Thursday, November 29, 2012


A Walk Down Memory Lane..25

He opened the door for me to reveal balloons hanging everywhere. I widened my eyes in shock; I don’t know what to think. I entered to see a cake placed on the table next to a huge bouquet of flowers. Everything looked so beautiful. The lights were dimmed, and the room smelled of vanilla and jasmine scented candles.

"Kil 3am wintay eb khair Monya," Msa3ad whispered in my ear.

I stood there still trying to take in everything in the room. Ma9adegg!!!

"Hatha 7agyy?" I asked. Ok I know it’s a stupid question bs jad I was taken by surprise and when I’m surprised I say stupid things.

"Tukfaa Monya latkharbeen el mood y3ny 7g mnu ballah?" he chuckled.

"Abaihh mashkoor Msa3ad its too muchh!" I said as my face gave off every shade of red.

"Haha la walla tstahlain akthaar, 3asa 3jibtich el mufaja2a?" he asked.

"Eee walla wayedd matga9err!!" I said looking at him.

He looked back at me, smiling. Then he looked into my eyes so intensely, its like he was looking into my soul. I quickly looked away.

"Umm laish ta3abt nafsik o sawait kil hatha?" I whispered shyly.

He gestured for me to sit on the couch, and then he sat next to me. He faced me and smiled.

"Bl3aks Monya widyy asawy akthar min chthy bs adryy enich mara7 trthain ella etha gtlich ta3alay el maktab," he said.

I lowered my head and smiled. Walla ast7yy.

"E9ara7a ana aby akalmich 3an mawthoo3 muhim o lazim agolich w7na broo7na y3ny al7en ansab wagt," he said.

"Yalla gool," I said.

He played with his hands, its obvious he's nervous.

"E9ara7a Monya... uhh..," he scratched the back of his head and smiled sheepishly.

"Haha shfeeek mikhtibi9," I asked.

"Haha la bs y3ny mawidy tfhmeeny ghala6, Monya abeech tsm3een kil elly bagola laih el akheer b3dain 3alqay," he said.

"Ok khara3tnyy shfeek? laykon ebta6rdnyy????" I said placing my hand on my heart.

"Hahaha laa la latkhafeenn," he said.

He twisted and turned in his seat, he was sooo nervous. He gulped loudly then started talking, "Monya ana adry enna awal el ayam kint shdeed 3alaich, o makint adry laish bs b3dain estaw3abt enny kint wayed mu3jab feech o eb akhlaqich."

He looked at my shocked face then continued.

"O shsma entay e9ara7a shadaitay entibahyy madryy laish bs kint a7ri9 enny ashofich mdawmaa! O kintay 7ail etshawgeen lama azifich o t3a9been o tsaween ta3abeer eb wayhich haha," he chuckled as he remembered el ayam elsooda.

"Bs 3ugub lama bechaytay estaw3abt enny wayed ga3d ajri7ich o e9ara7a mat'hoon 3alay masha3rich, fa glt lazim at2adab o atghayar. 3ad ghayart qismy o 9irt mudeerich bs 3ashan ashofich akthar o nagaitich tshtaghlain ma3ay eb hal project 3ashan ag3ad ma3aach wat3araf 3alaich akthar, o al7een etakhatht elqarar," he said looking deep into my eyes.

My eyes almost fell out as he spoke. Kil hatha eb galbik ya Msa3ad.

I mean I always wanted a love story, but I never really believed that it would happen to me, especially after what happened with Zaid. I suspected that Msa3ad had feelings for me at first but I always brushed that thought off my mind and thought, "Mashallah behid kil hal banat o bi7ibny ana?" Go figure.

He got up and brought the cake with a knife and placed it in front of me. It was a two tier light pink square shaped cake with a white ribbon, made out of fondant, wrapped around it. He handed me the knife.

"g9aayy," he ordered with a smile.

I looked at the knife like it’s the first time I see it.

"Hahaha shfeeeech khayfa tabeen asa3dich?" he grinned.

"Ahaha la 3ady," I said.

I placed the knife on the cake's surface and pressed hard till I reached the bottom. I removed the knife and started cutting the other half of the slice. I used the small spoon to help me lift the slice of cake and place it on the plate.

Ana ma3arf agi9 o kint ad3yy enna ma afashil 3umryy o a3afes edinyaa, bs el7mdlaa so far so good.

