Thursday, March 15, 2012

Suddenly everything changes 26

Hello lovely readers <3.. I knowww na6artkum wayed 3al post and I'm sooo sorry!! bs wallaa tekawedaw el exams this week and next week and i have to study they're hard:( 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this post o da3watkum pls ;*

Thank you xx



I missed my class.. I wasn’t in the mood for jam3a anyway!

I went to my parents’ room to talk to my mother

I didn’t want to tell her about the fight, I didn’t want to scare her over nothing..

Because enshallah I will fix things with aziz!

My eyes were puffy and my nose was red from all the crying..

As soon as I entered the room..

Mama: haw shfeech 3asa ma shar??

I wanted to stay strong.. I kept swallowing back my tears that formed a lump in my throat..

I smiled: la mafeeny shay bs umm tawny ga3da min enoom.. o bagolich shay

Mama looked at me suspiciously: goolay sh3indich?

I told her I wanted to postpone the milcha and the reasons behind it..

Mama: weee akeed qa9abtaay el rayal!

Me: uhwa makan rathy awal shay bs ethahir fakar bilmawthoo3 o ghayar raya.. fa pls golay 7ag 3amaty o 
khalaty enna ajalnaha

Ashwa she didn’t ask too many questions.

Mama: enshallah akalimhum..

But she was still looking at me suspiciously..

I walked out of the room to hear my mobile ring..

It was talah

I picked It up..

Me: aloo

Talah: abaaih ghala entay shgayla 7ag abdullah?

I was annoyed: shnu?? Talah cham marra gitlich enna I love aziz?? But you still go behind my back and 
set me up with your brother!! Fa latloomeeny etha gitla shay yjra7a!

Talah was quiet for a second: entay mu gadra tistaw3ibain uhwa shkithir e7ibich! I mean his eyes says it 
all. I’ve never seen eyes light up the way his do when he see’s you! I just couldn’t refuse it when he asked 
me to invite you all to breakfast just so he can talk to you!

I was quiet.. and confused

I mean what am I supposed to do?

I can’t just stop loving aziz and start loving abdullah..

Its not that easy.. and I don’t want that to happen!


I was so pissed at ghala!

Hmm I think I should thank her for helping me move on!

Edinya mo wagfa 3alaiha.. and I can get any girl I want!

Suddenly dana popped into my mind..

I haven’t talked to her in a while

I decided to call her..

Me: aloo

Dana: ahlan

Me: shloonich?

Dana: bkhair and u?

Me: bkhair damich eb bkhair!

-- silence --

me: so hows life?

Dana: umm abdullah

Me: shfeech?

Dana: you’re my friends’ cousin!

Me: shnu?

Hathy shga3da tkharb6!

Dana: ghala al ****** does that name ring a bell?

Radaina 3ala ghala?

Me: ee o shnu ya3ny?

I got angry again..

Funny, I used to hear ghala’s name before and I would instantly smile.. and now all I feel is anger

Dana: madryy ya3ny I don’t think she would like it if she knew about us!

I laughed sarcastically: haha la sadgeeny she wouldn’t care :)

Dana: but it just doesn’t feel right..

What’s up with girls rejecting me today?

Me: hmm khalas 3ala ra7tich..

We hung up..

A few minutes later she bbmed me..

I’m sorry didn’t mean to blow you off like that x

Abdullah Al*****:
Its ok

And then we continued our conversation on bbm..


I thought I heard someone talking in front of my room..

I got out to check who it was and I found sara, she was talking to someone on the phone..

Sara: hehe he’s all yours ;) .. eee.. hehe okk

And she hung up..

She turned around and saw me..

I swear I could see the color drain from her face..

She widened her eyes and gasped..

Her voice shook: enta min meta hny???

Me: tawny yay shfeech khtara3tay chinich shayfa yiny

Sara sighed a sigh of relief.. she placed her hand on her heart and smiled

Sara: madry khara3tny

Me: aha

Before I entered my room..

Sara: la7tha aziz al7een bitkansiloon el milcha???

For some reason she was excited

I just looked at her and went into my room..

I didn’t want to answer her because I honestly don’t know the answer!

She asked again..

Me: la mara7 enkansilha!

She was smiling the whole time but as soon as I said my last sentence her face fell and her smile turned 
into a frown..

Sara: way hathy lail7een ga99a 3alaik wenta m9adeg’ha??!

I raised my head and looked at her.. in shock!

What? Where is all this coming from!!

When I first told sara I was getting engaged she was the happiest person in the world!

And I remember how she couldn’t shut up about how awesome ghala was when she first met her..

She kept telling me “wayyy ashwa thoqik 7ilu! She’s beautiful inside out!”

And then a couple of weeks later ..

She turns into this!

A hating sister in law!

Did ghala do something to hurt her?

Or did she find something about ghala that I didn’t know?

La musta7eel! Ghala couldn’t hurt a fly!

Me: sara sh’hal 7achy?? Entay shfeech karha libnaya??

Sara: bs a7is you can find other girls who are better than her!

Me: no! I will never find another girl who will love me the way ghala does, unconditionally. Fa law 
sama7tay ba6lay min 7arakatich hathy o tekalimay 3adel lana she’s the only girl I’m going to marry!

Well, I guess I have made my decision.. ghala was and will always be the one!


aah finally I reached sara’s house!

Correction: my future husband’s house!! :D

I can’t wait till he proposes!!

I’m going to throw the biggest most wonderful wedding in the history of weddings!

Hmm.. I probably should start looking for wedding gowns!

I arrived at their house..

I grabbed the box of cupcakes that I baked especially for my hubby and got out of the car..

I was just about to open the door.. when aziz got out of the house..

I just stood there and stared at every feature in his face..


And he stared back..

He was right in front of me.. If only I could reach out my hands and touch him..

He looked at the ground

Aziz: esalam

Me: wa3alaikum esalam..

I shoved the cupcakes in front of his face..

I have to start a conversation!

Me: tefathal taby wa7da?

I was smiling like an idiot

He just looked at me..

Hmmmm I’m sure he finds me attractive.. I mean who doesn’t?

Aziz: la mashkora

He tried to go around me but I blocked his path..

Me: la please ekhith ana msaweet’hum

Aziz: uhhh

Me: jarib wa7da o goly rayik :D

Aziz: ok..

He took a cupcake..

Aziz: mashkora..

He tried to leave again but I blocked him.. I have to see him eat it!

Me: la7thaa ekilha al7een o tell me rayik

Aziz: wallah shab3an

I pouted trying to give him the puppy eye look..

Me: pleaseee

Aziz: e7m.. ok

He took a bite, and started chewing..

Good.. it was important for me to see him eating the cupcake..

So I can make sure that my plan will work!

Wanna know what it is?


  1. yummaaa! laykon 7a6a se7er:o etkharre3 halnour baaze3
    please zawjaay 3abdallah 7ag ghalaa:( ma7eb danaaaaa:(
    thaanks for posting POST SOON;*

  2. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah is all i have in my head right now

  3. Ay: loool mayindara!!! haha 7aram laish mat7boon dana msaicheena! i will enshallaah;**

    BInt almehair: LOOOL! maloomichh noor is like the devil!

  4. OMG! Love love love your blog xx

  5. Anony: Thank youuu love;** min zo2ek<3

  6. OMG!!!!! 7adda 3ajeeb yalah next post la t6awleen 3alaina allah y5aleech:****

  7. anony: thank you!!;** i just posted ;))
