Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Suddenly everything changes 30


Me: huh? Ay sara?

Aysha: sara al******!! But that’s not the issue here aby agoolich shay o lazim et9adgeeeny!

Me: hmm golay..

Aysha: sara and I are friends minzimaan o we have another friend called noor..

Boring info..

Aysha: anyway noor has a HUGE crush on aziz.. kha6eebich..

Oh people are still calling him that.. “kha6eeby”

A cold laugh escaped my mouth .. as if I just heard a joke..

Aysha: umm.. khalagoolich, hathy noor hmm shlon agolich eyaha eb 6areeqa enich matin9admain????

Me: just come right out and say it..

I don’t even have the energy to be surprised anymore.. weakness is taking over me!

Aysha: ok.. so noor freaked out lama sma3at ena aziz kha6ab because she wants him for herself.. so she 
went all crazy o gamat o sawat shay I’m sure shes going to regret in the upcoming years!

Hmm, I think I just became interested in this story..

Me: shsawaat??

Aysha: s7arat sara..



Did I hear her right?

Me: SHNU???

Aysha: eee mala7thtaay how weird sara has become?? I remember awal ma enkha6abtaw kanat 7ail 
t7ibich! O kila tsolif 3anich bs now its like she doesn’t even want to hear your name! bs hatha kila min 

I was shocked!

AJFGAIEUFHBS – is exactly how I am feeling.. I just cant

Aysha: o ba3dain 7awelat tis7ar aziz but she failed so she’s going to try it again VERY SOON!

Ok now I am paralyzed.

Aysha: and you have to do something to stop her! I warned you and now its up to you how you’re going 
to act..

I felt like my throat went dry..

I wanted to answer her I swear..

I wanted to move my lips..

I wanted to find the right words..

The questions were piling up in my brain..

But she hung up before I uttered a word..

I just sat there staring at the wall in front of me..

I was hoping it would talk to me..

Tell me that its all a lie, that the man I love is not about to be brainwashed into loving some other b*tch..

But it didn’t..

My mind was throbbing, I felt like my head was going to explode..

I don’t know if I should believe her..

But the facts all say that she’s telling the truth..

I mean when I first got engaged, sara was a loving person, always smiled and and we always had a great 

But suddenly she started planting toxic thoughts into my brain.. and aziz’s

She wanted to separate us, and did a very good job at it!

I feel like my heart is about to jump out of my chest..  it was beating so ---

But wait..

I couldn’t just stay here and cry over my miserable fate..

I need to stop her!

I crossed my fingers and called aziz..

Lets hope he picks it up..

First ring.. no answer

Second ring.. no ---


Wow! That cupcake smelled realllyyy good!

Me: ok bs bakil wa7da o ba3dain fileeha!

I snatched the cupcake from her hands and started eating it..

Noor: haha 9adegny bitgool taby thanya

Then she winked..
Seriously? What the hell?

But she’s right.. walla kha6eera el cupcake chiny bakilhum kilhum!!

Oh wait.. my phones ringing..

Hmm ghala? Shtaby?

Well I’m going to answer because its either ghala or noor.. and believe me ghala ahwan!

I answered..

Me: alo


Me: alo ghala?


Me: bitrdeen wela asakra?

Ghala: e7m..

Chinha ga3da tabchy?

Ghala: umm.. aziz

Yup she’s definitely crying..

And it broke my heart..

Me: hala.. ghala laish tabchen?

What kind of question is that? Why the hell do you think she’s crying aziz!! Kila miny!

She cleared her throat: umm mu ga3da abchy.. bs aby agolik shay muhim please hear me out

Me: uhh ee akeed ..

My heart beats started to accelerate..

It reminded me of how my heart used to go crazy every time saw ghala before..

It reminded me of the happiness she brought into my life..

Ghala: aziz t3aref wa7da esimha noor? Rfejat sara?

I looked at noor who was staring at me..

I lowered the volume..

Me: ahh ee..

Ghala: well she’s a bitch..

Me: shnu??

Ghala: you have no idea the amount of trouble she’s caused..

Me: what do you mean?

Ghala: aziz! Ehya ga3da t7awel etfarig baina! Ledarajat enha …. Enha

Me: enha shnu???

Ghala: s7arat ekhitik!! And used her to play out her wicked schemes! O mu b3eeda enha tas7irik enta 

Me: ghala! Entay shga3da tgolen!

Min9ijha hathy!! She’s willing to go to such extremes bs 3ashan tabeeny asame7’ha!!

Ghala: aziz kalamy wathi7!! Hathy la3ba li3ib o ma7ad yadry 3anha!

I got really angry!!

Mahagait’ha minich ya ghala!

Me: GHALA! Latibalain 3ala enaas! Te7amilay mas2oleyat aghla6ich!

I hung up!

La wichathib 3alay ashkara chithy!

Noor: hathy mnu?

I was too irritated to talk!

I grabbed another cupcake… and then another..


I miss ghala..

I miss her voice

Her smile..