"Eklayy," he ordered again.

"Haha enta ekil awal akhaf bitsamimny," I said.

"Afaa maku thiqa kilish," he said as he grabbed the spoon. "Ana asamimch ya jleelat el 7ayyya?"

He dug into the cake and took a bite. He chewed with a grin on his face.

"Ashwa ma mit," he said sarcastically.

"Hahaha," I said as I cut another slice for me.

I removed the slice and placed it on the plate. I lifted my head to see a plastic box inside the cake.

I looked at Msa3ad surprised to find him grinning at me.

"Shelee," he pointed at the box.

"Enta sheela," I whispered. Walla akhaf as7iba wi6ee7 el cake shtiswa 3alay.

"Hahaha walla entayyy..." he said as he slowly pulled out the box.

It was a square plastic box with princess typed on it.

He handed it to me, "3ad ft7yy bala dala3."

I smiled and took the box from his hand. I slowly opened the box, ma3araftny wana 9ayra raqeeqa :p

I widened my eyes when I looked at the plastic engagement ring inside.

"Shnu hatha?" I asked.

"Haha hatha allah ysalmich khatam," he said.

He took it out and held my left hand with his trembling hand. He slowly slipped the ring through my finger.

"Ttzawijainy?" he asked with a grin.

I stared at my hands that were enveloped with his. A chill ran down my spine, it’s the first time he holds my hand. I slowly pulled my hands away.

"Bs latkhafeen mo hathy diblitich el9ijiya," he chuckled.

I felt a lump form in my throat; slowly the tears began pouring down my cheeks.

"Shfeech Monyaa??" he asked in surprise.

"Asfa *sniff*," I said as I wiped my tears.

"Monya ana asif etha faja2tich, bs tukfa fakray bilmawthoo3," he whispered.


"SHGLTAAAYYYY??? 3ASAA RETHAYTAYY WAYY 6ALA3 ROMANSYY!!" Dr. Manar said enthusiastically.

"Hahaha madry khtara3t 7aail," I said.

"Wayy 6a3 hathy tgool khtara3t! Ebayin enna yabeech o 7abich wila chan masawa kil hathaa," she said.

"Adryyy bass.." I said looking at my lap.

"Bas shnuuuu ya 7athyyy!! Walla ma3ndich salfa laykoon radaiteeh?" she asked.

"Hahaha agolich b3daiin," I said.


The next day was very boring. I didn’t go to work because I didn’t feel like it, so I stayed at home the whole afternoon. Then I decided to visit my grandfather.

"Esalamu 3alaikum," I greeted while kissing his forehead.

"Hala yubaa shlonich?" he asked.

"Bkhair enta shakhbarik??" I asked.

We continued talking about every subject. Sub7an allah china yadry 3an Msa3ad awal marra ygoly yalla mta ttzawijain aby ashof 3yalich loool.

After a few hours of chatting with the grandpa, Zaid came in. Waiii3.

He greeted and sat down right next to me. La afaa 3alaik eg3ad eb 7thny ba3ad shd3waaaa :))

"Haa shlon il mbarat?" My grandpa asked.

"Ha? Ay mbarat?" Zaid asked, glancing at me. Ashkara mitwahig.

He doesn’t know that I know that he went to Spain instead of Mecca.

"Mbarat Madrid elly r7tlaha?" he asked.

"Uhh ee walla khoosh li3ib," Zaid said.

"Yalla 3ayal ana bamshy ma3a esalama," I said as I kissed my grand father and quickly left. Jad maly khlg Zaid.

I heard Zaid shouting behind me as I walked to my car.

"La7thaa la7thaa Monya!!" he shouted.

I ignored and continued walking, but his grip stopped me. He turned me around.

"Monya ga3d a7acheech ana," he bellowed.

"Hidny!" I said through clenched teeth.

"Mara7 ahidich, abeech tsm3eeny awal," he said tightening his grip.

"Maby asma3 mabyy ashofik a9lan!!!" I said trying to pull my hands away but his grip was too strong.

"Ya bint el7alal entay laish m3a9ba al7een?" he asked.

"Min9ijiik ts2alhy hasu2al?? Zaid wakher 3anyy al7een!!!" I shouted.

I can’t believe him. Beyaninyyy hal Zaid!

