tried to punch in Mit3eb’s phone number but it was hard with my hands trembling.

He didn’t answer. I called again and now he switched his phone off.

I grabbed the pillow next to me and shoved my face into it and screamed at the top of my lungs.


My phone’s ringtone interrupted my screaming. I grabbed my phone hoping it was Mit3eb but to my disappointment it was only Nahla, my sister.

I ignored her, maly khilg 7anat’ha.

She kept calling me so I decided to answer.

“ALO!!” I shouted at the phone.

“Noura pleasseeee ta3alay el bait,” she said her voice trembling from the tears.

“Nahla shfeeech?? Umy feeha shaaay?” I asked, worry painting my voice.

“Laa bas *sniff* ta3alaay I’m in trouble,” she said before she sobbed into the phone.

“Nahla 7abeebty hadaay shfeech fahmeeny shisalfaa??” I asked.

“Ta3aleelyy pleasee Noura *sniff* I need you!!” she said.

“Ok okkk al7eeen ayelich!!” I said as I quickly changed and left the house.

I entered my house and headed straight to Nahla’s room. She was curled up on her bed and sobbing.

“Nahla shfeeech?” I asked as I rushed to sit next to her.

“Kh-khalid,” she said.

“Mnu Khalid??” I asked.

“Wild 3amity,” she said.

“Shfeeee?” I asked.

“Chaknyy akalim wa7id,” she said covering her face.

It was like someone slapped me right on the face.

Nahla ekhty, tkalim??!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mit3eb ElGalb 11

I rushed to Dalal’s house to see what was going on.

“Ha shesalfa,” I said as soon as I entered Dalal’s room.

I saw Dalal sleeping on her bed and Lulu sitting on the couch staring into space.

“Ta3alay,” Lulu grabbed my arm and pulled me to Dalal’s walk-in closet.

“Shfeekum ga3da tkhar3eeny!!” I said.

“Dalool ga3da tabchy min el9ub7 tawha 6akhat o namat,” Lulu said.

“Shfeeha shisalfa?” I asked.

“Rashid,” Lulu said and lowered her head.

“Shfeee?” I asked.

“6ala3 ykhoonha,” she whispered.

“Shdaraakum?” I said with my eyes wide.

“Yatlaha eldawam,” she said.

“SHNU?? METAA?” I said a little too loud.

“Ga9ray 7isiich,” Lulu ordered. “Elyoom!!”

“Ya3ny elly Rashid ekalimha…. Marat Dalol dawamha?” I asked, incredulous.

“EEEE!!!” Lulu hissed.

I widened my eyes. I can’t believe this!!

“Shgalatlaha??” I asked.

“Kilshay!! Enha tkalim Rashid minziman.. o uhwa galaha enna byakh6bha bs kha6ab Dalal fa hatheech m3a9ba o yaya tgolaha wakhray 3anna o min hal kalam,” Lulu said.


“Eee o Dalol mo msadga tgool kilish makan mbayen 3ala Rashid enna ykalim wa7da thanya!!” Lulu said.

“Enzain ehya ta2akedat min Rashid kalimtaa??? Akhaaf hatheech ga9a 3alaihaaa bs taby tfareg bainhum!” I said, hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

“Kalimta o ma nikar shay bs gaal enna uhwa y7ib Dalal o yabeehaa o misti3id yig6a---


We both turned around to see Dalal leaning on the door. Her eyes looked tired from all the crying and her face was pale.

“Hii,” she greeted in a weak voice. She walked over to me and gave me a hug. “El7imdla 3al salama.”

She was smiling but it wasn’t enough to hide her pain.

“Allaah ysalmichh, ha shlonich al7een?” I asked.

She stared into space as small teardrops made their way down her cheeks. I hugged her, “7abeebty Dalal latabcheeen.”

She continued sobbing and gasping for air, it broke my heart.

“Ta3awithay min blees Dalal walla mayistaahil tabcheen 3alaih,” Lulu said.

“Shlon mayistaahil?? Tikhayilay faj2a takhsreen shakhs kintay tkalmeena 24 sa3a?? Shlon matabeeny az3al!!” Dalal said between her sobs.

“Adryy but he doesn’t deserve you!!! Enshallah beyeelich elly a7san minna!!” I said.

“Noura 7asasny enny elbint elwa7eedda bil3alam! Kan egooly enna y7ibny o layumkin e7ib a7ad kithry!!! O 3ugub ma 7abaita an9idim enna kalama kila chithb!!!” Dalal said.

She covered her face with her hands and sobbed silently. Lulu and I looked at each other, we want to do something to help her but we don’t know what to do!!

