Friday, March 23, 2012

Suddenly everything changes 31

Hellloo my dear readers!! I am sad to inform you that this is the last post in this story! I really enjoyed this new experience and I'm sure that this won't be my last story..

Anyway enjoy the last post and let me know what you think;*



“youm agbalat 9awat laha jar7y elgadeeeem
youm agbalat 6irna laha ana o shogy wilnaseeem”

3ain elma7atny wish’hagat .. o 3ain e7thanat 3ainy o bakat..
o ya far7ityyyy”

I haven’t seen her in a while..

And I finally see her today..

She was sitting on the beach reading a book under the moonlight..

She was ghala..

MY ghala, I can proudly say..

As I walked closer I realized that salma, hala, and talah were also there..

But as soon as I spotted ghala, everything else blurred out.

            “el7ath elaaila kareem! Ma7boobity ma3zooma min thimn el ma3azeeem..

            fe za7maat enaas 9a3ba 7ality.. faj2a ekhtalaf loony o tha3at khu6waty”

me: e7m e7m ..

She looked up at me, closed the book and stood up..

And as if on queue, the girls stood up one by one and left the beach for ghala and I to be alone..

            “mithly wgefat talmis jroo7y o 7eerty..
b3eed wgifat o ana b3eed eb lahfityy
ma7ad 3araf shily 7a9aaal..
ma7ad lamas mithl el amal..
kl ebtesama mhajira .. jaat rj3aat lishifityy
o kil eldrooob elthay3a miny tindaay khu6wity
o ya re7laat elghurba? Wedaa3an ri7lityy!
O yaa far7ittyy!”

I flashed her my best smile.. and she smiled back

Ya wailyyy wailaa!

I walked closer to her and whispered in her ear: taraa walaaaht

She blushed.. oh how I love it when her beautiful cheeks become red..

I grabbed her hands and held It between mine..

Her hands were freezing! It was the end of January and; It was cold o 7athrat’ha labsa khafeef

I brought her hands closer to my lips and kissed them..

I looked her in the eye.. swimming deep into her soul..

ya 3yoon el koon ghithyy bilnithar
etrikeeena athnain 3ain ta7ky li3aaain
etrkeeena eshoog makhala 7athar”

Her eyes sparkle like the shadow of the moon on the water..

Her smile brightens even the darkest days..

Her soft touch makes my heart melt..

Her beautiful hair shines like the moon and is soft like her skin..

Her voice.. a melody I want to play over and over..

I don’t ever want to see the day when I loose ghala..

Because she is the source of happiness in my life..

Because without her.. what is life really?

I remember when I was angry at ghala.. and forced my self to fall inlove with dana..

I compared dana to ghala.. and loved every similarity and loathed every difference!

I wanted dana to be a clone of ghala, because that was the only way I would’ve fallen in love with her..

I texted her the other day.. I wanted to tell her that I love ghala, since I wasn’t sure of how to label my 
relationship with dana..

Me: hala dana shlonich?

Dana: bkhair el7imdila..

Me: 3asa! Dana aby agolich shay muhim..

Dana: umm me too!!

And before I could reply she sent me another text..

Dana: abdullah I just got engaged.. fa umm yeah I think its better if we like stopped talking, you know?


Abdullah: I sure do! I was going to tell you the same thing!

Dana: oh cool.. anyway allah ywafgik and it was great meeting you!

Abdullah: ameen wewafgich enshallah! Likewise!

Ashwa rayi7atnyy…

Our relationship was like a burden in my chest..

It always felt like I was cheating on ghala..

But know I freed myself from the guilt!

Back to ghala…

Me: ghala.. I never heard you say it

Ghala: say what?

Me: that you love me..

She blushed and lowered her head…

She smiled: abdullah.. kil shay eb wagta 7iluuu

Me: a77 chinich degarteenyy..

She giggled: hehe laa walla but I want to say it when I’m ready..

Me: yallah 9eeray “ready” bsr3a

Ghala: hehe

I removed a lock of hair from her face..
            bala khoof ebniltigy.. balaa 7eera eb niltigyy..
            baltigy bi3yoonaha o 3yoonaha a7la wa6aan
o kil el aman..”


Abdullah is so cute!!

I have to admit, he sure knows how to make a girl fall for him!

I mean at first I was hoping for a miracle to get me back with aziz..

But after spending time with abdullah, I swear with every word he says, he makes me love him even 

He made me forget about my pain, something I thought I’d live with!

