Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Give fate a chance 40 (LAST POST)

***This post is dedicated to all my beautiful readers, jad you guys are amazing!!! I love each and every one of you, and I hope you enjoy this last post. Sam7ooony 3ala lig9oor;***


Good things always find their way out of your life when you least expect it. with out any warnings, they just disappear. As much as you cry, as much as your heart breaks into a million tiny pieces, they just never come back.

“Mmm.” Wahab mumbled.

I swear my heart skipped a beat. I hit him hard on his shoulders. Wahab shot up, “Haa ha shisalfa?” he said as he tried to keep his eyes open.

“LAIIISHHHH LAISHH ETSAWYYY CHITHYYY KHARA3TNYYYY WAIII3 WAIIII3 WALLAA BAGHAIT AMOOOT!!!” I shouted at the top of my lungs as the tears fell down my cheeks.

He looked at me with narrowed eyes, he was confused.

“Lama?” He said as he scratched his eyes.

I wrapped him in my arms in a huge hug, I thought I lost him. At first he was stiff, then he hugged back.

“Adry ennnich walahtay 3alay bs shway shway,” He chuckled in his sleepy voice.

“Enta nomik thigeel wela shsalfitik? 3ayazt o ana aga3dek mu rathy etgoom khara3tny wallaah.” Just the thought of loosing him brought me to tears.

He smiled at me and pulled me closer to him. He made me sit on his lap and hugged me from the back and showered my shoulder with kisses. “Asif enny khara3tich, bs ams magedart anam fa khathait sleeping pills. O 3ad sina 3ala ma agoom etha khathait’hum.”

I turned around to face him, “Latsaweeha mara thanya wela athbi7ik!!” I warned.

“Hahaha, enshallah 3amity”

“Iff galby lail7een yirgaa3!” I punched him lightly on his shoulder.

“A777!!!” he said moving his shoulder away from my flailing hand.

“3ashan et3arif eshloon etkhari3ny!!”

“9ij ra7 etkhafeen ya3ny etha mit?” he grinned eager to hear my answer.

“La et9adig basawy 7afla, ya3y shrayik!!!!” I huffed.

“Hahahaha 3asa yomy gabil yoomich.” He whispered into my ear.

I felt a chill run down my spine, I don’t want to think about that.

“Please khanghayer el mawthoo3, o tara kilman ta7at yalla badil.”

“Yalla ok.”

I got up and he did the same. I turned around, o yalaitny ma lafiat. All he wore was boxers. His tanned skin and his masculine body, is just wow.

“HAHAHAHA mu chithy etan7oon ya bnaya.” He laughed.

"Ha? Shaku matana7t." I quickly ran out of the room my face turning all shades of red.

I waited for him to change and then we went down stairs.

"Wee nesaainakum 6awaltaww!" khalty Nawal whispered to me as I sat down next to her.

"Haha wildich yanany 3ala ma gam." I smiled.

"Ee Wahab noma thigeel allah y7aftha."


At 8 pm everyone left the shalaih keeping it for Wahab and I.

"Tabeen nig3ad 3al ba7ar?" Wahab offered.

"Eee yalla."

We went outside and sat on the beach. It was a beautiful moonlit night. The wind played with the strands of my hair lighlty blowing it in every direction. The sound of the waves calmed all my nerves leaving me in a state of serenity.

Wahab sat down in front of me and grinned.

"Shfeek e6ali3ny chthy??" I smiled.

"Murty o kaify!!!" he grinned.

I felt my cheeks turn red. I smiled and lowered my head.

"Ya 7alat elly yisti7oon" he came closer to me. He wrapped one hand around my back and and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Shrayech enroo7 Los Angeles." he offered.

"Haha faj2a?"

"Laa ya3ny eb shahar el 3asal." he said then pecked my shoulder with kisses.

Y3ny ballah shlon baraakiz chthy :(

"Ee o ham khanroo7 Santorini, Greece. 7ad'ha etyanin!!" I said as I grabbed my phone. I looked through the pictures on my phone until I landed on a familiar picture of the beautiful blue ocean and exquisite white buildings with swimming pools.

"Shoof e9oora 7ilwa 9aa7??" I asked.

"Mhmm." he didn't even look at my phone he was busy playing with my hair.

"Wahaab shooof!" I urged.

