Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Give fate a chance 35

“Fedwitin lich 3umry o kil elly tabeena..

3ain khilich matshoof ella enty zaina..

la yaa zainaa .. eza3al chayed 3alainaa”

Let me tell you a little about myself, my name is Abdulwahab Al***** and I’m in love with Lama. As soon as I turned 25, my mother kept giving me small marriage talks. You know, the usual “Mu nawy titzawaj?” “Shnu muwa9afat el bint elly tabeeha?,” I just shrug and tell her that I still didn’t think about it. Then I would go to work and meet 3amy Barrak, Lama’s father. He would tell me some of the crazy things that Lama used to do. Sometimes, he tells me that he’s worried about her whenever she’s travelling with her friends. Day by day I got interested in her stories, or in her. I looked forward to the stories 3amy Barrak had to say and got disappointed if he didn’t bring her up. I never understood why he talked to me about her, maybe because he’s really proud of her or maybe he just tells everyone. :p

There are days where I made up excuses just to move meetings to 3amy Barrack’s house instead of the company, so I can get a glimpse of her. My excuses don’t always work, unfortunately. From all the times I moved the meetings to their house, I only saw her twice. When I heard that she was going to Dubai, I told 3amy Barrak that I was going with him. I started following her around, which was the whole reason for my visit to Dubai.

When I saw her in that bookstore, it all made sense. The nights I spent thinking about her, the love songs I listened to with her on my mind. I was so confused as to why I was falling for her when I don’t even know her.

It made sense.

She was the most precious thing I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen a lot of girls, but my heart only skipped a beat when I saw HER. That’s when I decided, I’m the one for her and she’s the one for me.

I'm 27 years old today, and I figured out the traits I want in my future wife. They're all under one word: Lama.

“Ok I don’t mean to brag, bs walla fe banat egi6oon nafshum 3alay ga6 etha 3rifaw ana min wilda, bs 3ashan lifloos!” I tried to explain. “fa gilt enna lets make this more exciting. Khanshoof ta36eny wayh etha gitlaha eny faqeer. Or In other words, am I a worthy person to love even without this fortune?”

I saw a hint of smile on Lama’s lips.

“Lama, matadreen bil mustaqbal she9er? Lifloos teye witroo7 o yimkin nakhsir tharwatna kilha eb digeega. Bs esu2al, will you love me then? When I’m poor and there’s only me and you?” I poured my heart out.

“Shatemanna ghair wa9lich ya 7ayaty

Wata3ana o 6ool darby feech a7aty”

She raised her eyebrows, “Wahab, I love you because you make me smile every time you cross my mind. You don’t even have to say a thing, I immediately smile. Just like that. Money is not the issue here.” Lama said as her lips stretched into a smile.

“Did I mention that I love you?”

“Haach 3umry o ekhty ayama bedaich

Ana 3umry 3umra ma yeghla 3alaich

Kil 7ayaty fedwa li3yonich ya zaina”

“Only a couple hundred times hehe,” she giggled.

Her smile. I never want to look at anything else.

“Haha tathkreen yom ri7na starbucks? O gitlich enny faqeer o en7ishtay?” I laughed as I remembered. Even though it wasn’t a funny memory. I seriously wanted to tell her who I really was just to make her change her mind, but I waited.

Lama blushed, “haha, ee Wahab khara3tny. You took me by surprise. O e9ara7a? 9j kint a7atyy o agool enna ana a7ibik bs maby wa7id faqeer! Until I slowly learned that money is not as important as how happy you make me feel.”

That made me smile. She always makes me smile.

“Ana wedy agthy 3umry wana 7olik

o en ba3adtay agthy wagty weya zolik..”

“O sorry enny 3a9abt 3alaik lama darait minu enta bil9ij,” she lowered her head as her cheeks slowly turned red. “kint min9adma, you always take me by surprise hehe,” she giggled as she lightly hit me on the shoulder.

I smiled and enveloped her hands with my mine.

“Aham shay entay rathya 3any al7een? Tara may9eer 9arly three days mu shayfich wala mkalmich! Ga3id agool milchatna 3ugub bacher o Lama lail7een mataby tkalimny!” I complained.

“Haha walla sorry!” she giggled.

I raised her hands to my lips and started planting kisses. I could get used to this.

“T’hagain ubooch e3a9eb etha shafny ga3id asolif ma3ach?”

“Ee! Begol laish ent yayib lawraag fe alf mandoob bil sharika yigdar eyebhum,” she said while she’s laughing.

“Wish 7eelat ely yaby eshoof hal way o mu 7a9ila?” I asked with a smile plastered on my face.

She just smiled and lowered her head.

“Lama, shfeech? A7isich za3lana? Goleely shily mthayig khilgich?” my words painted with worry.

She sighed, “Wahab, uboy lail7een magal 7ag umy enna mitzawij! O kil ma2aklma 3an el mawthoo3 egoly lama alga elwagt elmunasib agolaha. O lama akalim umy etgooly many mkalmita o latifti7een ma3ay el mawthoo3 mara thanya,” sadness washed over her face.

“Lama entay matadreen uhwa shnu ga3ed efaker feeh.. khal yilga el wagt el munasib o akeed begolaaha bs entay lat7ateen they’re both adults they can handle it,” I said.

She lowered her head deep in thought.

“La la may9eer! Yalla fakray feeny o ebtasmaay,” I said with a huge grin.

She just looked at me with hey eyebrows furrowed.

“Afaaa wain elly I smile every time you cross my mind?” I said mimicking her voice.

A smile crawled onto her lips “o enta 3ala awelik 9adagt?” she said with one eyebrow raised.