"Monya shfeech t9arkheen goleely fahmeeny," he said.

"Maby afahmik mo lazim tadry enzain!!" I said.

"Ana aby a3aref walla walaht 3alaich yakhy fahmeeny shsalfa," he begged.

"Waii3 waii3 maby asmaa3 9ootikk akrihik akrihik kila echathib 3alay bas ta3abt minik o min suwalfik!!" I yelled.

"Ukhh kil hatha bgalbich? Shd3wa mta chathabt?" he said.

"Waaay madry mnu elly gayily baroo7 el 3umra o akher shay thalif asbanya," I said.

"Ahh.. enzain Monya walla ana a7ibich o mabeech tkrheeny ana asif wallah," he said.

I started turning around and pulling my hand away. I pulled and pulled till I finally freed myself. I quickly ran to my car.

"Maby ashooofik mara thanya you disgust me," I yelled before I drove off.

I can’t describe my hate for him right now. UUGHH!!

I went home o 7adyy mnafsaa!! I entered the house to find my dad sitting in the living room.

"Monya tara rfejtich lulu maritich el magharb," he said.

"Shnuuu???" I asked, incredulous.

"Yat g3adat shway chan tamshyy," he said looking at the TV.

"O shaku tg3aad ba3add? O laish madagat 3alaayy kalematny gabl la tyee??" I shouted.

My dad looked at me, his eyes wide. I realized I was shouting at him o uhwa mala thanb.

"Asfaa yubaa mu qasdyy a9arikh," I said.

"Laish 9ayer bainich o bainha shay?" he asked.

"Laa maku shay, yalla ana banam t9baa7 3ala khair," I said heading to my room.

I sent Lulu a message,

"Egolon zayratny elyoom."

She replied after a few minutes.

"Eeee 7asafa kintay 6al3aa."

I texted back,

"Chan glteeely gabil latyeen?"

She replied,

"Madryy kint greeba yam baitkum fa glt amur matiwaqa3tich 6al3a, bs 3ady ga3adt ma3a uboch waay eyaninn allah ykhale lich."

Ahh ya albyy. Jad bathba7 a7ad elyoom. Enzain ana laish a7iir nafsyy? Laish akalimhaa wazeed elly eb galbyy!!

"Ahh, la marra elyaya goleelyy, anyway goodnight."

I hate to sleep when I’m angry but I don’t want to stay awake and let my over thinking problem get the best of me, so good night. :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


A Walk Down Memory Lane..24

"Waaaay ba3ad 3umryy ya Monya, kil matkhalseen min a7add eyelich a7ad thanyy," Dr. Manar said.

"Shftaay shlooon," I pouted.

"Shnu hathy Lulu ba3aad mnain 6la3aat hal bazii3 yaraby hal banat f9akhaaaaw el7ayaa kilshayy ygolooonaaa!!" she complained.

"Ee walla lil asaaf!! Al7een kil shay 9aar 3adyy mahamt'hum el akhlaaq o maku shay 3aaib aw 7araam!" I said.

"7asafaaa 3alaihum wallaaa, ahh ya ziman shloon 9araw chthy?? walla ana yabeely 6abeeb nafsyy 3ala hallyy asma3a haha," she said.

"Hahahaa wee smilaa 3alaiichh la tara mu kilhum chthyy hathaila shwaya bs, elsan3en wayed allah ykather min amthalhum," I said.

"Ameeen, enzain kalmeeny 3an Msa3ad khanath7ak shway, hahaha walla hal walad etha7kny," she said.


"Waaaay Msa3aad gitliik el wardy a7laa!!" I said.

"Enzain entay shfeech etzfeen? yakhy mu 3ajbny el wardyy shloon??" he said with a smile tugging on his lips.

We just spent a couple of hours working on a stupid pointless powerpoint, and of course Msa3ad and I have to argue on EVERYTHING. Even the color of the font.

"Ya walaad el wardy eloog akthaar ma3a el soora enta sh3arifik??" I asked mockingly.

"Ana 6oool eb 3aaarth 9irt walaaad??" he looked at me with one eyebrow lifted and wide eyes. Ya3ny m3a9ib bs mu min9ija 3araftaw? la? ok :(

"Hahaha shd3wa 6oool eb 3arth? kabaaat 7ashaa mo adimyy," I said with a smile.