“Mo awal marra t9eer feeny, kil mayakh6ibny wa7id wat3alaag fee yi6la3 fee 3aib akbar min elly gabla.. I don’t deserve this wallaa,” she said.

“Wallaa maataadreen shilkheera feee!! Entay bas ed3ay rabich enna eyelich wa7id a7saan min el baajy,” I said.

“Ana feeny shay? Ana feeny 3aib laish bas ana elly e9eer feeny chthyy?” Dalal asked no one in particular.

“Dalal latgooleen hal kalaam walla mo zain!! Bil3aax entay alf wa7id yitmanaach o yabakhaat elly bit9ereen min ni9eeba!!” I said.

“O ba3dain mo entay awal wa7da wala akher wa7da y9eer feeha chthyy!! Dalal ashwanich daraitay al7een wala ennich tin9admaain fee 3ugub matamlichoon!!” Lulu said.

“Eee walla el7imdla, wayy bas maby atzawaaj,” Dalal said.

“Dalal matathiqeeen eb rabich??? Mu wathqa enna rabiich eb yistijeeb du3aa2ich? Laish tgoleen hal kalaam wentay tadreen ena eldu3a2 eghayer kilshay!” I said.

“Eee walla Dalool e7na kilna eb nad3eelich o ham entay lazim tad3een,” Lulu said.

“Enshallahh..” Dalal said.

We continued trying to cheer her up and finally we got her to laugh. I got a call from Mit3eb ordering me to come home so I did.


I woke up the next morning and made Mit3eb some breakfast.

Madry shimga3idny mbacheer elyoom akher yoom ejazaa!!!

I started organizing my apartment and listing the things I need to buy since Mit3eb and I are going furniture shopping sometime this week.

I went to the laundry room to iron Mit3eb’s shirt. 7ada shu3oor ghareeb ena I’m ironing his clothes o sawaitla reyoog…

Enarfiiz el qamees kil ma kowayt side ta3afas el side elthany!!! I decided to call Lucy khadamat khalty Sharif abs galatly agdar anadeeha etha 7tajt ay shay..

“Lucy please iron this,” I gave her the shirt.

She looked at me from head to toe and then snatched the shirt from my hand.


I left the laundry room to see Mit3eb wandering in the living room.

“9abaa7 el khaair!” I said.

“9aba7 elnoor,” he said.

“Tara elryoog bil ma6bakh,” I said.

“La mabyy,” he said.

“Laish?” I asked.

“Bas mu msht’hy,” he said.

Wana faz3a min el9ub7 a6baakhla :’)


“Kowaitay qamee9y?” he asked.

“Uhh eee al7een ayeeba lik,” I said rushing to the laundry room.

“Lucy did you finish?” I asked before entering.

Mawa3ait ella hally tmur yaamy o ti6laa3 min el ghurfa… enshalaa mata7ger ya3ny!! Ok ba6awefhaa lanha mara kibeera o minziman 3indhum!

I took the shirt to Mit3eb.

“Shnu hatha?” he asked, inspecting the shirt.

“Shnu?” I looked closer to see it burned.

7regta!!!! Oo walaa ta7aachaat!!

“Shnu elly shnu?? Matshooofeeen elqamee9 ni9aa mi7tirig??” Mit3eb said his voice getting louder after each word.

“Mo ana elly msaweeta 3a6aita Lucy o ehya----

“SHNUU?? Anaa moo gaylich entaay tsaweena???” he roared.

“Eee bas—

“BASS SHNUU?????? Lama agoolich tsaween shaghla latg6eenha 3ala ghairich!” he shouted.

He threw the shirt on the bed and stormed out of the room.

MU MIN 9IIJA!!!!! 7ata mo ma36eeny majal atkalaam!!

Mit3eb’s POV:

Madry meta ebta3gel o tqader kalamy!!

Wallaa el3atheem ma 6alaabt minha shay 9a3eb!

Li haldaraja malha khilg 7ata takwy hdoomy?? Madry mshaghelha eb ma9baghaa anaa?? Kilha qamee9 wa7id!!

7araaatny yakhy!!

Banzil al7een o bashkhaal Luceyo 3ashaan etarakad mara thanya wihya takwy!

“Lucy!! Laish 7aragtaay qamee9 maly!!!” I said.

“Shnu qamees?” she asked.

“Bloza maly elly mama Noura galatlich sawy ooty,” I said.

“Ehya maku gool 7ag ana sawy ooty!” she said.


“Ana maku roo7 foog el yoom,” she said.

“Shlon entay maku roo7 foog? 3ayal mnu sawa ooty?” I asked.

“May3aref anaa ooofff ana wayed akuu suguuul,” she said and walked away.