“Laa?” I answered raising my eyebrow as well.

I put my serious face expression on and looked deep into her eyes. I slowly leaned in; I could see her facial expressions changing from a smile to an alarmed look. My face is now inches away from hers. I extended my arms and wrapped them around her waist. I started tickling her.

“HAHAHAHA Wahaab baas pleasse!!” she begged!

“That’s what you get for lying to me,” I said. Honestly, I just wanted to make her laugh.

We heard the door open. We stood up and straightened our shirts as if nothing happened.


My mother came in first, she walked right past us and headed to the stairs. Dad came in after a couple of seconds.

“Hala 3amy shlonik?” Wahab asked.

“el7imdla” he barely smiled.


“3amy hathail lawrag bs 7abait awa9elhum.. yalla ma3esalama” Wahab excused himself.

He walked over to the couch and sat down.

“Lama ta3alay ge3day yamy,” My dad ordered.


“Yuba shfeek?,” I asked.

He looked at the stairs my mother climbed a few minutes ago.

“Lama.. e7na te6alagna,” he said with a strained face.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Give fate a chance 34

**This post is dedicated to @Shahahalq, because she's beautiful, because its her birthday, and because I love her. Enjoy it love ;***

The doorbell rang; he’s here already? I walked over to the door and opened it.

“Hala wallaaa,” Wahab greeted me.

“Hala feek,” I said as my cheeks flushed.

“lifay,” he ordered.

“shnu???” I asked in confusion.

“Lifay I’m going to blind fold you.” He said as he smiled.

“Do you have to?,” I sighed.

“Yes, it is a surprise after all,” he said as I turned around.

“Ok binroo7 bro7na?” I asked.

“Laa umich ga3da tan6er eb sayartyy,” he said as he wrapped the small scarf around my head then tied it.

“binroo7 eb sayartik?” I honestly didn’t want to ride in a beat up Toyota, at least not today since it’s my birthday.

“eee 3indich mani3?” he questioned.

“laa,” I lied. “Wainiik!! Latkahleeny anzil edaray wana mashoof shay!!”

“haha ka misakt eedich bs entay shway shway,” he said while chuckling.

“ok,” I replied.

I walked slowly until I reached his car, he opened the door and I got in.

“yuma?” I needed to make sure she is here.

“na3am,” she asked.

“la bas kint bat2akad enich hny,” I giggled.

“afaa maku thiqaa?” Wahab asked.

“embala bs I just had to make sure,” I said.

Wahab chuckled.

I started to feel everything around me the door, the seat, and the radio system. It felt weird, like I’m sitting in a new car. I wanted to peek from my blindfold; I raised my hand in an attempt to remove it,

“la wallaa?? Entay lihadaraja maku 9aber??,” Wahab said.

“hahah ok khalaa9,” I giggled.

“Yalla ka we9alnaa” Wahab announced.

“9iiij ya3ny agdar asheel el blindfold??” I grinned.

“LA yawailich!!” Wahab whispered.

My mother got out of the car and opened my door.

“ahoo 3a6eeny edich la6e7een o nibtilish feech,” she said, I can feel her smile.

“haha okk” I said.

I held my mothers hand and got out of the car. We walked towards somewhere; I have no idea where they’re taking me!! Suddenly, we stopped walking.

“shisalfa laish wegafna? Laykoon fe ga6wa? Wahab wakherha pleasee!!,” I begged.

“la yuba maku ga6wa shfeech, bs entay haday shway,” he instructed.

I took a deep breath and waited for whatever it is that I was supposed to wait for.


I snatched off the blindfold to see people, a lot of them. I blinked and tried to make out the faces. I recognized my father, Dalia, REEMA??  Then there were other people I don’t know.

“Kil 3am wintay eb khair ya a7la Lama” Wahab whispered in my ear.

Dalia and Reema came over. Dalia hugged me and whispered “Happyy birthday Lama! I LOVE YOUU!!”. Reema stood there awkwardly and then hugged me “I’m sooo sorry Lama wallaah I am! Enjoy your day maby akhareb 3alaich, we’ll talk after” she whispered. She pulled away from the hug and smiled. I really really miss her.

A woman I didn’t recognize came over to me and kissed both my cheeks “Kil 3am wintay bkhaiir, waay et’haableen smila 3alaich kubartaay!” she grinned.

Who are you??? What is going on? I looked around for my mother; there is some explaining that she needs to do.

“3arafteeny?” the woman asked.

I giggled trying to remember that face, it was so familiar. Suddenly Wahab came and placed his arm over the woman’s shoulder “hathy umy” he stated with a grin, then he kissed her forehead.


But wait, why is his mother here?? Waaay shisalfaaa??

“athkerich yom kintay 9gheeraa, bs min kubartay magumna enshoofich” she smiled. She seems really sweet and Wahab looks so much like her!

A girl came and hugged me “happy birthday Lama!!” she grinned. “By the way, I’m his sister” she winked as she pointed to Wahab.

Ahh ok so I’m meeting his family. And I’m the last to know. Great. Shakly wana fat7a 7aljy o min9adma 7ady msabaha o madry shagool 7ag lawadem. I’m in shock! His sister is beautiful mashallah! Tall, skinny, pretty, and has gorgeous hair. She has the whole package.

My mother found her way to me.

“ha salamtay 3ala khaltich Nawal?” my mother asked as she smiled to who I just met as Khalty Nawal.

“eheh eee” I said. I can feel my cheeks burning.

“Ya7alat’ha kbarat smila 3alaiha” Khalty Nawal said.
“ee mashallah el3eyal kibrit haha” my mother said.

