Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Give fate a chance 35

“Fedwitin lich 3umry o kil elly tabeena..

3ain khilich matshoof ella enty zaina..

la yaa zainaa .. eza3al chayed 3alainaa”

Let me tell you a little about myself, my name is Abdulwahab Al***** and I’m in love with Lama. As soon as I turned 25, my mother kept giving me small marriage talks. You know, the usual “Mu nawy titzawaj?” “Shnu muwa9afat el bint elly tabeeha?,” I just shrug and tell her that I still didn’t think about it. Then I would go to work and meet 3amy Barrak, Lama’s father. He would tell me some of the crazy things that Lama used to do. Sometimes, he tells me that he’s worried about her whenever she’s travelling with her friends. Day by day I got interested in her stories, or in her. I looked forward to the stories 3amy Barrak had to say and got disappointed if he didn’t bring her up. I never understood why he talked to me about her, maybe because he’s really proud of her or maybe he just tells everyone. :p

There are days where I made up excuses just to move meetings to 3amy Barrack’s house instead of the company, so I can get a glimpse of her. My excuses don’t always work, unfortunately. From all the times I moved the meetings to their house, I only saw her twice. When I heard that she was going to Dubai, I told 3amy Barrak that I was going with him. I started following her around, which was the whole reason for my visit to Dubai.

When I saw her in that bookstore, it all made sense. The nights I spent thinking about her, the love songs I listened to with her on my mind. I was so confused as to why I was falling for her when I don’t even know her.

It made sense.

She was the most precious thing I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen a lot of girls, but my heart only skipped a beat when I saw HER. That’s when I decided, I’m the one for her and she’s the one for me.

I'm 27 years old today, and I figured out the traits I want in my future wife. They're all under one word: Lama.

“Ok I don’t mean to brag, bs walla fe banat egi6oon nafshum 3alay ga6 etha 3rifaw ana min wilda, bs 3ashan lifloos!” I tried to explain. “fa gilt enna lets make this more exciting. Khanshoof ta36eny wayh etha gitlaha eny faqeer. Or In other words, am I a worthy person to love even without this fortune?”

I saw a hint of smile on Lama’s lips.

“Lama, matadreen bil mustaqbal she9er? Lifloos teye witroo7 o yimkin nakhsir tharwatna kilha eb digeega. Bs esu2al, will you love me then? When I’m poor and there’s only me and you?” I poured my heart out.

“Shatemanna ghair wa9lich ya 7ayaty

Wata3ana o 6ool darby feech a7aty”

She raised her eyebrows, “Wahab, I love you because you make me smile every time you cross my mind. You don’t even have to say a thing, I immediately smile. Just like that. Money is not the issue here.” Lama said as her lips stretched into a smile.

“Did I mention that I love you?”

“Haach 3umry o ekhty ayama bedaich

Ana 3umry 3umra ma yeghla 3alaich

Kil 7ayaty fedwa li3yonich ya zaina”

“Only a couple hundred times hehe,” she giggled.

Her smile. I never want to look at anything else.

“Haha tathkreen yom ri7na starbucks? O gitlich enny faqeer o en7ishtay?” I laughed as I remembered. Even though it wasn’t a funny memory. I seriously wanted to tell her who I really was just to make her change her mind, but I waited.

Lama blushed, “haha, ee Wahab khara3tny. You took me by surprise. O e9ara7a? 9j kint a7atyy o agool enna ana a7ibik bs maby wa7id faqeer! Until I slowly learned that money is not as important as how happy you make me feel.”

That made me smile. She always makes me smile.

“Ana wedy agthy 3umry wana 7olik

o en ba3adtay agthy wagty weya zolik..”

“O sorry enny 3a9abt 3alaik lama darait minu enta bil9ij,” she lowered her head as her cheeks slowly turned red. “kint min9adma, you always take me by surprise hehe,” she giggled as she lightly hit me on the shoulder.

I smiled and enveloped her hands with my mine.

“Aham shay entay rathya 3any al7een? Tara may9eer 9arly three days mu shayfich wala mkalmich! Ga3id agool milchatna 3ugub bacher o Lama lail7een mataby tkalimny!” I complained.

“Haha walla sorry!” she giggled.

I raised her hands to my lips and started planting kisses. I could get used to this.

“T’hagain ubooch e3a9eb etha shafny ga3id asolif ma3ach?”