Ma3qoolaa Noura mchathba 3alay?

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Mit3eb ElGalb 10

Noura’s POV:

Khalas shahar el 3asal o uhwa y3a9eb o ana arathyy feee…

O marat ana a3a9eb o uhwa yratheeny

Bs ham wayed astaanis ma3a lama ykoon mazaja 7iluu!!

Now, we’re back to Kuwait.

6ab3an awal shay sawaita r7t salamt 3ala omy o Nahla o 3ugub ri7na bait 7amoolty.

“El7imdlaa 3al salamaa!! Taw manawerat el deeera!!” Khalty Sharifa, Mit3eb’s mother, said.

“Allaah ysalmich yalghalya walla walaht 3alaich,” Mit3eb said kissing her on the forehead.

“7abeebyy, shloon el safra 3asa stanastaaw?” she asked.

“Eee walla el7imdla khoosh safra,” I said.

“El7imdla aham shaay stanastaaw,” she said.

We continued talking about random stuff. I noticed Mit3eb becomes another person around his mother.

He’s so loving and caring o kil shway e7ibha 3ala ras’ha. Don’t get me wrong I don’t have anything against him being so loving towards his mother. Bil3aax hatha shay wayed zain bs makint adryy ena 3inda elside el 7anoon.

“Ha shloon el soog eb Rome?” Lamees, Mit3eb’s 20-year-old sister, asked.

“Walla eyaanin bs Mit3eb allah y7aftha makhalany atsawaag!!!” I said.

“Waaay 3ad hatha akthar ensan yikrah esoog!! 7ata may7ib yitsawag 7ag nafsa!” she said.

“Eee la7atht! Thak elyoom khalany atsawag o galy shar6 edawreely shay ma3ach o uhwa ga3ad ma ya ma3ay,” I said.

“Eee hathy suwalfa,” Lamees said while giggling.

“3ad sharayteely shaay?” Layla, Mit3eb’s 18-year-old sister, asked.

“Haha eee mashallah 3alaich entay kilish mawa9aiteeny ayeblich shay gabil la asafer,” I said.

“Haha ee tadreen fashla awa9eech o entay tawich 3aroos bs elmuhim yalla wain ashyaa2y?” she asked with a grin.

“Yuma minich, foog eb shiqity etha 9a3adt a6arishlich eyahum,” I said.

“Laykoon ana mayibteely shay lany mawa9aitich?” Lamees gasped.

“Haha laa 3ad kilish wala Lamees ma ansaha,” I said.

Thank God I remembered to buy her something last minute.

“Lameees! Lailoo chinkum ga3deen et2athoon murty!!!” Mit3eb faked an angry voice.

I don’t know about you guys but I almost melted when I heard him say that. Tewaqa3t mara7 ya36eeny wayh aw bekon wayed rasmy ma3ay jidam ahala bs ashwa enny ghal6anaa!!! *happy dance*

“A9lan ga3deen enwanis’ha maskeena mit7amlitik msafra ma3aak shahar!” Laila said.

“6eeray zaain min gadha a9lan,” he said.

“Waaay enta lail7een thiqa? Ana bafhaam minu ga9 3alaik o gaylik enna kilmen mayit 3alaaik??” she said.

Abaaaih Laila shloon etkalmaa chthy!!!! :O

Akeeeed ebyithba7ha al7eeeen!!!!

Wallaa galby gam yergaa3 ekhtaraa3t!!!

“Hahaha yahel sh3arefiich??” he said while chuckling.

I widened my eyes.. mo m9adga elly ga3ed e9eer

“Ma7aaaad yahel badish el jaam3a!!” Laila said.

“Baaaih warach daarb maskeena,” Mit3eb said.

“Wee baskum entaw lail7een hathy suwalifkum, 3al aqal mo jedam libnaya,” Khalty Sharifa said looking at me.

“Ana maly shighil uhwa kila yet7araash feeny!!! Abaaaih magitlik tadryy enny enqabaalt eb 6ib!!!” she said with a grin on her face.

“Wallaa?? Maaabroooook!!!! Gitliiich gad’haa!!” he said as he gave her a hug.

Ya jema3a hatha Mit3eb elly kan ma3ay bil safra wela ana rada ma3a wa7id thanyy!!!!????

“Allaah ybarik feek walla lail7een mo m9adga!!” Laila said.

“O laish tawich tit7achaain?? Yalla goleely shnu tabeen ayeeblich eb hal munasaba el7ilwa?” he asked.

“Many m9adga Mit3eb beyeebly hadeya? Lo adry chan kilyoom gitlik eny enqibalt eb 6ib haha! 3endy lista foug o kilikum ra7 tyeebooly shay minha,” she said with a grin.