How does my mother know Khalty Nawal, and how does she know me? Aby a7ad efahimny shisalfa? I looked around just noticing the decorations and the birthday cake.  Everything was beautiful. The cake was shaped in the numbers two and three representing my age, twenty-three. Wow, now everyone knows that I’m growing old.

I looked at the house, I mean mansion. It was HUGE mashallah! Is that Wahab’s house?? I turned around to see the Toyota I just got out of but something else caught my eye. A Cayenne, Mercedes E-class coupe, and a Maserati parked behind the Toyota. Hmm..

I smiled as I saw Wahab walk over to me with his hands behind his back. Hmm, flowers again?

“Tifathilay..” he said as he handed me a box covered with floral gift wrap.

I stared at the box, “hatha 7agy,” I asked. Stupid, I know!

“La 7agy bs abeech tift7eenly el hadeya, ya3ny shrayech?” he chuckled.

“abaih mashkooor!!!” I said as my hand started to shake. Everyone was looking at us, anticipating my reaction.  

“fit7eeha” he grinned.

I slowly tore the wrap and opened the box to see a Louis Vuitton handbag case, and two small red boxes with Cartier engraved on the top. I widened my eyes. What? How? Ha?

“latan7een yalla kamlaay” Wahab whispered.

I opened the Cartier box and saw the love bracelet embedded with diamonds. I opened the second box to see the Juste Un Clou nail bracelet and ring. I removed the handbag from its case to see the bag I wanted to buy when we were in London. My eyebrows furrowed. How did he buy me all of this?

I lifted my head and looked at him with questioning eyes.

“sh-shlon?” I whispered.

Abdulwahab started laughing, and then everyone joined in as if knowing what I said. Or maybe my face looked funny. My dad came,

“Lama 7abeebty, hatha wild Thary Al***** allah yir7ima. Uhwa mudeer elsharika elrasmiya elly ashtighil feeha, ghair 3an esharika li9gheera elly khisarna feeha bilbor9a.. bs min tiwafa thary, Wahab warath el sharika, ahaha fa uhwa yu3tabar mudeeryy al7een..” my dad looked at Wahab and grinned.

My mouth? Walla kan 3ebara 3an a humungous “O”.

“Hahaha 3amyy wallah ent muderry o ent m3alimny eshighil, tin7a6 foog elras” Wahab said.

“Matga9er rayaal ya wildyy 6ali3 3ala ubook allah yir7ima! Yabakhtich fee ya Lama, o ent yabakhtik eb binty haha,” my dad chuckled.

“Eee wallah ya 3amy eb hathy 9edagt, yabakhthy eb Lama,” Wahab said as he stared at me.

“Yalla kilha cham yoom wit9eer murtik, bacher eyoon ereyayeel enshallah o 3ugub cham yoom tamlichoon,” my dad stated.

That’s why my dad told us the other day as we sat on the couch.

“Lama ana o umich mwafqeen 3ala Wahab o enshallah beyoon ereyayel lisboo3 elyay,” he grinned.

“9iij?” I asked, confused.

“eee” my dad said as he patted Wahab’s shoulder. “wani3ma elrijal” he smiled.

I was shocked. I thought he was going to shout at me and Wahab. Or I don’t know do something really bad. However, all my parents did was talk about Wahab and how great he is and that I should marry him. I was starting to feel that I’m forced to marry him now, even if I somehow changed my mind. For four days I was in confusion wondering why my parents are insisting on the marriage and accepting it with an open heart. Now, my dad tells me that he works for Wahab? Of course, he could never say no to a guy he works for.

My heart was beating so fast, I can actually see my chest shoot up and down. My palms started to sweat. My cheeks turned red. Wahab belongs to one of the wealthiest families, but he pretended to be poor.


Monday, May 28, 2012

Give fate a chance 33

The plane was a terrible 6 hours. I tried to stop thinking about everything but I couldn’t. Finally, I safely arrived at my house without attempting to kill myself. Dalia’s driver picked us up from the airport and she dropped me at my house. The whole car ride consisted of Dalia convincing me that she should stay at my place just for moral support. All I need right now is some time alone and my mother.

“Yumaa”, I called out as soon as I entered the house.

Leen’s head popped out from the kitchen door.

“She’s not here she go to her priend house”

“ok” I sighed. I didn’t tell her I was coming home; I’ll surprise her I guess.

The minute I switched on my mobile it hasn’t stopped ringing. My dad kept calling me, and Wahab too. They sent me gazillion messages but I refuse to answer.

A part of me wanted to tell my mother about dad.  I can’t seem to get the image of him holding that woman’s hand out of my head. I just don’t want to break her heart! I don’t know how to get it off my chest. My phone vibrated interrupting my thoughts, it was another message from Wahab.

“Lama gilt 7ag uboch 3an kil shay, RIDAAY 3ALAAY AL7EEEN!!”

What? Why did he tell him!! Well, he will find out anyway. My mobile started ringing after a few minutes, and guess what? It was Wahab :)

I answered: aloo

“Lama.. wainich?? Wain r7taay?” Wahab asked in concern.

“radait liKwait” my answer was as cold as the room I’m in.

“SHNU?? METAA??” he started to raise his voice.


“LAMA! Laish magilteelina?” he shouted.


“LAMA!” I heard my fathers voice on the other end of the phone.

I stayed quiet.

“Lama sim3eeny.. latgoolen 7ag umich, ana arid o atfaham ma3aha” he tried to sound calm.

I didn’t answer.