"Ee walla 7ilwa khala9 afa 3alaich enroo7." he grinned.


"O ba3ad wain enroo7?" i turned around to face him, so he's not distracted by my hair.

"Hmm madry tabeen London?" he chuckled.

"Laaa tawna ray7een!"

"Ok khanro7 Australia walla kha6eera wa7id min erabi3 gabel ams rad. Fee ghoo9 shighil 3adil o en7adig hnak 3al ra7aa." he looked too excited.

"Laa enroo7 shahar el3asal 3ashan tghoo9??"

"Ya3ny ensawy ashya thanya ba3ad, naby adventures mu kila soog!!"

"Hmm ok bs lazim atsawag shwayy." I flashed him a toothy smile.

"Eee, agdar agool la ana?" he raised one eyebrow and smiled.

Aah, his smile takes me to a whole new planet.

"Akeed la." I winked.

He grabbed my face and stared deep into my eyes. His eyes were so intense, I never saw him like this. He kept staring into my eyes, for a second I thought he wanted to kiss me.

"9adigg enny feek mughram, feek! Wil7ayyat aish el 7ayat ella mishahad nathiraik?" Wahab hummed. "Kil galbin lah 7abeeba o enta ma7booby, o tadry min 3yonik 9a3ib tasrigny siwaleef el bashar. O ana enithar o enta li3yoony enithar."

He planted a kiss on my cheek.

My palms started to sweat and my face became hot. I backed away,

"Hmm, meta ra7 ensawy el 3irs." I have to change the subject.

"Meta ma allah ketab." he was not concentrating with what I had to say. :O

"La min9ijyy."

"Madry ba3ad shahar enshallah." he grabbed my hand and played with my fingers. "Hatha loon e7i6ona allah yhadach?" he smiled.

"Ee 7iluu!!" I stared at my ombre-orange nails.

"Enzain laish kil thifir loon?" he asked as he inspected my nails.

"Bas chthyy.."

"Shrayich nishtiry bait 3al ba7ar, o nabny fee 12 rooms 7ag kil wa7id min 3yalna. O kil dar etkoon 3ala theme mo3ayyan, ya3ny mathalan wa7da 3ala princess, bs hathy 7ag libnaya elly tishbihich bas." He grinned.

"You had me at 12 rooms. Taby thna3ash yahil???" I widened my eyes.

"Ee 7alata el bait yintiris yahal."

"Ana agool eshtarlik 7athana a7saan shnu thana3ash yahil? Sh3ind cheaper by the dozen!!"

"HAHAHA! Khalas khalas yuba cham yahel tabeen?"

"Madry wa7id aw athain?" I smiled.

"La walla? La aqal shayy khamsa." he said in a stern voice.

"Hmm e9eer khair lets worry about this later."

I turned around and faced the ocean again. It was beautiful, just like the person sitting next to me. I don't want this to last, I never want him to leave my side.

Just a few months ago, I was a girl living a plain boring life. Now, Im married to the most wonderful man in this world. Grateful can't begin to describe how I feel. I hope this smile stays plastered on my face and Wahab's forever.

Life works in mysterious ways and all you have to do is give it a chance. Give it a chance to show you a brighter day and to make all your sadness melt away.

Dont ever take anything for granted and love people for who they are. Looks and money fade, but the personality stays forever. This, is a lesson I learned the hard way.

You will not always be happy, and you wont always be sad. Life will twist and turn, but in the end, you will be surrounded with everything you wish for.

Just give fate a chance, and you'll see. ;)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Give fate a chance 39

"Lama, walla esalfa maleeqa o kilish mayiswa eny agolhaa, khani6la3." Wahab grinned. 

I narrowed my eyes as I stared into his. "Wahab, we don't have all night. Golyy shlon et3arefha!" 

"Ok ok lat3a9been." he said playfully. 

I stayed quiet waiting for him to speak already!!

"Lama et9adgeen, binthayi3 wagt 3al f---" 

"WAHAB GA3ID TA7RIG A39ABY!!" I yelled. 

"Hahah ok ok khala9!" he raised his hands in defense. "Kil 9aif enroo7 Montreux eb Switzerland. 3indina bait ehnak, o ham fe wayed 3awayel Kuwaiteyen eyoon o kilna en3arif ba3ath." 

