Mit3eb’s POV:
Madry meta btit3adaaaal
hal maraaa! Kilshay ga6ita eb raas hal Lucy!
Adry enha mo ga3da
echathib bs Lucy 9arlha 10 sneen 3indena o 6ool 3umerha zaina mo ma3qoola tsawy
kil hatha awal ma yat Noura!!!
Ya3ny etha ehya sawat
shay ghala6 tgdar tgooly mala da3y tgi6ha bras Lucy!
3al3umoom mo hatha
mawthoo3na, ba7jiiz thalaath tathaker 7ag Paris 7agy ana o Laila o Lamees.
Etifaqt ma3a Lamees ena hathy bitkoon hadeyat qbool Laila eb kuleyat el 6ib.
I got out my phone and
started looking for seats on the Emirate airways when it hit me, I didn’t ask
Noura if she wanted to come or if she can come since she has to work.
Waaiih.. as2alha 3ugub
ma arid min el duwaneya. Wela chena ehya mataby a9laan …..
Noura’s POV:
“Nahla 7abeebty shnu
ga3da tgoleen? Ya3ny shlon kntay tkalmeena shnu taben? mnu?” gumt agi6 khai6 o
khai6 many m9adga!
“Noura walla a7ibaa!! O
uhwa y7ibny wayed bs Khalid kharab 3alainaa,” she said.
3umry matakhayalt enna
Nahla tkalim.. many gadra a9adig!
“Shlon ta3arftaay
3alaih?” I asked.
Makint aby ekhty el
wa7eeda e6ee7 min 3ainy, bs magdaar many gadraa ashofha nafs gabel!
Bas bema enha ga3da
ti3teref ly lazim atfaham el mawthoo3 o ma a9eer shideeda 3alaiha.
Aby a7awel aqne3ha enha
t’hid hal 6ireej..
“Tathkreen lama kint
mshtarka eb dawrat ta9weer? Kan uhwa ma3ay o kina kla ng3ad ma3a ba3ath..” she
“O shlon ti6awar el
mawthoo3?” I asked.
“Kan 3ndna project fa
th6araina nakhith arqam ba3ath o shway shway… you know,” she said lowering her
“Shkubra? O shisma?” I
“21 esma Nasser AlX,”
she said.
I took a deep breath and
covered my face with my hands. I honestly don’t know how to deal with this. Aby
a7awel awary Nahla enna elly ga3da tsawy ghala6 bs bedon la akhleeha tgalib el
salfa 3nad. UGH I don’t know how to deal with teenagers!!
“Enzain o shloon 6a7
3alaikum Khaled?” I asked.
“6ala3 rifeeeeja
tikhayilayyy, o elyoom sima3ny akalma o staw3ab enna Nasser rfeeja fa 3a9ab
7aaail o hadadnyyy,” she said as the tears made their way back on her cheeks.
“Shloon? Shlon dara?” I
asked. Lazim a3aref esalfa bethaab6!
Nahla’s POV:
“Nasser magdaar akalmik
al7een ana bilzwara!! O my cousin elly gitlik 3anna mawjod!” I said.
“Walaaain hatha meta
befiich?” he asked.
“Madryy bs ana lazim asakra
al7een,” I whispered into the phone. Khaled was staring at me, its obvious he
was getting suspicious.
“Nahlaa tukfain may9eer
chthyy!! Kil ma kalamtich glteely lazim asakra!!” he complained.
“Ya3ny shtabeeny asawy?
Ga3ed ekhiznyy ashkara 7aas ena fe shay ghala6,” I said as my heartbeats
“Malich shighil fee
shbesawy ya3ny? Mara7 eyelich o ys2ilich mnu t7acheen!!” he said.
“9adigny mat3aref
Khaled!!” I said.
Khaled… ah khaled kan
msabiblyy azma b7ayaty!!! 9ayer china ukhoy bs 3ala mi9akhaa! Elly qa9ib yaby
e3aref wain aroo7 o ma3a mnu o laish o o o ….
Madry mnu gayela Nahla
3ala thimitik yalla raqib kilshay tsawee!! La welly e7ir zyada enna marat
egooly matroo7een amaken mu3ayana ya3ny na3aaaam shtaaabyyyy
“Ykhaaasy mayigdar
esaweelich shay wana mawjood!!” he said.
“Waay faj2a khtifa madry
wain raa7!!” I said looking around for a sign of Khaled.
