Saturday, March 17, 2012

Suddenly everything changes 28

            “Galaw tara malik amal fe gorbaha lo yoom
            eb3id o janib darbaha o hatha ho el magsoom..”


after sitting with the men and chatting for a while, I realized I forgot my phone in the duwania..

so I got up and went to the duwania..

as I was walking, I saw ghala making her way to the living room opposite of me..

I swear as soon as I laid my eyes on her, its like all the feelings I tried to run away from came rushing 
back into my heart..

I could almost hear my heart screaming “WTH WERE YOU THINKING TRYING TO FORGET HER?”

And it was true, that beautiful person standing in front of me has a special place in my heart that no one 
can replace no matter how many times I convince myself to move on..

No matter how many girls I try to force myself to love..

No matter how many times everyone tells me to back off.. I don’t want to!

            “gilt etrkoony wiskito khalo el 3atab wiloom..
            gadny gheregt fy ba7raha wala 3ad efeed el 3oom!”

I want her to be happy..

I want her to have the best life..

I want her to be pleased..

And I wanted to be the one to offer her that..


Only me and no one else!

I just stood there staring at her, and she did the same..

We were quiet, but all I could hear is the sound of our hearts beating..

Or maybe it was just my heart going crazy..

She lowered her head and looked like she wanted to say something..

Ghala: e7m..

I took a step towards her.. and she took a step backwards..

Me: ghala ana ..

I took another step

And she took a step backwards..

Me: e9ara7a aby akalmich eb mawthoo3 muhim..

I took a step..

She took a step back until her back bumped into the wall..

She panicked..

I looked her straight in the eye..

I wanted her to feel what I was feeling..

I wanted her to know how much I love her..

It was like magic every time I see her face .. all I want to do is hold her in my arms

And just the thought of her marrying someone else..

Or loving someone else..

Killed me..

I swear its like these thoughts sent daggers to my heart..

“galo tara fe 7ubaha wail o asa wihmoom..
            gilt in gatalny 7ubaha 7asby tigol mar7oom”

Me: ghala a7ibich

That was certainly not what I was planning on saying.. or how I planned to say it

The word just escaped my mouth straight from my heart

She looked at me .. her eyes wide

She tried to move.. so I placed my hands on the wall a few inches above her head..

And brought my self closer to her..

I’m not going to let her walk away.. not today

She just stood there speech less..

I whispered: ghala ana asif 3ala el kalam elly gilta thak elyoom allah a3lam enny makint aq9id wala kilma 
gilt’ha.. adry ennich makh6ooba.. o adry enich et7ibeen aziz.. bs ham ana a7ibich fog ma tit9awirain! 
Entay o talah 3ayaztaw wintaw tgololy eny a7awel ansach bs wallah 9a3ba .. 9a3ba!

            “galoly ensa thikraha manta baha malzoom
            gilt ebshiro ya 3atheleen bansa letheeth enoom!”

She lowered her head..

Me: ga3d a7awel aqni3 nafsy enny ansach .. o ga3id a7awel enny ashghil nafsy 3anich.. bs wallah 
kilshay ethakirny fech! Matwaqa3 enny agdar a7ib wa7da kithir ma a7ibich al7een.

I placed my hands on her chin and raised her head..

I started singing quielty: galo btelga ghairha witrik hawaha elyoom.. gilt el3afo ya 7asideeen mabdil 
gamar binjoom!!

She was quiet.. and her silence was killing me

Me: 3ashany golay ay shay..

She sighed..

Ghala: m-madry shaghool..

Her voice was quivering as if she’s about to cry..

Ahhh her voice.. it was like melody to my ears!

But I’m sure she’s thinking about him..

It was always him and always will be..

I just don’t know how to make her change her mind..

“galoly ghairik 7ubaha gilt el jawab mafhoom
            dam enaha mithanya shloon a9eer ma7room”

I was just about to speak when ghala lifted her head, saw something behind me and gasped.


As I got closer to the building I heard noises..

I turned my head and saw two figures..

It was dark and I couldn’t quite point out who they were

Garrabt yamhum…. O yalaitny magarabt!!!

There they were..

Ghala, and abdullah all over her!

She saw me and gasped..

Then abdullah turned his head, saw me and stumbled backwards away from ghala

I could feel my face boiling from anger..

One second she tells me I’m the only one she loves

And the next I find her in abdullah’s arms!!

I shouted: shga3deen tsawoon?!!

Ghala: uhh aziz bas kan ga3ed egooly shay..

I widened my eyes: la walla!!! Ya3ny elly begolich shay yalzig fech chithy!

Abdullah: aziz wallah ent fahim el mawtho3 ghala6

I swear if I stood here any longer I’m going to kill him..