He was with me every step of the way!

He stood by my side even when I was at my worse state, wayed kubar eb 3ainy!

Unlike aziz who ran away as soon as a problem popped up! And no he wasn’t “mas7oor” at the time!

3ala 6aryy aziz..

A lot of crazy things happened in the past couple of months..

Of course when I told aziz about what noor wanted to do and then he accused me of lying I didn’t have a 
choice other than to tell his mother!

She had her doubts at first, but then she decided to call a sheikh to read for them..

Sara and aziz were in denial in the beginning, but then they started believing us the more they went to the 

At first, Aziz was so pissed that I told his mother that he sent me angry text messages and scary threats!

But I know he didn’t mean any of it he wasn’t in his right mind!

His mother kept updating me on everything that happens to them..

The “sheikh” told them that the “si7ir” was not bad and since it was mixed with food they could easily 

So they went to him weekly and they got better day by day il7imdilla!


Nour called me the other day..

Nour: ahlan ghala shlonich??

She sounded very excited!

That bitch acting like she’s innocent!

Me: mnu?

Nour: ana nour al **** abaih ma3arafateeny hehe!

Me: la ma3arafetch :)

I want to rip her apart!

Nour: wee anyway im sure you do now:p

I laughed sarcastically: ee akeed ba3arfech shlon ma3arfech?

Nour: ee o e9ara7a ra7 t3arfeeny 3adel 3ugub ma yakh6ibny aziz.. I just called to ask since umm you 
know him too well 3ala goltich what should I get him for his bday?

Atwaqa3 7inchy wi9al el arth min kithir makint min9adma


Khaaaraa feeeha!!! Wallaah bas khal atkharaj o kilyouuum bag3ad arfaa3 3alaiha qathaya!! Akhaleeha 
t3aref shloon tkalimny eb hal 7aqara!

Me: haha eb ay 7ilm hatha elly 3azez eb yakh6ibich?

Nour: my reality.. your nightmare

Me: I don’t think so.. I hate to burst your bubble but your little schemes are over!

Nour: huh?

Me: gilt 7ag their parents entay shmsawya eb sara o aziz.. o wadohum 7ag shaikh ygra 3alaihum.. o 
they’re getting better so you should take your little dream of aziz marrying you and shove it up you’re a**

Sorry for the language bas 7araaatnyy!!!

She was quiet for a while.. and then all I heard was

6ooo6 6oo6 6oo6

haha she hung up!

I don’t think she knew about the last part!

I texted aysha

Noor tadry enna fe sheikh yegra 3ala sara and aziz?

After a couple of minutes..

Aysha: I have no idea, I haven’t talked to her we got in a fight.. but I don’t think she knows..

Me: wee a7san shtabeen feeha g6ee3a! anyway she called me today and I told her chan etsakra eb 
wayhy LOL o tadreen laish daga? Etgoly enna 3azez ebytzawajany bs aby as2ilich since u know him too 
well what should I get him for his bday? TEKHAYILAY!!


Aysha: ABAAAIH CHATHABA!!! Ay shaay!! Omg she’s such a bitch jad she’s the definition of that 
word aslan! But don’t worry about her.. I talked to sara ams and her parents might sue nour o niftak 

Me: siiij!!! Waay khal yan6roon lama atkharaj I want to be their lawyer aby a6ali3 7arrety feeha!!

Ya7lailha aysha she’s a good person.. etwanis!

Back to abdullaah..

Abdullah: ghala bardana?

Me: hmm.. la 3ady

Abdullah took off his coat and wrapped it around me..

Abdullah: well your hands sure are freezing!

So cute!!

Me: haha thank you! Bs al7een enta ebtistabrid!!

Abdullah: I’d freeze to death for you baby

Me: awww you’re the cutest I swear!!

Abdullah smiled: e7mm adryy

Ahh abdullah!!

He makes me feel safe!

And I swear I miss him so badly whenever he’s gone, sometimes even when he’s right in front of me..

I never want to loose him!

I used to listen to cheesy songs and read poems that talked about love..

And always laughed at how the singer loves the person he/she are singing about way too much..

They would say words like “loosing you is like living in a world with no air” or “my life would suck 
without you” or “you cut me open and I keep bleeding love”

And I thought to my self.. how could a person love to that extent! I never believed in those words..

Until I fell in love..

And experienced the pain

The laughter

The butterflies in my stomach

The chill running down my spine..

