Sunday, March 11, 2012

Suddenly everything changes 25


I went back home and called aziz immediately..

Me: aloo

Aziz: zain 9ar 3indich wagt edigeen..

I could sense from his tone that he was angry..

Me: wallah kint nasya mobily bil bait!!

Aziz: naseeta bil bait wela matabeen tyebena ykharib ga3ditich ma3a abdullah?

What?? Why is he talking like this!

Me: haw aziz 6ab3an la ya3ny lo kan 3indy chan radait 3alaik 3ala 6ool!

Aziz: o ba3dain ana bas2ilich shnu bethab6 3elaqtich ma3a abdullah? Gilna cousin bs mu kil ma akalmich 
algach weya!

Its like he was talking and not hearing what I was saying..

Like he only wanted to believe what’s in his head and not the truth!

Me: shqasdik?

Aziz: su2aly kan wathi7..

Me: shfeeek aziz? Laish ga3id etkalimny chithy!! Chinik shak enna fe shay bainy o bain abdullah!

Aziz: la bas abeech twath7eely el 3elaqa elly bainkum.. madry entay goleely fe shay ekhaleeny ashik?

UGH!! He was being so cold! His words sent chills down my spine! This right here is not the aziz that I 
fell in love with! He was being doubtful and angry!

Could it be?

Was sara really telling me the truth when she said that he was doubting our relationship?

No it couldn’t be!

Me: aziz 7abeeby there is nothing to worry about! I told you he’s like a brother to me nothing more!

Aziz: hmm..

I wanted to change the subject! I didn’t want to believe that he actually thinks that there is something 
between abdullah and I!

I mean sure abdullah loves me.. well not anymore I guess .. but I didn’t do anything to ruin my 
relationship with aziz!

Me: enzain kint ga3da afaker 3an elmilcha ---

Aziz: kaifich ajlay etha taben

Me: umm.. ok akeed?

Aziz: ee

Me: hmm shilly ghayyar rayik eb hasur3a?

Aziz: khala9 3ad al7een ghayart raye mala da3y ta7qeq!

Me: waay aziz latzifnyy!! Can’t I have a conversation with you??

Aziz: hmm I think you’d prefer having a conversation with someone else..

Oh my god! I cannot believe him!! Mu9er enna fe shay bainy o bain abdullah and I’m sure sara has 
something to do with it!

Me: ma9adgik! Well you know what I guess sara was right! We should reconsider this relationship!

Aziz: I guess she is!

I froze in my place.

What? Did I hear him right?

Did he just agree with me on ending this relationship?

I guess sara was right all along..

He did have cold feet.. and he has no better way to say it except to pin it on abdullah..

And accusing me of having feelings for him..

It was overwhelming.. knowing that the best thing that happened to you in years is coming to an end.

unexpectedly …

It was sad knowing that your first love is rejecting you.. when he promised that he wouldn’t, and for no 
apparent reason at all.

Its sad to find out that the person you thought you knew and trusted turns out to be someone that will 
eventually hurt you..

And the pain becomes magnified, it becomes unbearable.. when the one causing the pain means the world 
to you..

A tear rolled down my cheek.. and then another followed signaling the other tears to fall as well.

I just sat their weeping.. with the phone trembling on my ears

I was weeping silently, trying my best to not make it obvious..

We were quiet.. and I could here him breathing over the phone.

He was breathing heavily.. maybe he was tearing as well..

Maybe all of this is a dream.. because it sure is too good to be true!

But maybe I don’t want this to end..

I didn’t think of the end.. I didn’t know that It would be so soon..

And over the silliest problem..

But, I will not let this be the end.. I’m going to have to fight even if I was fighting solo.

I need to save what we have left.

Aziz: ghala.. I have to go akalmich ba3ad shway

He hung up.. he sounded panicked!

I dropped my phone and continued sobbing into my pillow..

And kept convincing my self that this is not the end..



I think aziz is convinced that ghala wants to back out!

And after what I just heard.. I think my work here is done! :D

But a part of my brain keeps telling me that what I’m doing is wrong..

And the other part is numb..

Its like I have to do this even though I don’t want to..

Like there’s a force controlling me.. speaking my words.. acting my act of betrayal towards my brother, 
and I kind of enjoy it..

I called noor to tell her that our plan worked!

Me: hello!! Guess what??

Noor: plss aby asma3 khabar 7iluuu

Me: eee aziz and ghala are breaking up!!


Me: hehe he’s all yours ;)

Noor: waaay yallah aby aye baitkum is he there?

Me: eee

Noor: ok bakshakh o baye 3ashan lama yshoofny yin3ijib feeny o ehid hal khaysa ghala

Sara: hehe ok..

Let me tell you a little about noor.. she has short black hair with bangs

She’s pale white and very skinny

She’s medium height with a baby face.. she was cute not very pretty

She had a crush on aziz a long time ago.. and always wanted to catch his attention..

But as soon as she heard that he got engaged to ghala.. its like hell broke loose

She got really angry and upset.. and started telling me that she loved my brother and wanted him for 

At first I was shocked .. I mean my brother is getting married and I was really happy for him

But then she started planning on stealing him from ghala.. I opposed at first and we got into fights

But then I joined in on her little schemes, not willingly though something lured me in .. and as time passed 
I started enjoying it..

And hopefully our hard work pays off! And she gets what she always wanted: Aziz.


  1. oh may godness!!!
    noor atbe6 alchabd, like seriously? w ekhta b3d.. ekserat kha6ry ghalaa :(
    that was short, waiting the new post <3
    - LH

  2. Sara mu min 9ejaa!! Walla many msaadgaa!! Hathy mu elhet a3outhu bellaaa!! La ou enjoying weyya elwayh!! Ared ou agoul sarah etaghashmar!!! Post soon i miss 3abdalla;p


  4. Lh- ee 7ada!! Enshallah i'll post a longer one soon;*

    St- heheh:D

  5. I just started reading your blog... I like it! Please make abdulla weya ghala they totally match!

    Keep it up gurl

    -xoxo Emz

  6. omg noor is 7ywana 5air enshallah !!! I`m with team 3bdullah bs still 7ram ksrw 5a6ree 3ziz w ghala

  7. Yaalla post wayed 6awaltee :'(

  8. I love your blog 7adda 3ajeeb bas wayed tna6rena!!! next post!:***

  9. Emz: Thankk you glad you did x hehe we'll see ;)

    anony 1: 7ad'haa!! ee misakeen:(

    anony 2, 3, 4: I AM SO SORRYY FOR THE DELAY!!! I will post now;**

  10. Ketakeet: sorry i just saw your comment!! eee haha well obviously now you know she's doing all of this:p haha i will;)

  11. I'm kinda okay with what noor and sara did, cause I want GHALa and abuallah to be together :P