“7abeebtyy hatha shay bainy o bainha khaleeny ana akalimha ok?” he begged.

“Lama latsaween shay binrid bacher e7na ok?” Wahab stated.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and ended the call. My heartbeats accelerated. I have to tell my mother. What I saw is mind racking I cant stay quiet about it.

I waited for my mother to come back home until I drifted off to sleep on the couch.

I opened my eyes the next morning to find myself tucked in bed. I shot up and ran to the bathroom washed quickly then ran to my mother’s room.

“el7imdla 3asalaaama,” my mother grinned as she stood up to hug me.

I ran into her arms and all the tears that were once stacked up came falling down.

“haaw shfeech Lama?,” she asked in concern.

“y-yumaa a3aref sh-shay *sniff* madry shloon agolich,” I breathed the words out as I sobbed.

“shisalfaa? Awal shay hadaay 7abeebty latabcheen fahmeeny shisalfa?,” she tried.

I took deep breaths and tried to calm myself down.


“shfee????,” my mother’s eyes widened.

“mi-mitzawij,” I forced the words out of my mouth.

She pulled me inside the room and hissed: “SHHHH”

She closed the door and sat on the bed and gestured for me to sit next to her.

“shadarachh???,” she asked through clenched teeth.

“sh-shift’hum..,” I whispered.

“yadry ennich shftyy??,”


She lowered her head and covered it with her hands. My eyebrows furrowed, shisafla?

“yuma shfeech?,” I asked in confusion.

She sighed and faced me.

“adry.. 3an ubooch,”

“SHNU??,” I almost shouted.

“ga9raay 7issich! Uhwa ma yadry ena ana adry..,” she confessed.

“SHNU?,” I asked again, I can’t believe this.

“adry minzimaan.. bs kint an6era egooly. O ma galy. 9arly 12 sina an6er o lay yomich magaly,” a tear slid down her cheek.

“12 SINAA??????????,” I jumped off the bed. My heart thudded in my chest.

Twelve years? TWELVE DAMN YEARS? And I just found out????

“Lama lat9arkheeen hadaay.. adry ena shay ya9dim!” she pulled me back to the bed. “awal ma darait 3a9abt o za3alt o bichait o kil ma aby agoola atradad madry laish. Bs shift enna mu3amlta ma3ay mataghayart o kan edalilny o edalilich o hatha aham shay! Fa gilt askit o asawy nafsy chiny ma darait wala eny ashatit el 3ayla!”

“B-bas yumaa sh-shlon? LAISH?,” I stuttered. I don’t know what to say. My mind blanked out. Now, it decides to take a break from thinking. :)

“Bs al7een etha galyy lazim asawy nafsy enny mitfaj2a o za3lana o asawy kil elly sawaita min 12 sina lama darait..,” she lowered her head. “akeed lama eyee begooly, akeed”

“3indihum 3yal?,” I asked hoping the answer is NO.

“Bint o walad” she said fighting back her tears.

Oh no. No no just NO!! I started crying all over again. What if he loves them more then he loves me? What if he loves her more than he loves mom? NOOO!! I want to reach into my brain and tear these thoughts off and throw them out.

“Khala9 bs chinich magilteely latyeebnla 6ary etha rad,” she instructed.

“Umm uhwa galy enna magoolich.. bs 7asait enna lazim agoolich! Makint adry enich tadreen,” I said.

“ee khala9 bs sakray elmawthoo3 o khaly bainy o baina,” she stated.



Ok so my dad married my mother, and then they had me. Later, my dad decides that one family is not enough then he runs off and marries some other woman. They have kids and live happily for twelve effing years. My mother secretly knows about my father’s secret marriage but decides to stay quiet. Finally, I come in the picture. I find out by seeing them in London, holding hands :)

I know that life’s not fair and all, but this? This is too much for me to handle.

How could my father marry someone and lie about it for twelve years?

How could my mother sleep next to him every night acting like none of this ever happened?

How should I accept this with an open heart?

How? :’(

The doorbell rang, and Leen rushed to open the door. My mother and I were sitting quietly in the living room. Thinking about the same question, “what now?”.

“Ya ahl el bait” my dad called out.

My heart made a double flip. A part of me wants to confront him and a part of me doesn’t want to see him.

“halaa Barrak el7imdila 3al salama” my mother said as she got up from the couch.

“la7tha.. Khalda libsay 7jabich. Abdulwahab 3ind el bab.” My dad said as he looked at me.

When I heard Wahab’s name I wanted to run over and hug him, but then my dad will slaughter me. My mother ran upstairs to her room to change. My dad and Abdulwahab walked to the living room.

“Lama, laykoon gilteelaha??” my father asked.

I just shook my head.

My mother came back.

“hala Barrak” she said as she walked over to him and hugged him. I don’t know how she does it, act as if everything is fine.

 She turned to Wahab and smiled “ha Wahab zayirna elyoom, shlonik?”

“el7imdila bkhair khalty, entay shakhbarich?” he asked as he shook my mother’s hand.

How do they know each other???? Wahab looked at me, then flashed me a smile. As if on cue, my heart thudded in my chest and the butterflies in my stomach started fluttering.

“Lama, Wahab gi3daw ana o Khalda bingolikum shay..” my dad said as he pointed at the couch behind us.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Give fate a chance 32

--: LAMA!!

I heard someone shout behind me. I turned around and my heart almost stopped beating.

Wait.. hathy Dalia?


For a second there I thought it was my mother, don’t ask why. I placed my hand over my heart and breathed heavily. I walked over to her,


Dalia: abaaih mat9adgeen mnu shift!!!

Me: waaay aby a6igiich wallah!!