Her eyes

Everything about her..

Not seeing her for a week while she’s in this condition scared me..

But no matter how many times I try to convince her to leave her room she wouldn’t listen!

I decided to go by her house early today..

I knocked on her door like everyday then went to sit in the living room..

I was playing with my phone when I saw her..

She walked slowly to my direction; her face filled with tears.

She looked like a ghost..


Dark circles under her eyes

Messy hair

She lost so much weight, now she’s just skin and bones

I can barely recognized the free – spirited ghala that I once knew..

As soon as I saw her I jumped out of my seat..

Me: gh-ghala??

I couldn’t believe it, is it really her?

She couldn’t have changed that much!

I walked closer to her.. then she fell into my arms

I was afraid of holding her.. she looked like she could break easily

She sobbed like a baby.. and said things that I couldn’t quite make out..

I kept shushing her and tell her that everything will be ok ..

Will it?

I hope it does…

After a while.. she slowly pulled herself away from me..

Ghala: abdullah..

She barely spoke..

Me: 3yonaa

Ghala: khalas *sniff* its over between aziz and i..

At that moment.. I wanted to jump up and down!

I wanted to celebrate!

Ghala will finally be MINE!

I was over whelmed with joy!

But I hid my smile..

Ghala was heartbroken… she wanted someone that she could count on to pull her out of this mess..

And I promised my self that it would be me!

I held her hands.. I swear it felt like I was holding a bunch of bones

Me: do you want to talk about it?

Ghala sighed: lazim agolik shay

And then she told me about noor and everything she did and how aziz reacted when he knew..

I got angry!

How dare he call ghala a liar!

Me: hal 7aywan! Wallah la roo7 a2adba!

Ghala: pls don’t, khalas he made it clear he doesn’t want me

I started shouting: e7a9ila!! Wallah el3atheem mayistahil wa7da mithlich!

Ghala stayed quiet, she was drained out of energy..

I brought her closer to me, and held her between my arms..

I whispered: I will always be here, right next to you.. anything you need you know where to look

I held her chin and turned her face so that she looked at me..

I whispered again: a7ibiiiich ya ghalaaa..

She lowered her gaze, and a tear slipped down her cheek..

I raised her head and wiped the tear

I looked her straight in the eye and started singing:

A7ibik ya rasheeg el gad

A7ibik fy ellega wil9ad

A7ibik wildmoo3 alkhad

A7ibik mhma kan elrad

O ana fy 7alty ma3thoor brabik latlooom majbor

Enta? Monaya o ma6looby..


  1. this is ADORABLE. <3 Abdulla 1 - Aziz 0

  2. alllllllllahh finaalllly ghalla is backkk to abdullaah!! i hate aziiz

  3. Anony1: thank you;* hahaha 3jebatny 1-0 :p

    Anony2: hehhe ee;)

  4. I adore them they are cute once again 3ajeeeba post soon and the usual question bacher??

    Liked it and always did ;p

    **RFS <<<<33333

  5. next post pleasee;*

  6. :( cutest... I want an Andulla!

  7. Post ilfayer or tomorrow morning 7ail imbacher or 1:00 bas moo later please allah y3afeech w make it longer pleeeeease !!!


  8. Rfs: thank youuu xx ee enshallah elyoom bilaail :p aw whenever i have the time..

    Anony: i will enshallah ;*

    Anony2; eee who doesnt lool;)

    Unknown: magdaar my exam at 12:30 o bag3ad araji3 till my exam.. Sorry;* bs im going to post it at night enshallah x

  9. aziz lost yaaay =D !! I love it when abdullah with ghala they fit each other perfectly <3

  10. Mita you'll post ????????? Zahaaaagt

  11. Gogo: haha ee they're cute ;P

    anony: enshallah tonight!!

  12. Omfg WHHYYYYYY??!!!
    This blog is making me cry from frustration :p literally, I swear I'm actually crying right now...
    First of all fuck noor, that stupid bitch! I want to like step on her fucking face. Second, abdullah is NOT being romantic okay. He's being an asshole, he needs to get it through his thick head that they're not meant to be. I don't like him one bit. He's such a freaking creeper, where the fuck does he get the right to talk to her and touch her like that. Aziz and Ghala belong together. Noor and Abdullah need to go fuck off. I'm really hoping that Ghalla bitch slaps noor and like kicks Abdullah in the balls, she can't keep letting him do that to her. Aziz and Ghala need to go back to normal already :'( they need to get married and have little cutie babies! :p Amazing blog, keep it up :) I read through all your posts and finished in one day :p it's that good!

  13. Anony: Pleassse dont cry i don't want to be the reason behind your tears :(;*
    LOOOOL!!! yes i totally agree noor's a bitch!! bs 7araam abdullah loves ghala too!!! well i don't think you should read the last post then because it will disappoint you!! but please don't be disappointed lol allah mu katib for aziz and ghala to end up together:( THANKKKK YOUU!! wallaah you made my day!! ;**** and your comment made me LOL!!:p