And I started to believe that these feelings are true!

Abdullah: emshay khanig3ad jbal el ba7ar

Me: yallah

He held my hand and we went and sat in front of the water..

I looked up at him..

Me: abdullah..

Abdullah: amraaay

Me: kalamt aziz? Aw did he talk to you

Abdullah: la! And why are you trying to ruin a prefect night?

Me: la bas kint bagoolik enna he called me gabil ams!

Abdullah: shyaaby??

Its true, aziz called to apologize..

Aziz: wallah asif ghala! Thalamtich ma3aay! Its just that, everything felt so real at the time! Every time I 
saw your face I was sure that you were the one I wanted to marry! I was so sure that I’m in love with 
you.. and that you are the only one!

Me: what changed that?

Aziz: I don’t know.. I started thinking about how I quickly fell in love with you and then how quickly I fell 
out of it! and I realized that what I felt for you wasn’t love.. it couldn’t be!

Me: huh?

I was confused what is he trying to say!!

Aziz: I think I only had a crush on you! Like a huge crush, because it couldn’t be defined as love.. wallah 

And then it hit me.. he’s just a young adult that rushed into wanting to marry me and then regretted it!

His friends probably brainwashed him with how evil marriage is and made him hate it!

He was being honest with me.. and I didn’t know how to reply!

Aziz: o ham asif enny ma9adagtich lama gilteely 3an elsi7ir.. I guess I was under its influence! Bs hath a 
mo 3ithir! Look ghala your one of the prettiest girls I know! O wallah alf wa7id yitmanach! You deserve 
some one better than me!

I sure do!

Where is all this drama coming from??

My life turned into a khaleeji series where all what happens is drama!

Me: so you’re saying that its over?

Aziz sighed: that sums it up.. yes!

I was quiet..

Aziz: you will always have this special place in my heart.. you left a big ---

Me: yeah ok I get it, umm bye now..

I hung up..

I can’t just sit here and listen to more of this!

Abdullah was really annoyed after I told him..

Abdullah: bas aham shay enna uhwa raa7 eb3eeed and left you for me onlyyyy

Me: hehe 9a7!

He wrapped one arm around me and brought me closer to him..

He whispered into my ear: a7ibiiich .. yallah ma9irtay “ready”?

Ahh I melted..

Me: I will be in a short while!

I wanted to change the subject..

So we started to talk about random things..

And then talked about what happened in our lives in the past year..

It was overwhelming how things have changed!

I changed, I feel like I grew a little..

Became stronger..

My life before was really boring..

It was so predictable!

I would always repeat the same routine..

Jam3a, home, hang out with friends or family..

Until I met aziz..

I felt like my life finally had a purpose!

Like I had something to smile for in the morning!

Or a great dream to experience at night!

My life wasn’t predictable anymore!

Surprises kept getting thrown at me from everywhere!

And I enjoyed it!

Until everything came to an end.. or I thought it did.

When I lost aziz, I thought that I lost all purpose in life..

I wanted my life to end then and there!

But now, as I look back, I realize how attached I was to him.. and how it killed me when this attachment 

And I could see so clearly that god can surprise you with the best gift ever, and then take it away from 
you the next day, month or year..

But god never leaves us stranded; he always replaces this gift with even a better one!

Just like the one he took from me (aziz), and the one I got in return (abdullah).


Change can be good at times.. but can be the worst at other times.

I believe that change is important.. because what is life without change?

A cycle of the same scene being played over and over again..

And my life has experienced a lot of changes..

Unexpected changes, that brought me to the place I am today!

Things change constantly..

People leave

Other people come into your life

You loose things you love..

Or people you love..

But you learn to move past it..

And never let it get the best of you..

Never let you forget the beauty of change ..

Abdullah kept singing into my ear:

Etha 9ifalik zemanik 3il ya thamy .. eshrab gabl la y7oos el6een 9afeeha
Alwagt lo zan ya 9a7 ma damy .. ya sir3 ma ti3tirith darbik balaweha
7ata wileefk wa law hayyam bik ehyamy .. syor el ayam tjna7 bih 3awadeeha

That was true.. and it scared me..

I lifted my head and looked at abdullah..

I sat straight and turned his head towards me..

Me: promise me..

He whispered: anything..

Me: never leave me..

Abdullah: never gonna happen!

Me: just promise me please

Abdullah hugged me and whispered into my ear: I promise you, I will be with you forever to get you 
through the day and make everything OK!