He smiled then continued, "Fa 3araft Shaikha min hnaak." he shrugged. 

I raised my eyebrows waiting for more, but he stayed quiet smiling like an idiot. "Bas?" I furrowed my eyebrows in disappointment. 

"Ee." he grinned again. He was nervous, he was trying to avoid this conversation. Allah yaster bas, madrey shimsawy!

"Wahab adry enna fe salfa wara haly ga3da etsawy Shaikha! I'm sure there's more to the story yalla gool please!!" I urged. 

"Ok Lama bagool bs mu et3a9been!! Walla maly khilg mashakil madry min wain e6la3atly hathy ba3ad!" he complained. 

"Mara7 a3a9ib." I was growing impatient. 

I heard a couple of knocks on the door and then saw Hessa's (Wahab's sister) head peak in.

"Uhm, can I come in?" she smiled sheepishly. 

"Eee 7ayyaach afa 3alaich bas." Wahab grinned as he got up from the couch. 

Hessa turned around, "kahum ligait'hum, they're all yours." she smiled at the photographer behind her. 

I stood up. 

"Aywa bu9u danna 3awza kam 9oora lilmi3ris wil 3aroos ma3a ba3thd kida." she winked at us. "ta3alaw ma3aya lil photoshoot." 

I grabbed Wahab's shoulder and whispered in his ear, "this is not over." 

He looked at me nervously. 

I wore my heels again, and followed them out of the room. I can feel fire igniting inside me. Its like whenever I'm finally happy with my life it decides to throw rocks at me. 

"Yalla ya 7abeebchy emsiky edu o wareeny ebtesamtik el7ilwa." the photographer smiled. 

I gave the camera my best fake smile. 

"Hahah matisti7eesh emsiky edu." 

Oh believe me I'm not shy, I'm just annoyed . :) 

He grabbed my hand and grinned for the camera. Why is he doing this? :'( 

The photographer came up to me and position my head so its angled in a certain way. "Laa estany emsiky edo lat'hideeha." 

(Excuse my failed attempt at speaking in an Egyptian accent x_x) 

Ya 9aber ayooooob!! 

She took some more pictures. With every snap I feel my heart race even faster. I want to know the story behind Wahab and Shaikha, NOW. 

"Ok china wayed 9awarna ahaha." I attempted to drop a hint. 

Wahab's eyes darted right and left as if searching for an escape. 

"Khalas 3ala ra7etku, manrookeen." the photographer smiled in content. 

"Mashkoora maga9artay." I smiled back. 

Wahab ana I went back to the room so I can change, but thats not the only thing that'll happen. 

"Wahab 3ashany get straight to the point." I begged this time. 

"Ok mithel magilt ehya kanat ma3ana eb Montreux. Minzimaan kil sina eyoon." he stopped. 

"Shnu? Laish wagaft?" I asked in confusion. 

"La bas aby aratib afkary." Wahab said witha serious tone. 

Yaraby, bashig ehdoomy ana!! 

"Hahaha, ahahahahaha, HAHAHAHAHAH." I started laughing hysterically. At least its better than punching him. 

"Yanaitay entayy?" Wahab asked with wide eyes. 

"Ee wallah yanantny!!" 

"La 7awla wala quwata ella belaah! Shofayy 3a9abtay gabel la agoolich esalfa!!" He scoffed. 

"Maby muqademaat bs goly sh3arefek feeha! You obviously know alot about her etha ehya "kila chithy" 3ala goltik" I quoted him. 

"Kanat Hessa kila eta7al6am 3anha, ana shakh9eyan makint a3arefha bs asma3 Hessa eta7al6am. Etsawy 7arakat madry shlon gayla." 

"Shloon ya3ny?" Oh now I'm interested.

"Ya3ny kila mit'hawsha ma3a elbanat o etidala3 jedam li9bayyan ya3ny hasuwalif. 3ad marra kint ana ga3ed bl7adeeqa ashof filim 3al laptop. Faj2a tyeeny hathy o tig3ad etsoolif. 6awaft'ha awal marra bs ba3dain gamat etzeed." 

I lowered my head and stared at my hands. This is not the Shaikha I knew, it couldn't be. She was kind and sweet and caring. She doesn't fight with girls or flirt with guys. Confusion masked my face. 

"I never knew she was your friend." Wahab stated. 