“A7saan khal efukna,
elmuhim goleeely meta bashofich?” he asked.
“Haha not anytime
sooon,” I said.
“A7iiiib elly
etaghalaaa, yubaa wallaa enich ghalya 3ala galby laish t3athbeeny chthy!!” he
I instantly smiled; I
loved how he made me feel so good about myself.
“Smilaaa 3ala galbiik
min el 3athab,” I said as my cheeks flushed.
“Galbik??? GALBIK???
Entay mn t7aacheen??????” I heard Khaled shout behind me.
I jumped and dropped the
phone on the floor. My heart started thudding in my chest.
Shit shit shit!!!!!!
Hatha min waain
I can’t breathe!! I
Khaled shouted.
I felt the hot fat tears
stream down my cheeks. Suddenly my vision blurred and my legs started to shake.
I leaned against the
wall and started trembling. Khaled took a couple of steps forward and stood in
front of me.
“Mnu elly ga3da
tkalmeena?” he asked through gritted teeth.
When I didn’t answer, he
bent down and picked up my phone. He looked at the screen and read the name.
“Shnu NX??” he asked. I
saved Nasser under his initials.
“R-rfeejtyy,” I mumbled.
It was soooo obvious that I was lying.
“Tstikhfeen damich?
Shayfatny athwal jidamch??” he shouted.
In a quick motion Khaled
saved Nasser’s number on his phone “many Khaled wild bo Khaled en ma 6ala3ta,
hayyen!!” he said before he walked away with my mobile still in his hands.
I stared into space with
my eyes wide. Its funny how your life can change in a blink of an eye.
What if I had hung up
the phone when I sensed Khaled’s mysterious staring?
What if I didn’t call
Nasser while I was at the gathering?
What if I can get back
the last 10 minutes of my life to change my future?
I sat on the floor and
started sobbing as the idea of what might happen started to sink in.
Ra7 yethba7a..
O ba3dain ra7
O yimkin yethbaaa7
Akhhh Nahlaaa why are
you so stupid!!!!!?
Suddenly Khaled came
back fuming. His face was red and his eyes were bulging out of their sockets.
“NASSER AL X???????
ETKALMEEEN NASSSERRRR AL X??????????” he shouted at the top of his lungs.
“Shnieofijd?” I mumbled,
I swear I have no idea what I just said.
He walked over to me, grabbed
my arm and pulled me up.
“Entay wa6yaa o mo
mtrabyaa!!! Entay mo bas shwahtay sum3at el 3ayla! Entaay khalaiteeny akhser
wa7id min a3aaz rab3yy!!” he said through gritted teeth. “Hayyeen ya Nahla, en
ma3araft shloon arabeeech ma a6laa3 Khaled!!”
Noura’s POV:
“O bsr3aa radaait el
bait Noura 7ady khayfaa madry shbeesawy hatha,” she said.
Nahla ya3ny khalesaw el
shabab elly bildeera maligaitay ella rfeej hal ma6fooog!!!
“Khala9 ana atfaham ma3a
Khaled layifthaa7na mu nag9een!” I said.
“Mashkora Noura a7ibich
wallaah,” she said as she pulled me in for a hug.
“Nahla la7tha, 9ij enny
bakalem Khaled bs hatha mo ma3nata enny basa3dech wela rathya bily sawaitee!!”
I said.
She furrowed her
eyebrows in confusion.
“7abeebtyy entay elly
sawaiteeh ghalaa6, o Khaled mayinlaam laih 3a9aab o 9araakh! Lazim tit3alimain
min hal dars o tg63een 3elaqtich eb Nasser,” I said.
Her mouth slowly formed
a large “O”.
“Shfeech e6al3eeny
chthy?” I asked. “E9ara7a ana matiwaqa3t’ha minich umy marabitich 3ala hal
kharabee6 ya Nahla!!”
“Noura you don’t
understand!!! Mo kharaabee6!!! A7iba o uhwa y7ibny!!!” she said.
“Lo 9ij e7ibich chan
taqadamlich! Ya Nahla elly e7ibich mayil3ab eb galbich o ekalmich bil khash wil
das!!” I said.
“Ma9adeg!!!! I thought
you would understand but you’re just like the rest!!!” she said before she
huffed and stormed out of the room.
Wallaa ana elly many
m9adga enna my baby sister t6laa3 chthy!!!!