Me: 9a7 kalamik.. kint fahim el mathoo3 ghala6 lakin al7een fahamt khi6atkum!

I turned around and headed to my car..

I could hear ghala calling my name.. but I ignored her..

I just can’t take her drama anymore..


This could not be happening!

I was afraid of loosing him before.. and if anything I’m sure I lost him know

And lost my mind as well..

I didn’t feel like shouting at abdullah..

I didn’t feel like crying over aziz..

All I could feel was the numbness

It started in the pit of my stomach and made its way to my heart..

I’m sure what he saw today confirmed all his doubts..

And you know what the funny thing is?

Well actually its anything but funny..

It’s that every time he doubts me, he gets angry and runs away

He starts dodging me any chance he gets and the first thing he thinks about is backing out..

I don’t know why he is so quick to judge.. I mean aside from what happened today, I did nothing to make 
him angry or to make him doubt me.

But for some reason, that’s all he’s doing these days!

Now, I’m starting to hesitate and look at everything in a different light..

We’re just engaged, and every time a problem comes up he runs the other way.

What if we get married and start the real deal, how am I going to depend on him?

Or trust that he will be with me at all times..

Or that he’ll even trust me!

My mind was running in all kinds of places..

Abdullah wrapped his hands around mine.

I was lost in thought but he brought me back to my depressing reality.

Abdullah whispered: I’m so sorry…

I just looked at him emotionless..

He slowly brought me closer to him, and hugged me

And like the stupid girl that I was, I let him.

     "bagthy eleyaly antithir 9abir 3ala el magsoom
     mit3alig eb 6arf el amal yimkin yjeeny noom..."


hmm.. there is something wrong here!

Aziz still didn’t call me or asked about me!

He’s supposed to fall madly in love with me right after he ate the cupcake!

I decided to call me bff Aysha..

She’s is the only person that knows about the “si7ir” ..

Although it was too obvious that she is a hundred percent against what I did, I still tell her every update

I just need to talk to someone!

I called her..

Me: aloo

Aysha: hala noor

Me: hala feech waay ayoosh aziz still didn’t call me!!

Aysha: ya3ny entay shnu mitwaq3a esawy!!

Me: madry ys2al sara 3any o yitqadamly 3ala 6ool!

Aysha: lata7lmeen wayed!

Me: wallah shfeech the cupcake I gave him can feeha si7ir so obviously that’s what he’s going to do 
sooner or later!

Aysha: way noor please latablsheeny eb suwalfich el ma9kha hathy!

Me: iff enzain maminich fayda!

We hung up..

She hated what I did and I respect her opinion..

But she just doesn’t get how much I need aziz to love me!

So I decided to call that old lady “um m7amad” (who gave me the si7ir) and ask her what went wrong!

It started ringing..

First ring.. no answer

Second ring.. still no answer..

Third ri---

Um m7amad: aloo

Me: aloo esalamu 3alaikum!

Um m7amad: wa3alaikum esalam min ma3ay?

Me: ana noor al***** thekarteny?

Um m7amad: ee hala fecch bnayty!

Me: bs kint bas2ilich.. ana sawait nafs elly giltely 3anna o khalait el walad yakil elly 6ebakhta o 7a6ait fe 
elsi7ir .. bs lail7en masawa shay.. ya3ny ma taqadamly!

Um m7amad: hmm entay shnu 6ibakhteela?

Me: sawaitla cupcakes!

Um: aha o cham wa7da kala?

Me: umm wa7daa!

She continued talking .. and I did not like what she said!!



  1. LOOOOOL shgalaaaat?:: a7san a7san testaahel halnour:p

  2. 1st to comment ;*** are you gonna post something badger ya3 net at lesat to wait 7adeeeeeee shta6ait (awal Mara) >>>>luv yew>>>and the posts<<<<wayed<<<<

    - RFS

  3. I mean bs her moo badger >>> sorry<<< ;pppp

    -RFS <<33333

  4. the person who ate most of the cupcakes was his sister o ehya ely 9ar feeha el se7ir :O 9aaa7 ?? :|

    omg this one was full of drama! post asap please :(
    loved itt

  5. Ohh myy godd sh9ar oo shino galatkaha yallah post post post!!!;**

  6. Are you gonna post anything bacher ????? I luuuuv it <<<33333

    - AMS

  7. Anony: LOOL ee wallaah tistaahil!!!:p you will know soon enshallah;)

    RFS: LOOL i love you comments wallah;** la maybe i will post tmrw aw after tmrw bs mara7 a6awel wayed!! i loveee you more thank youuu 7abeebty;**