Dalia: ta3alaaay Victoria Beckham barra 9oob el make up!!

I gasped: chathabaa!!!

Wahab came over to us: uhh hala Dalia shlonich?

Dalia: el7imdila ebkhaiir

Wahab: shfeekum shisalfa?

Me: tgool Victoria Beckham 9oob el makeup

Wahab: mnu hathy?

Me: waay Wahab khanroo7 enshoofha

I returned the ring and we rushed to the makeup section. I love Victoria her style, designs, posture everything!! I can’t believe I’m going to see her!!!

Dalia: emshaw kanat wagfa 3ind Estee Lauder

Me: wain maku a7aad

Dalia: embala kahyy abaaih kaaaahyy

She started jumping up and down.

Me: WAIN??

Dalia: haw matshoofeen kahy jidamiich khan9awer ma3ahaaa!!

Me: :O entay hablaa habla????

Dalia: shnuu??

Me: hathy Victoria??? 7ada muu ehya!!

Dalia: emballaaa!

I walked closer to her, she looks like Victoria but its definitely not her!

Me: 3abaly 3indich salfa lo hathy 9ij Victoria chan al7een za7ma 3alaihaa!!

People were staring at her maybe thinking the same thing. She looked like Victoria min b3eed bs lama tgarboon 7ad’ha ghaiir!

Dalia: 9adgeeny ehyaa

Me: agool emshaay emshaay mkhar3atnyy galby 6a7 eb ba6ny o akher shay twareeny wa7da malha shighil eb Victoria!

I pulled Dalia’s arm and we started to walk towards the escalators.

Dalia: walla 3abaly ehyaa a9lan 7imday rabich enyy gitlich tikhayilay lo ehya 9ij ehny o 9awart ma3aha bedoon la agolich!!

Me: haha athbi7iich!!

Wahab: walla ana madryy mnu hathyy

Me: murt David bechkam

Wahab: eee okk 3araft’haa, ee walla et9adgoon china kanat tishbahaa

Dalia: shftaay! Tishbahha 7aail!

Me: ok ok what ever you ----

My eyes almost fell out of their sockets. I stopped. I took a few steps back. Please, please don’t tell me that’s my –

Dad: Lama??

He looked at me, then at Wahab, then at Dalia, then at me again.

Hello people, this is a future dead person talking :)

But wait, who is that woman.. HOLDING HIS HAND?

I widened my eyes and looked at their hands, entwined.  My father noticed I was staring so he let go of her hand.  I closed my eyes and opened them again hoping they would somehow disappear.

My dad asked incredulously: Abdulwahab????

How the hell does my father know Wahab? I turned to see him scratching the back of his neck: h-hala 3amy

Dad: ent shga3ed etsawy hny.. ma3a binty?

Every vein in his head popped out. His eyes, they were red, they were terrifying. Wahab stayed quiet.


His voice got louder. His mouth was opened so wide as he shouted I could almost see the back of his tongue. He looked at me, how could I put it into words? I mean if he were a lion, he’d be feasting on my body by now. He looked at me with such rage; I have never seen him this angry in all my 22 years. I was only hoping for the best, but expecting the worse.

My heart thudded in my chest. I don’t know how I opened my mouth and the words spilled out: yuba uhwa shafny o kan ga3ed ys2alny 3anik o bas

I was shaking, and the words came out all stuttery and weird.

My dad widened his eyes: LA WALLAA???

I looked at the frightened woman standing next to my father, could it be? Could my dad be cheating on mom? After all these years? And for what exactly?

My father walked up to me and wrapped his large hands around my jaw and pulled my face up. He talked through gritted teeth: riday el findiq al7een la anatfich fahma? Ana 7saby ma3ach ba3dain

He looked at Wahab: wint emsh ma3ay!

He turned to the woman: go home I will meet you there later.

Shit. Just. Got. Real.


I hugged my knees and started rocking back and forth.  I stared into space with nothing and everything on my mind. The questions piled up in my brain. I don’t know what to ask about first. Who was the woman holding my fathers hand? WHY WAS SHE HOLDING HIS HAND? What is my dad going to do to me? WHAT IS HE GOING TO DO WITH WAHAB??

I wasn’t crying, no. Not a single tear slipped down my cheeks. My eyes were numb not blinking not seeing not moving. I tried to force them shut and escape my horrid reality. But,

Dalia: Lama please shirbay maay walla ga3da tkhar3eeny you’ve been quiet the whole time

What am I supposed to say? What am I supposed to do?

Nothing is breaking my heart to pieces as much as the fact that my dad is cheating on my mother.

My mother? My loving mother? Naah.. who could believe this? My dad? My role model, my hero.

All I wanted to do is ask him why? What did my mother ever do to him? Or what did I ever do? Is it because we spend a lot of money? I promise I won’t ask for a lot next time. Is it because he has only one daughter?  If I had known that earlier I would’ve prayed day and night for god to bless me with a brother.

My father?

Cheating.. on my mother?

A tear slowly made its way to my cheek. The lump grew bigger and my throat started to hurt. I need to let it out; I need to breathe.

I shot up and looked for my laptop.

Dalia: Lama shfeech shnu tabeen?

I opened the laptop and visited the British Airways website.

Dalia: Lamaa kalmeenyy!!

I booked two tickets, for Dalia and I.

Dalia: Shnu ga3da tsaweeen??

I’m going home tonight.

Dalia got up and pulled my face closer to her,


My eyes stung from the tears and my nose was getting red. I looked at her as my body trembled. I was crying, but I didn’t want to make a sound. The voices in my head were screaming and screeching and all I wanted to do was run into my mothers hands for a big hug.

