Saturday, March 10, 2012

Suddenly everything changes 24

Hello!! first i want to apologize for the delay!! i was busy and i couldn't post! second, i cant post everyday in the upcoming weeks because I'm super busy with exams, but i promise I'll post whenever i have the chance!

sorry again and enjoy this post;**


I woke up the next morning exhausted..

I hardly slept..

Did ghala really make up that lie?

Hmm no she would never do that!

I’m sure sara is over reacting..

Or just misunderstood the whole thing!

And I was thinking..

If postponing the milcha meant that much to ghala then so be it..

Mara7 akharib 3alaiha bi3nadyy..

I decided to call her and tell her that I agree..


it was the first time aziz gets this angry at me..

ifff!! Im feeling guilty!

He’s right! I was so selfish! I decided everything forgetting that it was his night too!

You know what? If he doesn’t want to postpone it then we wont..

Talah was calling me..

Me: alooo

Talah: halaa! Shlonech?

Me: bkhaiir entay shakhbarich?

Talah: tamam! Sim3ay breakfast at my house al7een o salma and hala are on their way yallah ta3alay!

Hmm my class was at 1 so I had time..

Me: okk yallah al7een aye..


ghala was giving me the silent treatment, and it killed me!

She doesn’t answer my calls and when she does, she turns it into a very formal phone call!

So I asked talah to invite the girls over so I can talk to ghala alone..

That’s the only way she’ll ever talk to me!

I was waiting in my room..

The seconds went by like hours..

I kept calling talah asking her if ghala arrived yet..

And with my last call she told me that ghala arrived.

Me: enzain ana banzil ta7at.. entay wilbanat g3daw bl7adeeqa o khalay ghala edish dakhil 3ashan 

Talah: walla ra7 tithba7ny ghala bs okk..

After a while I heard talah and ghala’s voices.. so I ambushed her in the small living room..

Ghala was talking and then stopped and looked at me confused..

Then talah smiled an awkward smile and practically ran out of the room..

Ghala looked at her and widened her eyes.. im sure she was angry

She was about to leave when I held her hand..

Me: ghala!! La7tha bakalmich!

Ghala: abdullah please hidny!

I let her go..

Me: ghala! Laish matrideen 3alay lama adig 3alaich? O matrdeen 3alay eb bbm? Shda3wa tara many 
thab7ich ana!

Ghala: 3abdullah meta ebtefham enna ana batzawaj u had a chance to tell me elly bitgoola al7een gabil la 
yakh6ibny 3azeez but u decided visiting London was a better idea!!

I just stared at her..

Looked at how cute she was when she got angry

And then listened to her words..

I was shocked!

Me: ya3ny.. y3ny kntay ra7 tirthain feeny lo kint kha6bich gabil aziz?


I kept calling ghala nonstop but she didn’t answer!

Is she angry about yesterday!!


I asked sara to try and call her..

And still she wouldn’t answer!

I started to worry!

Me: sara digay 3ala a7ad min rabi3ha? Her cousins ay shay?

Sara: ok a3aref raqam salma her cousin

Me: ok digay 3alaiha!!

Sara called salma..

Sara: aloo.. hala shlonech? Haha ana sara al***** ma3arafteeny? Haha hala feech!! Bkhairr entay 


She gave me a look and continued..

Sara: enzain sim3ay wain ghala?? Ee .. ahh okk.. ahaa .. ok mashkoora lana aziz ga3ed edig 3alaiha o mo 
rathya tsheela.. ee ga3da ma3aa.. ok khalas mashkoora yallah bye!

Me: ga3da ma3a mnu? :O

Sara: way ga3da ma3a abdullah minsijik bitrid 3ala mobilha!

Me: o laish matrid ballah?

Sara: madryy ya3ny elbanat mityam3een o ehya hadat’hum o ga3da ma3a abdullah!! Akeed fe shay….

I got really angry!


I was angry because sara kept dissing ghala every chance she got!

And tried to put toxic ideas into my head!

I mean, I know ghala and abdullah were close… but no she couldn’t be in love with him!!

Waai3 wallah sara ga3da tkhaleeny afaker eb ashya malha da3y!


abdullah: ya3ny.. y3ny kntay ra7 tirthain feeny lo kint kha6bich gabil aziz?

