Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Personality test

Hello beautiful people!!

So I bought a book from Dubai a few months ago, and I just remembered to read it. Its called “The Big Book of Personality Tests for Women,” by Robin Westen, I love these types of books filled with small tests just to make you get to know yourself a little better.

I decided to share one of the tests with you guys its called “Do you follow your heart?”

Make sure to answer this test and share with us your result, enjoy!

Part One
Choose the statement that you most agree with.

            a. Love makes the world go round.
            b. Money makes the world go round, but love makes the ride worthwhile.

            a. I can read a person’s true nature in an instant.
            b. It takes time to really know someone.

            a. I’m an avid collector of mementos and souvenirs.
            b. I clean out my closets regularly and avoid collecting knickknacks.

            a. I believe in fate.
            b. I believe we control our own destinies.

            a. You can change someone through the power of love.
            b. Only we can change ourselves.

Part two:
Complete the following:

6. To win the PTA’s support for a project that’s close to your heart, you’ll:
            a. Appeal to their humanitarian impulses with an impassioned speech
            b. Organize and circulate a petition to support your cause.

7. The supermarket’s gourmet section is promoting some mouth-watering (but rather expensive) goodies. You’re more likely to:
            a. Treat yourself to the most tempting item
            b. Make do with a few samples

8. In your dream biopic, which d these hunks would you cast as your leading man?
            a. George Clooney
            b. Tom Hanks

9. Your man could make your heart sing the loudest by:
            a. Offering you a perfect red rose with a graceful flourish
b. Fixing all the leaky faucets in the house --- without making you ask even once

Your Score
Note: If your score falls equally between the two categories, read both descriptions since you share characteristics of both types.

Mostly A’s:
Your heart rules.
A real romantic, you’re in love with love. You laugh and cry easily and your reactions are genuine, this kind of sensitivity is admirable --- but it can be overwhelming. Give your mind the reins sometimes … but never toughen up. Your charm lies in the fact that your heart is an open book.

Mostly B’s:
You stay balanced.
Passionate about being sensible, you listen to your heart but never let it dictate your actions. That’s fine, but if your grounded approach stats weighing you down, try trusting your emotions and see how much sense your feelings make. 


  1. A;$ looool;p
    4ketakeetmfarzineen mali khelg adesh el account;p

  2. R u planning on writtting an new story magnifique? cuz I reaally love ur story and want to read more of ur amazing , incredible stories


  3. AA: actually yes my dear i am working on the new story and i will post it very soon enshallah :D I'm realllyy glad that you liked the story;**

  4. Enshallah..can't wait :D


  5. LOOL I'm A!
    I read your story "suddenly everything changes"
    Gunna read your next story now!

  6. 6ala3 A & it's true !

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