A tear ran down my cheek, but I smiled nonetheless!

Me: a7ibiik.. and I will always be with you too!

Because these promises matter..

They bring people together

When suddenly everything goes wrong..

When suddenly everything becomes hard..

When suddenly everything changes..


  1. 3ajeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeba bas laish it's the last post !!! ;'(

    Thank you enjoyed it

    - RFS love it

  2. Awesome!
    But we demand an epilogue! This can't be the end!

  3. Laish the end:(:(
    Baaas 7adha
    3ajeeeeebaaa thankuuu;** love 3abdallaaahh!!! Ou waiting for ur new story;)

  4. I'm so sad this the ending :( laaaaaaaaaaaaaa ma at8ablllllllllllllllllll
    Can't wait for your next story :* don't make us wait for too long!

  5. Waayed 3ajeeba, i loved the story!! Naby epilogue pleasee :p

  6. Amaaaaaaaziiiiiiiiing ending :D

    Loved it and loved the story :D

    Bas aham shay ina ghala wayed mishta6a tabeehum yan6eroonha t9eer lawyer :P

    Dont stop writing please!!
    Looking forward for the next one :D


  7. AMAAAZINNGGG ENDING<3!!! I LOOOVE ITT BS BSER3A KHALLUSAT:(!! Wallahh you are so talented<3 proud of youuuuuu!! cant wait until you post the next story:D:*

    Love you;*

  8. RFS: Thaank you!! bs lana khalisat el qessa;( i love youu;**

    NBA: thank you;* hahah i'll consider it ;)

    Ay: thaanks!!<3 hehe enshallah ta3jibkum ;)

    Anony1: ee i know it was a sudden ending!:( bs enshallah fe another story i will try to post it soon;**

    Anony2: Thaank you;** hehe enshallah faker feeha :p

    shushu: Thaaaank you loveee;*** hahahah eee min el7arra elly feeeha! enshallaah i won't;*

    Ketakeet: THAAANK YOUU!!! eee:(( thaaank you love!! you were my inspiration;* hehe neither can i hahah:p i love you more wallaah;****

  9. One of the best stories i've read <3
    Loved it and thnkyou so much for your constant posts :*
    Looking forward to a mew one :D

  10. Your writing is amazing! thank you so much for posting so regularly xxxx

  11. Madliar: Thankk you love;** aww enshallah eddom;p so glad <3

    Anony: Thaaank YOU!!;** hahahah enshallah sooon;)

  12. aah! great story written by a great talented person!!
    jad amaaazzing!!!

    Thankyou so much i really enjoyed it, love you!


  13. Simply.. AMAZING!!!!! Keep it up!! Waiting for the up coming stories;D

  14. Slai7a: awww thank you so much wallah!! it means a lot!! I'm glad you did and i hope you would enjoy my new story as well ;** loveee youuu too xx

    Anony: THAAANK YOU!!! will do enshallaah;*** yaay i hope they don't disappoint you!;*

  15. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Great story! I read all of it today. Ghala's amazing!

  17. I finish this story in one and what I can say is AMAZING.. 7sait eb everything they went thro .. You're so talented mashalla!

    1. Lol wayd mistakes sorry!

      I finished this story in one day and I can say is its AMAZING.. 7sait eb everything they went thro .. You're so talented mashalla

  18. You made me CRY!!!!!!!
    I loved it :')
    9dg ybelk t5rjen musalsal
    Trak gifted you know that!
    Thank you for everything 5a9atan a5r paragraph you tought me a lot sis<3
    Wish you the best!

  19. your story is soo cute!<3, I wish I read it before :(

  20. LOVED the story it is more than AMAZING! Ashwaa ghalooya 7abat abdulla hatha ely kint abeeh men awal el qessa:: you're talented mashalla! Madree shagool ba3ad:: thanks 3ala hal story el 7ilwa mithlich ;p

  21. A tiny bit if me dies everytime the blog I'm reading ends I loved your story soo much ur an amazing writer keep the good work up. Silent reader. LBH.

  22. It's the third or the fourth time I read the story and I would get touched all over again! Galbi m3awrni l 7ean! U know when you feel you are just too hopeless that u need live? Aaaaaaahhh! I miss you maggie! Love you and your stories ALL of them! I LOVE YOU MIN KEL A3MA8 GALBIIIIIIIIII! W I always repeat it YOU ARE THE BEST BLOGGER EVEER! I MISS YOU!