I felt his fingers crawl until they found mine. He caressed my hand and wrapped it in his. He lifted my hand to his lips and planted kisses up and down my arm. I slowly removed my hand. 

"Bas, y3ny mabainkum shay?" I asked as my heart raced, please say no. 

Wahab's face twisted into an expression I cant quite place a finger on. This is not good. Oh God please no. I felt the blood gushing through my organs. 

"Y3ny tgdreen etgoolen laa." 

I exhaled loudly. I haven't realized that I held my breath waiting for his answer. 

"Explain please quickly and painlessly." I can almost hear my heart beats thudding in my ear.

"Lat3a9been 3ashany!!" He warned. 


"3ugub hal safra ymkin kanat min thalath sneen, radaina li Kuwait o bas ma7ad yadry 3an ethany. O maraw madry cham shahar faj2a wela etyeely umy witgoly mu nawy etizawaj o min hal kalam. Fa galatly 3an Shaikha o qa9ub aroo7 akh6ibha." 

I placed my hand over my mouth that was hung open. A gasp escaped my throat. I remembered that night. I rememebr it vividly. 

"Shfeech?" Wahab whispered. 

"Wala shay, kamil!" 

"Ok, omy 7anichat qa9ub akh6ibha gilt khanaroo7 ashofha o e9eer khair. 6b3an Hessa 3a9ebat lana ehya mat7ib Shaikha. Fa ri7t shft'ha ga3adt ma3aha bas yakhy walla marti7t laha o 6ool elwagt bs ga3ed an6er meta ne6la3 min bait'hum. Lil2asaf, 3ugub ma refatht estaw3abt enny kint ghal6an mafroth maroo7laha elbait o ba3dain agool mabeeha." 

"Lama you don't understand!! He didn't even give me a chance." Shaikha said through her sobs. 

"Walla uhwa elkhasraan!! E7a9ila wa7da mithlich!!" Dalia chipped in. 

"Elly e7ir enna ya laih baitna *sniff* o b3dain egol mabeeha y3ny shqa9da min hal 7araka?? Akraha akraha!!" she continued sobbing. 

"Ee walla 7arakta kilish mu7ilwa bs walla malich shighil Shaikha youre still young o alf wa7id yitmanach khaly hatha e6agag elly e6iga!!" I said. I really hated him for what he did to my friend. I didn't know who he was or that fate drove Shaikha and Wahab apart just to bring me closer to him. 

"But .. I love him." Shaikha squeaked

Wahab's voice brought me back to reality. He waved his hand in front of my face, "Lama?" 

I looked at him, "Wahab she cried for months. Sina 3ala ma she got over you, literally." 

"Adry enna elly sawaita kan ghala6, I just wanted to get my mother off my back oo a36eeha sabab muqni3 ena laish maby atzawaj Shaikha. Bs lama fakart feeha gilt ana shnu 7maar lana makint afaker bil bnaya o shlon ra7 tinjiri7. Walla asiif!!" his eyes filled with regret. 

"Laish sorry?" I'm not the one he should apologize for. 

"Because I don't want you to think that I might break your heart the way I broke hers. Amoot wala eny ashoofich tabcheen 3ala shay ana msawy feech. Walla madry shloon sawait'ha bs Lama kint magh9oob wallah!" 

"Wahab walla fahmitik! Khala9 lets put all of this behind us and actually have some fun eb milchatna." I forced a smile. 

I'm in no position to judge Wahab. Even if I were, I will never judge him. I did the same thing with Saud. I never really thought about how he felt as much as I was busy thinking about me. How could I be so selfish? 

Wahab pulled me in a rib cracking hug and whispered, "A7ibich" into my ear. 


Khalty Nawal was throwing a small gathering in her shalaih for lunch, so I had to go. 

"Yalla Lama ebnamshy." my father called out from the hallway in front of my room. 

"Shnuu???" I gasped, I'm no where near ready!! 

"Bsr3a Lama ana o umich blsayara!!" I heard his footsteps moving further away. 

It was 10:30 am, its too early. :O 

I quickly slipped into my pink Juicy sundress and let my hair fall freely on my shoulder. I wore my sunglasses as a hairband and my orange sandals. I ran to the car. 


"Lama dakhkay hal ma3oon o ana bayeeb elchees ethany." My father ordered. 