“Ee! Begol laish ent yayib lawraag fe alf mandoob bil sharika yigdar eyebhum,” she said while she’s laughing.

“Wish 7eelat ely yaby eshoof hal way o mu 7a9ila?” I asked with a smile plastered on my face.

She just smiled and lowered her head.

“Lama, shfeech? A7isich za3lana? Goleely shily mthayig khilgich?” my words painted with worry.

She sighed, “Wahab, uboy lail7een magal 7ag umy enna mitzawij! O kil ma2aklma 3an el mawthoo3 egoly lama alga elwagt elmunasib agolaha. O lama akalim umy etgooly many mkalmita o latifti7een ma3ay el mawthoo3 mara thanya,” sadness washed over her face.

“Lama entay matadreen uhwa shnu ga3ed efaker feeh.. khal yilga el wagt el munasib o akeed begolaaha bs entay lat7ateen they’re both adults they can handle it,” I said.

She lowered her head deep in thought.

“La la may9eer! Yalla fakray feeny o ebtasmaay,” I said with a huge grin.

She just looked at me with hey eyebrows furrowed.

“Afaaa wain elly I smile every time you cross my mind?” I said mimicking her voice.

A smile crawled onto her lips “o enta 3ala awelik 9adagt?” she said with one eyebrow raised.

“Laa?” I answered raising my eyebrow as well.

I put my serious face expression on and looked deep into her eyes. I slowly leaned in; I could see her facial expressions changing from a smile to an alarmed look. My face is now inches away from hers. I extended my arms and wrapped them around her waist. I started tickling her.

“HAHAHAHA Wahaab baas pleasse!!” she begged!

“That’s what you get for lying to me,” I said. Honestly, I just wanted to make her laugh.

We heard the door open. We stood up and straightened our shirts as if nothing happened.


My mother came in first, she walked right past us and headed to the stairs. Dad came in after a couple of seconds.

“Hala 3amy shlonik?” Wahab asked.

“el7imdla” he barely smiled.


“3amy hathail lawrag bs 7abait awa9elhum.. yalla ma3esalama” Wahab excused himself.

He walked over to the couch and sat down.

“Lama ta3alay ge3day yamy,” My dad ordered.


“Yuba shfeek?,” I asked.

He looked at the stairs my mother climbed a few minutes ago.

“Lama.. e7na te6alagna,” he said with a strained face.


  1. OMG =0!! I cant belive what just happened!! cant wait for the next post<3!

  2. LOVED IT!!! you always make my day by posting:*** best oo a7la blogger walaa:**

    1. THANK YOUU!!! wallaa you made met happy!! I'm glad i made your day!! thank youuu, you just made mine<3;***

  3. :|:|:|!!! 7araaaaaaam:(

  4. Love ur story!!, keep up the good writing<3!!

  5. laaaaaaa 7araaaaaaaam lama :'( :'(

  6. BEST BLOG IVE EVER READ!! JED, YOUR POSTS COMPLETE MY DAY! you actually have a story to tell mu nafs elbajy.. good job :D -N

    1. THAAANK YOUU!! Jad you made my day! Im so glad you like it!!;****

  7. Omggg!! Post post postttttttt :|

  8. Hey ! Awal mara aswe comment la2ana tawnee agra ur story oo eb yomain 5ala9thom ( '3alia ) l,89a ele gablha oo hathee 24 sa3a ga3da agra jad l,darajt ene 7lmt bl 8a9a =)) !! Oo I LOVE UR STORY IT'S THE BEST !! Garait 15 blogs oo hatha a7la wa7d !! <3<3 & CAN'T WAIT POST SOON !!!!!

    LOVE U xoxo -MS

    1. Wow! Im speechless! THANK YOUUUU! Your words mean alot to me walla matga9reeen!! LOVE YOU MOREE;***

  9. Best story ever:") !! Kl elstories elbagya nfs elshy ella urs its different! 7beet kuwaity accent mn ur story <3

    1. Thaank youuu!! Wallaa im glad you like it;**** hahahah ya 7alatichh min thoqich wallah<3

  10. When is the next Chapter?

  11. how old are you ? cause your damn amazing writer !

  12. km 3mrch ? fdeetk rdyy ? and by the way 9ijj enk 7refa t3rfen tktbeen lk mustgbl enshallaa

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