 ***Shraykum feeny o ana mat2akhar 3ala ma I post?? ;)) Yalla I hope you enjoy and I'm posting eltakmila tomorrow enshallah xx tell me what you think :D

Give fate a chance 31

**THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO @REMO_712 and @MAHAALSALEH_ lana yestaaahlooooon;*****


Me: hala yuba shloonik?

Dad: bkhaiir el 7imdela entay shlonich?

Me: tamam.. yuba 9arly three days mu shayfitik wainik?

Dad: ahah ana mawjood bs eshighil walla!

I heard someone call my fathers name from the other end of the phone.

Dad: uhh bacher enshallah ag3ad ma3ach 6ool el yoom lazim aroo7 al7een 7abeebty yalla bye

Me: ok bye..

Way shda3wa kil hatha shighil :(

Me: yalah khanroo7 Harrods uboy maygdar y6la3 3nda shighil

Dalia: yallaa

We got out of our seats and called Ryan to pick us up.

After we arrived we headed straight to Laduree to eat lunch. We ordered the Laduree club sandwich and drinks.

Dalia: meta beye Wahab?

Me: ba3ad shway

Dalia: o ana wain aroo7 ballah???

Me: hahaha madryy 7oosay hnyy mara7 a6awel ma3a bs uhwa qa9ib yaby ytsawag ma3ay!

Dalia: 3shtaw yabech tishtreela hdom 3ala thogich?

Me: la! Mo 7agga 7agy ana!

Dalia: ya3ny ebyshtreelich? Zayda floosa?

Me: lool madryy bs mara7 akhaly yshtreely :o

Dalia: ee 3afya mu min al7een etfalseen erayal

Me: haha mashkoora 3al na9ee7a

We finished our delicious lunch and I called Wahab,

Wahab: hala bily 3ajazt alga 3athareeba, hala bily ti7iba kil asbaby

Me: hehehe wainikk?

Wahab: afaaaa laish matghaneeelyy?

Me: mkhalya hal mawhiba 7agik :p

Wahab: kilish maku romanseya ti3alimay yuba!

Me: haha enshallah!! Ok wainik??

Wahab: uhhh 3ind el makeup.. tara thayi3 ana awal marra aye Harrods!

Me: 9iiijjj?

Wahab: ee!

Me: ok latit7arak al7een ayeelik

Dalia and I parted and I made my way to the make up section.

Wahab: yalla wain tabeen tro7en al7een?

Me: hmm khanroo7 Cartier

Wahab: ok

Harrods was always more like a maze to me. It has a lot of halls and rooms its so confusing! We passed by the designer handbags section.

Me: khandoor hny awal please :D

I have my dad’s credit card so I can buy stuff :D

Wahab: yalla okk

We walked around from one brand to the other until we reached Louis Vuitton,

Me: Wahab please gooly hal jan6a 7ilwa wela la? Umy mu 3ajbat’ha o mu rathya tshtreeleyaha :(

I held the bag and showed it to Wahab

Wahab: hmm ee 7ilwa ya3ny madry entaw shit7iboon..

Me: laa malik shighil feena enta gooly 3ajbitik wela la?

Wahab: ee 7ilwaa

Me: adryy wallah o agool 7ag umy bs mu rathya akhith’ha!

Wahab: enzain khaleeha ymkin tilgain a7la?

Me: ee bashoof

Wahab: enzain wain hatha el ma7al elly thak elyoom giltay ebtshtreen mina shay bs uboch maretha?

Me: shnu el shay?

Wahab: madry atwaqa3 swar aw khatam?

Me: ee Cartier hatha elly binroo7la!

Wahab: yallah khanroo7 al7een .. haha malait min lijna6

Lool cute!

Me: I thought you were going to be my shopping buddy!

Wahab: haha la wain entaw matkhal9ooon :p

Me: haha yallah khanroo7

As we made our way to Cartier I called my dad to ask him if I could buy the bag. I wasn’t planning on asking him but I felt guilty for some reason!

--: ahahhaha aloo?

Hmm, it was a female voice. I removed the phone from my ear just to double check that I called my dad and I did.

Me: aloo?

Dad said nervously: aloo!

Me: yuba? Minu hathyy elmara?

Dad: hathy elsecrtaira

Me: haw laish ehya tsheela?

Dad: bass shfeech 3asa ma shar?

Me: umm ma shar bs bagoolik aby ashtiry jan6a min LV eb 579 KD e9eer?

Dad: ya3ny tharoory takhtheeenha??

Me: laa bas ---

Dad: ok ok bs latakhthen ghairha yalla bye lazim aroo7

He hung up. My father is acting weird lately, don’t you think?

Wahab chuckled: ha rethaa?

Me: ee shethaa7ik

Wahab: madry etshawgeen wentay tista2thinain

Me: hehe .. hatha uhwa el ma7al

We entered Cartier and started to look around..

Me: kaa hatha el Juste un clou collection!

Wahab: el shnu??

Me: haha hatha elly kint aby!

Wahab: shnu hatha china mismar 3akfeena!

Me: waay Wahab shnu mismar 3akfeena

Wahab: ee walla 9ij ga9eeen 3alaikum!

Me: walaa 7ilweeen bilibs a7laa
I called one of the guys that work there: excuse me can I see this bracelet and ring please.

Guy: sure

Way the British accent is love.

He took them out and I wore them carefully, they looked really beautiful together.

Me: shooof 7iluu 9aa7?

Me: wahab?