No .. no I didn’t mean it like that!

Me: hmm laa.. I meant enna laish yay tgol a7ibich al7een? U had plenty of chances before! O please 
abdullah I have to go!

I rummaged through my bag looking for my phone.. only to realize I forgot it at home! Iff!!

Abdullah looked at me strangely!

Abdullah: GHALA! I didn’t realize how madly I was in love with you! Every time I talked to you or 
hung out with you I felt happy! Like you bring out the best in me! O kila a7is enna maby el wagt ymur lama akoon ma3ach! Bs mate9awart enny kint a7ibich! O makint adry shnu uhwa el7ub a9lan! Bs 3ugub 
salfat 6alal o 3azeez.. esta3wabt enna maby aziz yakhthich minny!! Maby wala a7ad yakhich!

He came closer to me and held my hand..

Abdullah: ghala 3ashany fihmeeny.. wallah galby yi7tirig blyoom alf mara! Kil mathikart ennich 
bitizawijain aziz!

I was overwhelmed..

My face started burning up.. that was too much!

And I didn’t know what to do!!

He was telling me how much he loved me and all I can think about was aziz!

I looked down.. I didn’t know how to make him understand that I love him.. but I love aziz more! And I 
couldn’t leave aziz .. I just cant!

Me: abdullah.. im sorry I have to go..

I turned around to leave..

He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him aggressively !

His face was inches away from mine!

He whispered through clenched teeth.. it was obvious he was pissed!

Abdullah: laish! Laish etsaween feny chithy!! Tara edinya mo wagfa 3alaich entay! Kil makalamtich 
gltely sorry o baro7 o aziz o madry shnu! Yuba khalas zain! Roo7ay o allah y7afthich!

I just stared at him ..

My eyes began to tear..

Abdullah: I’m sure that I will find another girl that I will love.. and that will love me back!

He walked away .. his shoulder bumped into mine as he left

I just looked at the place where he stood .. I couldn’t believe what he said..

How could he hate me that fast!!

And it was so easy for him to do!!

I don’t think he ever loved me!

I rushed outside for my car .. and I had to pass by the girls since they were outside too

Salma ran after me..

Salma: ghalaaa!! La7thaa bakalmich!

Me: na3am?

She looked at me skeptically

Salma: shfeech??

Me: mafeeny shay salma!

Salma: umm sim3ay sara tawa dagat 3alay!

I sighed not interested: mnu sara..

Salma: 7amatich!!

I looked at her: shnu taby?

Salma: tgool ga3da edig 3alaich o entay matsheleena!

I panicked: o entay shglteelaha??

Salma: gitlaha enna entay ga3da ma3a abdullah!

My eyes popped out!

Me: ayshay!! Laishhh???

Salma was confused: so shnu ya3ny etha gtlaha?

Me: waay sara al7een bitkabir elmawthoo3 o btgool 7ag aziz o broo7na ams mit’hawsheen!!

Salma: haw! O laish mashiltay mobilich lama dagaw 3alaich?

Me: naseeta bil bait!!!

We looked at each other..

Salma was confused..

And I was scared


  1. Dramaaaaaa!!!!!!

    you know some/most stories r becoming quite predictable nowadays but urs sure isn't! waay I don't even know how things will end I'm starting to actually doubt that there will be a "happy ending" or that Abdullah and Ghala will end uo together! 'cus it seems like ghala ma bithnha maay ou 7ail mu9era inha ta5th 3aziz!
    Hope I'm wrong though :p

  2. Ooh Myy Godd 7adda 3ajeeb wallah oo i love both 3abullah and 3aziz oo they both love her 7aram if she chose one over another it would be soo heartbreaking:'( but i know you would end it just perfectly:);***

  3. Anony 1: whats a story without drama? heheh thanks:p la enshallah there is a happy ending, just not like a fairytale happy ending:p keep reading to find out;**

    Anony 2: Thaank youu;** awaal wa7da t7ibhum both!!<3 thaaaank youu love;****

  4. I truly hate 3aziz w a7is he's a player and he's gonna mistreat her later on, because he seems to get angry easily:p. I hope she marries Abdullah he's so white-hearted :'). I know I'm a bit late for reading this blog but I'm a new reader :3