“Mabroook Laiilaa allah ywafgich yaraab,” I said.

“Allaah ybarik feech ameeen,” she said.

“Yallaa 3an ethinkum baroo7 afich lijnaa6,” I said as I got up.

“Naaa6ra 9oghty,” Laila said.

“Haha okk,” I said.

I have to be honest; I was a little scared of starting my life with Mit3eb.  Eb shahar el 3asal kan el wath3 china 7ilm bs al7eeen 9ar el wath3 9iij!! I have to run this household ana mas2oola 3an kilshay!! This thought sent a chill down my spine but I’m sure I can do it!!

I opened our bags and took out all the dirty clothes and put them in the laundry room.  I gathered all the gifts I bought Laila and Lamees and put them aside. After that I organized everything and by the time I was done I felt exhausted!!

I took a shower; blow dried my hair, and sat down on my new bed.

Tonight Mit3eb and I will share one room …

“Haa khalastaay?” Mit3eb asked as he walked into the room.

I jumped, bismilla meta yaa! O 3umra 6weel mashallah

“Eee o al7een bartaa7,” I said, smiling.

Atmana yefham el naghza o may6arishnyy

“Ya36eech el 3afyaa,” he said with a smile.

I still can’t believe that this person standing in front of me is the Mit3eb I know.

“Allah y3afeek,” I said.

“Ha ma walahtay 3ala nafoortich el maleeqa?” he asked.

“Haha emballa et9adig..” I said.

“3assa elshay elly temanaiteeh 9ar?” he asked.

“Hmm la lail7een..” I said.

I actually wished for Mit3eb to start treating me better…

“6aa3 hathy!! O entay mitwaq3aa ena tit7aqaq omneetich mathalaan lanich 7athaftay euro eb nafoora??? Walla ga9een 3alaich hahah,” he chuckled.

“Laiiiiish tis2aal 3ayaal???” I asked.

“Matiqa3t hatha radiich e9ara7aa!” he said.

3a6aitaa nathraat elly ya milqiiik

I leaned on the bed’s headboard and closed my eyes, suddenly I felt Mit3eb place his head on my lap.

Kint sh3ara o adiza .. madryy shfeeeny kil shay ysawy Mit3eb ga3ed ekhari3ny!!

“Umy wayed mistansa 3alaichh,” he said staring at the ceiling.

“9ij? Allaah ytamim!!” I said with a grin.

“Eee wayed mdi7tiich shda3waa 3aad!” he said.

I smacked him lightly on the shoulder, “matinlaam el9ara7aa.”

He chuckled, “eb hathy 9edagtay.”

I blushed.

“Noura, wedy asawy shaay 7ag Laila ya3ny tadreen bemunasabat qboolha,” he said.

“Eee walla tistaahil shnu mfaker tsawy?” I asked.

“Madryy abeech tfakreen ma3ay bs 9ij tistahil Lailo wayed fakhoor feeha ana,” he said.

Waay eshawiigg…

I slowly stroked his hair, “taby tishtreelaha hadeya? Wela e6ali3ha t3asheeha aw tghadeeha eb ma63am?”

“T’hagain tistanis?” he asked.

“Ya3ny madry ma3arefha kithrek enta shnu t7is shay ewanis’ha?” I asked.

“Ehy minzman wedha tsafer t’hagain awadeeha Dubai cham yoom dam lail7een ma beda dawamha?” he asked.

“Eeee walla khosh fikraa!!” I said.

I felt my phone vibrate next to me. I checked to see who was calling to see Dalal’s name on the screen. 9adgeeeeny badig 3alaich ba3dain ana wain a7a9el Mit3eb eb hal mood el 7ilu

“Eee bafaji2ha,” he said.

Kan 7adaa mishtaaa6 o 7ada yshaawiig!! I never knew this side of his personality he’s the sweetest person!!!

“3ad entaay mo tro7een tgoleelaha adry feekum 7areem matkhishoon shay!” he said.

“Wayed 6ay7een min 3ainik el7areeem!” I said.

“Walla magilt ella el9iij!” he said.

My phone vibrated again, I checked to find 3 missed calls from Dalal and 2 from Lulu.  Haw shsalfat’hum?

“La7tha Mit3eb bs bakalim Lulu daga 3alaay wayed,” I said as I dialed her number.

“Aloo,” Lulu whispered into the phone.

“Halaa Lulu shfeeccch khara3teeny??” I asked.

“Noura ta3alay bait Dalol al7een,” she said, still whispering.

“Haw shfeekum?” I asked.

“Dalaal…” she paused for a second, “ta3alaaay entay o afahmich kilshay!!”