I lifted my head to see him looking at the engagement rings. I walked over to him,

Me: haa.. nawy etizawaj?

Wahab: ee walla et9adgeee, there’s this girl..

Me: hmm tell me more

Wahab: shagool.. yakhyy mlaw3a chabdyy wagfaatly hnyy (he pointed to his throat) matinbilii3

I hit him on his shoulder: haay!!

Wahab: hahaha yal wathqaa min gal enna 3anich!

Me: 3ayal mnu hathy ballah?

Wahab: 9ij enha mlaw3a chabdy bas a7ibha walla a7ibha!!

Me: ahh mashallaah!

Wahab: ee fa gilt ashtreelaha wa7id min hal khawatem.. etsa3deeny anagy?

Me: 6ab3an laa!!

I turned around but Wahab held my arm and turned me back around.

Wahab looked at me with those puppy eyes: come on, help a helpless guy out

I narrowed my eyes: ok!

I looked at the rings; they were all breathtaking!

Me: buy her all the rings.

Wahab: haha batzawaj qabeela ana?

Me: haha walla kilhum 7ilweeen

Wahab: laa nagawy wa7id

Me: okk.. hatha 7ilu

I chose a ring with three sparkling diamonds. Beauty.  Wahab asked the guy to bring it out. He examined it,
Wahab: 9ij hatha 3ajbich?

Me: ee, bs madry etha bya3jib s7aaaila

Wahab: LOOOL laa ya3jibha enshallaa

He took my left hand and slipped the ring through my ring finger.

Wahab: marry me s7aaila?

I giggled: abaaih Wahaab

Wahab: shnu abaaih? Eee wela laaa?

He pulled me close and whispered: tara min9ijyy..

I blushed: haha eeee

Wahab: yallah 3ad al7een fi9khee bs the shows over

Me: waay ya kirhikk mara7 af9akha khala9 you have to buy it for me haha

Wahab: afa 3alaich ashtereelich kil ely eb Cartier……… bl janna enshallah :D

Me: HAHAHAHA enshallaaah :p

I looked at the ring on my finger, I could get used to this. To Wahab and I. my heart was fluttering like a butterfly that just got to spread its wings. It was fluttering with joy.

--: LAMA??

I heard someone shout behind me. I turned around and my heart almost stopped beating.

***ASFAAA 3AAAL TA2KHEEER!!! Not gonna happen again enshalla x_x enjoy the post and don't forget to tell me what you think xx

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Give fate a chance 30

Today was very hectic. It consisted of me making phone calls. I had to call the bank and they kept transferring me to different people and it took me a couple of hours till I got a hold of them. I had to stop my credit cards because of last night’s robbery. Then we went to Selfridges for a while and came back. That was basically the highlight of my day, it was so boring.


Dalia and I woke up the next morning a bit late, at about 1:30 pm.

Dalia: abaaaaih we're late!!

Me: 3ala shnu??

Dalia: umm.. Madry matabeen n6la3?

Me: emballah aby aroo7 Harrods aby atsawaag

Dalia: enzain awal khanroo7 Hyde Park nitmasha shway b3dain nroo7 Harrods?

Me: waay metfargha laa maly khilg Hyde Park!

Dalia: yallaa 3aad please!!!

Me: haw sh6aryy 3alaich??

Dalia: aby aroo7 a9awer 3end el bu7aira please!!

Me: waay madry

Dalia winked: yalla

Me: okk yallaa bs balbis training b3dain nrid hny 3ashan abadel 7g Harrods!

Dalia: laa 6wala lbsay marra wa7da e7na mara7 en6awel bil park

Me: way aby amshy eb shay muree7

Dalia: Lama lat9erreen d3la kshkhay 7ag li9waar :D

Me: ok!!

She walked to the closet and took out a maxi light pink dress with short sleeves. The dress had an opening till my knees. She pulled out a striped scarf and ordered me to wear them.

Me: sh6ary 3alaich?

Dalia smiled: basss

Me: ok

Well she saved me some time maly khilg afaker shalbis. I changed into my dress, curled my hair, and wore my Lanvin snake skin flats.

Me: yalla khalast

Dalia: yalla ka ga3da albis joteye o pls dont wear jewelry laybogona ba3ad :)

Me: haha mara7 albisss

We left the hotel and met up with Ryan. He worked in the company that my dad partnered with here. My dad makes him go everywhere with us since what happened two days ago. I can’t tell you how much Dalia appreciated it, "I feel safe" she stated.

Ryan: so where do you want me to drive you?

Dalia: its ok we'll walk, were heading to the park

Ryan: ok

Dalia and Ryan started conversing as we walked to the park; I just listened to some songs on my iPhone.

I asked when we arrived: ybtay el camera??

Dalia: weee nesaait'ha

Me: 7lfaayy hatha wentay mshta6a 3al ta9weer!

Dalia: 3ady a9awer eb mobily

Me: ok hny zaiin..

I pointed at one side of the park.

Dalia: laa aby elbu7aira

Me: ok..

We finally reached the small pond; it was beautiful. The place was almost empty except for..

Dalia whispered in my ear: surpriseee

My jaw dropped, I turned around but Dalia already disappeared!

I saw Wahab leaning on a tree with both hands behind his back. I closed my eyes and opened them again trying to make sure that he's really here.  He smiled..

When I saw his smile, its like the whole world blurred out. Everything around me disappeared, except for Wahab. That beautiful human being standing in front of me took my breath away. In that moment, nothing mattered. It’s like the pain I went through the last few days because of what he did got erased from my heart. Instead, it is replaced by joy and longing.

