Sunday, March 4, 2012

Suddenly everything changes 20


I was walking down oxford street..

I love London.. but now with my situation I’m hating on everything!

I walked by Ben’s Cookies and remembered ghala..

Ahh ghala

Bs abdullah enta msafer 3ashan tinsaha! Latfakir feeha!

It was hard convincing myself..

Everything reminded me of her.. even though it has nothing to do with her!

Aaaaah low tadryy 7abeeby kaif ayamy bedoonik tisrig el3umr o tifooot!

That’s it I need to stop being a drama queen..

I need to find a way to get over her

My phone started ringing, it was talah

Me: aloo

Talah: ahlan! Shlonik?

Me: bkhair .. entay shakhbarich?

Talah: wallah el7imdilla.. agoolik ghala enkha6bat.. officially
It was like she dropped a brick on my heart..

Me: enzain o shtabeeny asawy?

Talah: la bas kint bagoolik.. you could’ve been the one but you ran away..

Me: shnu ran away tara mu qa9ib esalfa ehya taby o uhu yabeeha khalas talah sakray el mawthoo3 o etha 
bitikalimain 3an ghala ladigeen 3alay marathnya

I was mad! Broo7 elly feeny kafeeny o hathy yaya tzeed elham!

Talah: ok sorry khalas! Anyway how’s London?

Me: zaina

Talah: hmm ee nesait lagoolik.. abeek tyeebly toms please

Me: entay matkhalseen? Min we9alt o ana bs ashtreelich ashya2

Talah: wallah maly khilg a6liba o sina 3ala mayoo9al.. o a9lan enta meta bitrid

Me: wallah madry

I booked a one way ticket.. not planning to return anytime soon

Talah: anyway ill text you the kind and size o please rid bser3a aby ashya2y

Me: e9eer khair yallah byye lazim aroo7

I hung up..

Wallah ya talah o nakadtay 3alayy..

Khalas its over! I HAVE to forget about her now..

She’s never going to be mine anyway so why bother my self with being hurt..

I turned around and walked to Selfridges..

I entered the building..

----: ohh hii!!

Me: hala walla!

It was a girl I met at the airplane.. she came alone and sat next to me.

Her name was Dana al****** .. she was very sweet and funny

Mu noo3y asolif ma3a banat ma3arefhum.. but in a 6 hour flight I had to..

Also, when she came in she was really shy that she was sitting next to a guy.. and she was holding a bag

She tried to carry it to place it in the cabin.. but she was too skinny and her bag was a little heavy so she 

couldn’t carry it..

I offered to help her, she refused at first but then gave in and accepted my offer..

We were quiet at first but then we started watching movies and then started conversing.. until it felt like its 


Dana: shlonikk?? Matiwaqa3t ashoofik:p

Me: haha ee 3ad ana shayfich thak elyoom bs kintay ma3a rfeejatich ma7abait asalem!

Dana: eee laa 3adyy btw enta wain sakin chiny shftik eb my hotel?

Me: sakin eb Cumberland..

Dana: nafsyy!!! Haha wanasa 6a3 e9idfa!

She was tiny and hyper and when she gets excited she jumps up and down and claps like a kid..

Me: ee wallah shftay shlon!

Dana: kint basalim bs esta7ait khift ti6la3 mu enta o atfashal!

Me: hahah tkhayilaay 6agga e9ader o ray7a .. 3ad 7asafa aby ashofich etefashlain

Dana: haaay laish 3ad !!

I smiled: bs chthy!!

Dana: anyway what r u doing now?

Me: wallah maku ga3ed atmasha..

Dana: khanroo7 movie aw shay.. wallah malal maku a7ad ma3ay kil rab3y radaw o ana ga3da broo7y

Me: o laish maradaitay ma3ahum?

Dana: bs lana tifalsaft o gilt 3ady ag3ad broo7y o ba3dain arid I needed time alone.. bs wallah malait

She pouted.. she’s so cute chinha yahil!

Hmm shasawy? Maskeena mara7 akhaleeha bro7ha..

Me: awal shay emshay bashtry toms ekhty mwa9eetny.. b3dain enroo7 cinema

Dana: ok :D

We went into the building and headed to the shoes department..

I checked my mobile and saw that she wanted 2 classics red and black.. and one silver sizes 38

I got the shoes paid, and we left..

Me: ha shnu tabeen etshofeen?

Dana: hmm khanshoof the grey ymd7oona..

Me: yallah

We walked to marble arch cinema and booked our tickets..

Dana looked at me..

Dana: abaih wallah ashwanik mawjod.. 9ij ena tawna en3aref ba3ath bs I feel like I knw you minzimaan!! 

Me: hehe ay shay tabeena ana mawjood!

We watched the movie and had a great time..

After that we spent the upcoming days together..

I got to know her better.. and noticed how pretty she was

She helped me take my mind off of ghala..

A little..

And in the same time a lot of the things that she does or says reminded me of ghala..

O akthar shay enna she studies law in Kuwait too!

One night, we were talking on bbm when I realized that I was doing exactly what aziz did with ghala..

I’m such a hypocrite!

And then I remembered what talah told me ..

Talah: ee ya3ny 7i6 nafsik mukanhum!!! Tikhayal ent et7ib cousin aziz!

Me: masawy elly uhu sawa!! Akalma 3ala 6ool mala da3y laf o dawaran

Talah: enzain etkalma shetgola? Aby atzawaj your cousin? Enta mat3arefha wala ehya et3arfik!! 
Tara ezawaj mu li3ba y3ny aziz o ghala tara tawhum e3arfoon ba3ath ma9arlhum 7ata 3 
weeks!! O 9arlhum 1 week maykalmoon ba3ath lana aziz kan bekalmik!