I got out of the car and stretched, the smell of the ocean raced into my nostrils. The sun rays stroked my back, it was beautiful. I carried the steaming plate into the shalaih.

The shalaih was huge with several buildings forming a "U" shape. The main building was in the middle. The road we entered through was bordered with green bushes until it separated in three different routes leading to each building. 

 As I made my way to the living room, I think, I saw Khalty Nawal talking on the phone. She spotted me and waved gesturing that I come to her. 

"Halaa 7abeebtyy ta3alaayy." She smiled. 

I walked over to her and kissed both her cheeks. 

"7abeebty, Wahab yanany mu rathy egoom ro7ay shofay ga3dee -hehe- ymkin etha sima3 9ootich egom." She winked. 

"Hahaha enshallah bas wain dara?" I asked. 

"Emshay ma3ay." 

I followed her to the kitchen so I can place the plate and then we went to Wahab's room. 

"Goleela bsr3a khal ebadil o ta3alolina ta7at." 


I knocked on the door before I entered the room. Wahab was sprawled on his bed with the sheets spread everywhere. I smiled, he looked so peaceful! When I walked closer I realized he was topless, waayy eyanin :') 

I bent down, "Wahab" I whispered in his ear. 


I patted his shoulder lightly, "Wahab?" I said a little louder. 


I shook him harder and raised my voice, "WAHAB!!" 


My palms started to sweat, laish mayrid?? 

I tickled him but he didn't move a muscle. 

"WAHAAB GOOOM!!" I shouted this time. 


My heart was beating so fast I can barely feel it. I can feel my eyes sting from the tears. 

"Wahaaab pleasee gooom!!!" 

I tried to change his postion, "WAHAB!!" I gasped. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Give fate a chance 38

“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”

He opened the car's door, and extended his hand for me to hold.

"Yalla mdalilich ana al7een etsighilay elfur9a, it won't happen again" he chuckled.

"Enta 6ayeb wana astahil" I batted my lashes at him with a smile.

"E9ara7a magdar ankir enny 6ayib bs entay tistahlain? Hmmm." he scratched his chin as if deep in thought.

I hit him lightly on his shoulder.

Wahab suddenly stiffened and balled his fists. He was looking at someone behind me.

"Wahab shfeek?" I asked.

I turned around to see a man leaning on his car with his hands crossed on his chest. I also spotted the tail of a white dress flailing with the wind but the girl was hiding behind a car.

Wahab and the guy stared at eachother for what seemed like a century. Both of them refused to lower their gazes.

"Mnu hathaa?" I asked.

"Abdulrahman" Wahab spat.

"Haww!! Shyayba hny??" I widened my eyes.

"El7aywan yayny edawam elyoom." Wahab said through clenched teeth. "Egoly latitzawaj Lama, walla lo mu 7ashemat elsharika chan thab7a"

Wahab took a step forward and the guy did the same. I stood infront of Wahab. Kilish mala da3y et9eer housha.

They looked like lions fighting for the kill.

"Wahab please mala da3y mashakil khanidkhal o ba3dain e9eer khaiir!" I tried to push him inside the house.

We made our way to the door and entered to see my mother and Khalty Nawal (Wahab's mother) waiting in the room.

"Shfeekum ta2akhartaw?" My mother asked as she fixed my hair and dress.

"Ana akhartaa" I said with a sheepish smile.

Wahab was still angry. If I look long enough, I can almost see the fire growing in his eyes.

We sat on the couch waiting for Khalty Nawal to tell us when to go downstairs. Suddenly, Shaikha came in with tissues in her hands. She was wairing a long white dress.

"Waaay Lama *sniff* ma9adeg you're married! I'm so happy for you!" she reached in for a hug.

Talk about .. Awkward?

She turned to Wahab, "Mabrook Abdulrahman." she said while whipping her tears. FAKE tears that is.

The smile on his face quickly turned into a frown. He furrowed his eyebrows in anger.

"Uhm, Shaikha esma Abdulwahab ahah." I faked that laugh :)

"Ohh. Sorry, 3abaly khathaitay Abdulrahman!!" She said feigning shock.

What is she trying to do?

I pulled her aside and whispered, "Shaikha!! Tista3bi6ain??"

"Haw shfeech, it was an honest mistake!" I can see a hint of a smirk appearing on her lips.