You might think I'm exaggerating, but if you saw the way his lips curl up into a smile or how his eyes sparkle when he sees me I swear you'll understand. As soon as I saw him, all the beautiful flowers, trees, and birds that were once around me disintegrated into nothingness. All I can see, or all that my eyes wanted to see was Wahab.

Wahab walked closer to me and smiled: Lama shlonich?

I miss him.

I miss his smile.

I miss his voice.

I miss the way my heart makes a double flip when I see him.

I miss us.

He took a couple of steps closer, his hands behind his back.

Wahab: ana gilt sh9ayer bil dinya, faj2a 7asait eb qamta o 7asait enna fee shay ghair bl kuwait, shay nagi9! Chan asmaa3 enich safartayy.. Gilt eeee bil3ither, he chuckled

He smiled, again, and pulled one of his hands from behind his back and handed me a beautiful bouquet of roses.  

Wahab: ana asif. Walla makan qa9dy o maadry laish sawait elly sawaita o adry enna hatha mu gadrich bas atmana ennich etsam7eeny!

I just stood there looking at him, until I realized that I was smiling like an idiot. Can you blame me? Even after what he did I just can't stay angry with him! Yet, I had to show him that I was hurt so he wouldn't do what he did again. I tried to stop smiling..

Me: umm shdarak enny eb london?

Wahab smiled: I have my sources  

Stop smiling you are killing me! *insert smiley with heart filled eyes*

Me: min9ijyy..

Wahab: Dalia galatly..

No wonder she insisted on coming here. SHE'S THE BEST!

Me: Wahab.. why did you walk away?

Oh no, I can feel the lump crawling up my throat again.

Wahab: lany 7mar o ghaby o anany o maynoon o makint ga3id afaker 3adil..

I smiled while a tear rolled down my cheek.

Wahab: la.. Lama 3ashany latabcheeen walla ga3a tga63een galby –he pulled out some tissues from his pocket and handed them to me- walla asif

He took my hand and brought them closer to his lips and showered them with kisses. I flinched and pulled my hands away..

I giggled: khala9 khala9 I believe you! thank you for the flowers

He held my hands and looked into my eyes.

Wahab whispered into my ear while singing: aba3t'thr kily nadam .. 3an kil shay ella elhawa ma lil hawa 3endy 3ither. Et9adegy? Ma khtart ana a7ibik ma 7ad y7ib elly yaby sekanty jroo7y gha9ib ya 7uby el mur el 3athb..

I felt a chill run down my spine. His voice is so gooood mashallah!

He took a couple of steps backward while holding my hand, so I walked with him.

He gestured to the ground: tefathilaay

There was mat placed on top of the grass and a picnic basket. Small petals were scattered on the mat. It looked beautiful.

Wahab sat next to me, so close that he almost sat on my lap. I moved a little to the left.

Wahab turned my head so that I faced him: aby agoolich shay.. uhwa akthar kalam e3abir 3an sh3oory e9ara7a..

He smiled and started talking:
            “Maho ghareeb eny lo marra fe hamy nesait o bklma jara7tik, gabl ma tit2alimain, elly yanzif ho damy. Abas2ilik.. ma ho ghareeb, astahilik? Abas2ilik lo gilt lk ena el 7anan elly fe galbik yanbit min e9akhar elzahar.. o ena alnahar elly fe khdodik ykhaly el nisma 3i6ir .. o enna el 3athab elly fe 3yonik y3alim enas elshi3ir, astahilik? O lo gilt enny a7ibik akthar min hmom elbashar o kithir elsahar.. lo gilt lk o enk agrab min 3yony linithar kl elithy agdar agoola o elly ma agdar agoola.. astahilik 7abeebty?”

I melted. My heart was swimming in an ocean of joy. How does one reply to that?

I looked him straight in the eye and said: a7ibiik

After I had realized what I said, I lowered my head in embarrassment. 7asait nafsy khafeefa :p

Wahab grinned: a7ibich a7ibich a7ibichh

He kept saying that while coming closer to me, and then he planted a kiss on my cheek. I 
pushed him away slowly..

I widened my eyes: wahab!!!

Wahab chuckled: asiif bs walla magedart

I blushed, wayhy kan 3ebara 3an 6oma6a.

Wahab brought the basket closer and pulled out a Mcdonalds bag.

Wahab smiled: hatha Mcdonalds elly mata3ashaytay feeh thak el yoom, yayiblich spicy 
mcchicken with big mac sauce inside, your favorite.

I widened my eyes: shdarak 3an esalfa??

Wahab: gitlich Dalia galatly.. -he chuckled- dazatly message min mobilich 3abaly entay galat enna Wahab rid 3alay ana eb London broo7y o bagaw ni9 ashya2y! fa ekhtara3t o dagait wela te6la3ly Dalia. Chan etzifny o tgoly enta laish etsawy chithy eb Lama 7aram 3alaik o min hal kalam. Haha 3ad etifaqt ma3aha ba3dain enyy aye hny o shlon ashofich

I gasped: meta 9aar kil hatha???

Wahab: ams.. tara ana 9arly taghreeban thalath sa3at min we9alt!

Me: etshawgooooon! Zaaain yeet ba3ad o makhalaytnyyy

Wahab: afa 3alaiich bas! Maytheeg khilgich o ana mawjood

I smiled; it felt really good having him here.I spent the rest of the afternoon with him. I couldn’t get enough! You know when you spend time with a person that understands you? A person that gets weird with you, jokes around and laugh at silly things with you? That’s exactly what we are to each other. He’s like my missing piece of the puzzle. If I ever wanted someone to father my children, I would be honored to choose him.