Abdullah: ya3ny mashallah eb hal 3 asabee3 3refaw ba3ath??

I got mad at aziz when his emotions were pure, and if they weren’t he wouldn’t have married ghala now.

And I was doing the same.. I’m sure Dana’s brother or cousin is going to be pissed when he finds out 
about me..

I think I should end this..


I woke up the next morning.. its been 2 weeks in london with abdullah and they passed by so fast!

It was a great coincidence bumping into him in Selfridges the other day..

Adry ana wayed telazaagt bs wallah shasawy I was alone!

He’s a wonderful guy!!

Sweet, funny, caring!! Everytime he talks to me a smile forms on my lips!

And my heart flutters!

He’s also cute…

Tall, muscular, and has short black hair.. he has 2 dimples and when he smiles its like he takes me to a whole different planet!

Omg dana what r u saying!!

He’s like a brother to me..

My phone beeped..

It was a bbm from abdullah .. I grinned

I opened the bbm..

Abdullah Al*****:
Good morning!
Dana I need to talk to you about something its important!

 He scared me..

3asa ma shar shisalfa?

Abdullah Al*****:
Mayinfa3 nitkalam hny I have to see you..

Mm ok wain?

Abdullah Al*****:
Meet me at the lobby in 10 minutes


I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom..i washed and changed in 10 minutes which is a record!

I went down stairs and saw him leaning on the wall next to the sofas punching on his blackberry..

I walked up to him and smiled..

Me: 9aba7 elkhaiir

Abdullah: 9aba7 enoor

Me: shfeek mkhare3ny min e9ub7?

Abdullah: haha la mu qasdy bs fe mawthoo3 muhim lazim enaqsha

He sat on the sofa so I followed..

Me: shnu hal mawthoo3?

He seemed serious.. tense

Abdullah: dana.. shnu bethab6 elly baina? Ya3ny maby akhar3ich bs aby afham enna ana shnu bilnisba lich o entay shnu binisba ly?


Unexpected? Check. Weird? double check!

What Is he trying to say..

Does he have….. feelings for me?


Me: mafahamt.. what r u trying to say?

Abdullah: ok asif 6la3at ghala6 awal marra.. ya3ny aq9id enna are we friends?

What was I supposed to say?

Me: umm ee I guess..

Is this his way of telling me he liked me?

Abdullah: ahh ok .. bs y3ny I had a similar situation with a cousin o my friend kinda fell in love with her and no one told me.. fa when I found out I got really pissed.. o what im trying to say here..

And then he stopped talking.. it was obvious he was nervous.. and his face started to sweat..
Hmm ..

Me: what.. are you trying to say?

Abdullah smiled: tadreen shloon nevermind khalas its ok..

He got up..


ana 7mar 7mar!!

madry shkharba6t 3ala ras libnaya!!

Shaku agoolaha qi9at ghala o shloon aziz 7abha?

Shes going to think that I like her.. and that that’s what im trying to say!

But its not!

Tewahagt 7ady chan agoom

Dana: waait! Abdullah you can tell me anything! What are you feeling?

Me: la wallah maku shay hehe gumt agi6 khai6 o khai6 lail7een mitnarfiz min rfeejy

Ok mo khoosh targee3a

Dana: oh..

She seemed disappointed ..

Me: elmuhim bas2ilich.. meta btrdeen? Lana 7ajazt rada bacher enshalah esa3a 10 e9ub7!

Dana widened her eyes..

Dana: laaa abdullah please latkhaleeny broo7y!

7aram.. I felt a little guilty for not telling her before I booked my ticket..

I don’t know why I just can’t let her here alone!

Me: akeed mara7 akhaleech! Tabeen a7jizlich ma3ay?

She lowered her head in thought..

Dana: hmm.. ok ay 6ayaran?

Me: british

Dana: ok business nafs last time?

Me: ee

Dana: ok khalas ba7jiz weyaak!

I smiled: khoosh! 3ayal yallah roo7ay sakray jna6ich o est3day we’re going back to Kuwait!

I immediately dreaded the thought..

I was going back to Kuwait..

Back to ghala..

Allah y9aberny!


  1. 7aram yaksr il 5aa6r i want him to be with ghala ): khal aziz emout :p
    dana should end up with aziz ...
    thanks for the post i loved it <3

  2. Nooooo! Dana get out of the picture!
    Again, Abdullah all the way!
    Let Dana find someone else!

  3. haaayy!! shtabe danaa ma teste7yy?? khal ta6beg laha ma3a bentt!! 3ad landan tars'ha kwaiteyyeenn maku ghair 3abdallah!! ba3dain talah khal edeg wet7en wet'thakra eb ghala looool la yshelha men mukha for the sake of DANA!!!!
    amazing as usual<3

  4. Madliar: LOOOL laish emoot ya7afith:o haha thank youu love;*

    NBA: 7aram why r u guys hating dana give her a chance hehe:p

    Ketakeet: looool! 3ady london multaqa el a7ibaa!! la he loves ghala too much to leave her for dana.. for now.. mabye yes maybe no ;) hehe thank youu hun;*

  5. Can't wait for the next post! A7s theres gonna be some drama when they get back to Kuwait heheh;p

  6. Waay dana etyanin a7is.ha 6ayba o 7laiwaa!!! O ya bakhat.ha eb abdullah!

  7. cant wait for the next post! dana is amazing bs abduallah w ghala is better 2gether =p loved the post w please post asap

  8. Anony 1: loool wait and see;)

    Anony 2: she is!! hahaha eee:p

    Gogo: you're right!!:p thank youu!!! i will do enshallaah;*