"La walla? Mnu y6la3 Abdulrahman ballah?" I said through gritted teeth. She is getting on my nerves.

"Madry entay kilyoom 6al3atlina eb wa7id ahaha." She said rather loudly. Very loudly.

"Shaikha? 7arakatich hathy maminha fayda! You're trying to pull the oldest trick in the book and it ---"

Khalty Nawal barged into the room, "Wahab, Lama yalla nizlaww." She looked at Shaikha then raised a questioning eyebrow.

Wahab gave Shaikha a nasty look, then extended his hand towards me, "Yalla 7abeebty" he flashed me his million dollar smile.

Walla enik tifhaam ya Wahab! Zain esawy :D

I held his hand and we walked out of the room. Suddenly, the realization hit me. I am about to walk in a room full of women and all their eyes will be on me. Well, Wahab and I.

My heart made double flips as we got closer to the room. My palms began to sweat as I tried to hold onto the small bouquet of flowers. I tried to breathe in and out and think about something else.

The huge doors opened and people started to come into view. A lot of them. I flashed a smile and kept blinking from all the camera flashes. The song "Hab elsa3ad" blasted through the speakers. I tightened my grip on Wahab's hand.

We walked slowly till we reached the kosha and sat down. My aunts and his aunts came up to us to congratulate us and take pictures. Dalia came up to us too.

“Mabroook 7abeeebty.” She exclaimed as she reached in for a hug. She turned to Wahab, “Mabrook.” She said with a smile.

“Allah ybarik feeech 7abeebty,” I said, I felt a little comfortable when I saw her.

“Allah ybarik feech” Wahab said.

Then it was time for the rings. Khalty Nawal brought us the rings in two red, very familiar, boxes.

He opened the first box and pulled out a 3 stone Solitaire Cartier ring. The same ring I tried on in London :'). He inserted the ring in my finger and it slipped in instantly.

"Ha s7aila, 3asa 7ilu el khatam??" He asked with a grin.

I giggled hysterically, madry shyany. My brain literally shuts off when I'm nervous.

I opened the second box to find a silver ring. I pulled it out and slipped it in his finger.  

"Shfeech? Laish edich tarjif??" Wahab asked.

"Madryyy." I said, I honestly dont know why I'm this nervous.

I tried to distract myself so I turned my attention to the women dancing. There was his sister, mother, and aunts. Wait, what is Shaikha doing on the dance floor?

Urgghh!!!! I clenched my jaw and my nostrils flared. Why is she doing this??

Shaku targis o Wahab mawjood shakuuu???

I shifted my gaze to Dalia to see her gawking at Shaikha too with her jaw dropped.

Wahab looked at me, sensing my sudden mood swing. He moved his gaze to the dance floor, saw Shaikha, and then realized why Im angry.

"Lama, yany Abdulrahman Elyoom el9ub7, warany 9waar conversations bainich o baina." Wahab whispered.

I gasped, "Laykoon 9adagtaa??"

"6ab3an ma 9adagta. Qadeeema 7arakataa" Wahab smiled. "Bs ana bafham, shyaby feech?"

"Akeeed Shaikha, she planned the whole thing." I said, realizing that her whole "I have breast cancer" story was a lie. How could I be so stupid? I just wanted to forgive her and be her friend again, but she proved that she doesn't deserve it.

The question is, why is she doing all these stupid things? They're old tricks that definitely wont work on Wahab.  

"Ee hathy kila chthy" Wahab said nonchalantly.

I froze.  

Kila chthy?


"Et3arefhaa??" My eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

Khalty Nawal came up to us, "Entaw ad3al athnain bildinyaa! Wa7da mataby targi9 o ethany mayaby e6awel eb milchitaa!! Maminkum faya tgdroon troo7on al7een" she finally smiled.

"Hahaha yalla ma baghainaaa" Wahab said as he got up.

I got up too and we left the room.

My brain got an overload of thoughts and doubts. How does Wahab know her?

I threw myself on the couch and took off my Loubies. I think my feet just let out a sigh of relief.

"Ok spill." I grabbed Wahabs hand and pulled him to sit in front of me.

"Shnu spill?"

"Y3ny golyy shlon et3arefha???" I asked impatiently.

"Hmm min wain abdy..."

***Tell me what you think :D and follow me on twitter @lemagnifiblog. :p