    Madliar: hahahah you will seeee soon;)) eeee:( thank youuu love i will try enshallah;**

    anony: enshallaah i will try to post soon;**

    AMS: Thaaank youu;** i wil try if not tmrw then after tmrw definitely enshallah<33

  8. Ufuu 3alaich 3aial I will comment kilma u post a new post luuuuv yew !!!
    Btw is it based on a true story ya3ney 9arlich or to 1 of you friends ? ;;****

    -RFS <<<33 luv yew more

  9. Plzz 3ashanii post bacher can't wait <<<<3333 luvv yew

    -PS : loved ur expressions and the way gam taktibeena with emotions

    -RFS ;;*****

  10. Rfs: thaaaank youuu 7abeeebty;*** la wallaah its not real hehe:p enshallaah i will try my best 3ashaanichh<3 mashkooora matgasreeen min thoqich;*** love you too!!!!;***

  11. Ok can u answer my question is abdullah gonna make ghala like him ?? Answer please loved the post and please post 1 bacher and answer my question !! Please

    - AMS

  12. Ur more than welcome never mind as long as I liked it ;** thank u alla y3iz shanich luv yew more 7ayatey

    -PS: how old are u ya3ney if u were below 20 how are u getting these ideas mashalla keep going (I'm 18) ;***

    -RFS ;***

  13. Mita u will post please 2day 3ashany and if u posted please try to make it maybe at 11:00 AM. 3afya loved it wayied


  14. why didnt you post until now walla i love these posts w i wanna read post 29 2day im traveling in 9:0O PM so please post 1 before i travel please please please !!


  15. AMS: a7is a7saan if you waited to find out!! wallah awnaas suspense a7san min ma akhareb 3alaich and others hehehe:p and you will know sooner than later don't worry;) o i will post one today enshallah <3!!

    RFS: hehehe ana kubrich 18:p wallah madry shlon tsadgeen fikra tyir fikraa!! hehe thaank youu love;**

    Ay': i will post today enshallah i am working on the post ;** thank youuu<3

    Alooya: sorrry tawny ga3daa o m9a79i7a hehe lama sima3t ena 3i6la ga3adt o radait nimt! anyway enshallah im writing it now o it will be out beforee you travel enshallah;**

  16. btw tara your 7adich talented ur supposed to write a book w im the first to read it okai ;*****

    ps:mee 2 tawa ga3da w awal ma gi3ad fachait my laptop w read the post with abdullah and ghala 9 times #wallah

    ***RMS*** - HEHEHE ;*********

  17. RMS: LOOOL waaay etshawgeeeen wallaah!!! mashkoooraa your comments are my fav!!!;***** thank youuu wallaah <3333 afaa 3alaich if i ever write a book your gonna be the first to knw 7abeebty;***

  18. hii 3ady itgooleely ta8reeban sa3a cham 3ashan achaieg in that time **ta8reeban**
    3shan ma ansa w asafir bas see ya3ney sa3a cham

    #much love 7ayatey thanQ

  19. Just yesturday I started reading your blog! I couldn't even stop until I reached the last post "28" mashallaa you story seemed to be amazing! Keep it up! And the rest posts please:$

  20. btw last time i wrote RMS bas my innicials is

    w walla your replys make my day w 7adii mit7amsa ashoof shino 9ar bas ma3a the 2 main characters il majeen mil 6agag bas (abdullah w ghalla) my best
    ***lov yew***

  21. i looooooooooooove it
    btw i loooooooooooooove you even more bas i dont even know you bas 3ady at least i know im the same age !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;***************

    love it 7ayatey

  22. i like it when are you gonna post ya3ney sa3a cham ? kinda sa3a cham ?

  23. i like it keep the good work post bsir3a please i have to sleep imbacher so i wanna see it at 5 please try

  24. post ibsir3aaaaa i like it !!!!

  25. aby kil your posts 3an abdullah w ghala il bajey ma yhimounii wayed bas btw post yallah pleeeeease


  26. yalla post i wanna read read read walla giraiat hal posts ma yinmal !!!!!!!!!!

  27. Alooya: ITS POSTED :D!! 7abeebty yo can read it now ;**

    Anony1: thaaank youu!! im soo happy you liked it!! enshallah:p i just uploaded the new post check it out;)

    RFS: hahah ee tawny ala7eth!! loool 3ad e post el yeded mafy wayed abdullah and ghala :( love you too hun;**

    anony 2: HAHAHAHA R U RFS???? looool 7abeeebty i loveee you moreee!!!;****

    anony3,4,5: thank you all;** i just posted it check it out:p

    inamousia: loool mayseer mesakeen lazim en6ale3 el other characters hehe bas next post azeed abdullah and ghala ;)) i just posted;*

    anony 6: loool yallah ka go read i just posted;*