"Hahaha tadreen shlmushkila?? enny magdaar ashofich mibtasmaa wazifich," he said with a grin.

That was either too cute, aw ana feeny naq9. :')

"Haha 3ayal kila babtisim," I said.

"Ee hatha el ma6loob," he winked.

"Enzaiin ya wild el7alal ghayer el loon wardyy 6ee3ny esma3 kalamy bs mara eb 7ayatik!!" I said.

"Walaiiinn.." he sighed.

"Enta jarib aslaan majaraabtaa!!!" I said.

"Su2al, entay tadreen enich 7annana wela ma7ad galich? Jad jad min9ijy ga3d as2al?" he asked.

"Wayyy ee adry enzaiin o kaifyy ba7inn!" I said crossing my hands on my chest.

"Waii3 o daloo3a ba3ad mo khoosh combination," he said with a smile.

"Ma7ad 6alab rayik," I gave him a tight smile.

"O 3a9abeya ya salaaam," he chuckled.

"Su2al, enta 3abalik et'tha7ik? Y3ny jad jad ma7ad galik ena damik thgeel?" I asked.

"Hahaha laa et9adgeen, o mit2aked enny mara7 asmaa3 hal kalaam," He said with a grin.

"Maleeq o thiqaa," I said rolling my eyes.

"Y7iglyy," he wiggled his eye brows at me.

I narrowed my eyes at him, but the look on his face made me burst out in laughter.

He moved the cursor as he changed the font color to pink. He looked at it for a couple of seconds before he said,

"Et9adgeen 7ilu," he said.

"Gitliiiiik bs rasik yabis matismaa3," I said.

"Ma hagait'haa minich e9ara7aa," he said.


"La y3ny el9ij yingal ana a7ib akoon 9aree7," he said.

"Mashallahh la smila 3alaik esana3 wil 9ara7a thab7eeenik haha," I said.

"Ee ee shnsawyy ba3aad," he said.

And we continued working and enjoying our time. Pretty much that was how I spent my days at work with Msa3ad.

After a couple of days, 9ali7 and Nawal's engagement became official. 6ab3an ana 3ady mistansa akthar minhum!!

Lulu texted me as soon as we spread the news.

"Waay latgoleen, Nawal elly kintay 7a6at'ha eb balich 7ag 9ali7?"

Way staghferallah hathy shtaby? 9ayra ma abla3ha kilish!

I decided to say,

"Allah katibhum 7ag ba3ath :)"

"Ahh, 3al3moom mabrook."

Aham shay enha m3a9baa!! hatha elly nagi9 y3ny qaaa9ib akh6ibha 7ag 9ali7?? Walla madry shlon 9ayra hal bnayya.

"Allah ybarik feech." I replied.

El7imdla allah sahal khi6bat'hum o everything went as planned.

And 9ali7 is soooo cute when I asked him if he loves Nawal his face turned red and he started stuttering.

"Bismila shfeek chthy gumt tgi6 khai6 o khai6," i said, laughing.

"Laa y3ny entay ba3ad shasu2aal? al7een tawny kha6bha o 7alty 7ala bakraha mathalaan?? yakhthyy fhmeeeha!!" he said.

"Hahaha y3ny gool "ee a7ibha" tara mo 9a3baa!" I said.

"Tadreen shlon entay el7achy ma3ach thay3," he said as he walked away.

Ma3arafta wihwa yst7y:::

Da3ait enna allah ytamim 3alaihum o eyasir omorhum!!

After a couple of days, on a wednesday it was my 24'th birthday. I was mostly depressed that I'm growing up so fast.

When I went to work my colleages surprised me with a cake and flowers and gifts. Still, I was a bit depressed. Bas ham ya7lailhum. Walla madryy.. (Im pmsing btw)

Do as usual I went to Msa3ads office to work. We finished half of our work until I realized that he hadnt wished me a hbd. Ok y3ny mo lazim bs still..

After he finished telling me a story about him fishing with some friends, I looked at him

"Tara elyom 3eed melady 3ala fikra," I said.

"9iij, kil 3am wntay bkhaiir," he said not even looking at me.

"Winta bkhair," I said.

"Cham 9ar 3umrich," he asked.

"Laa ella hal su2al," I said.

"3ayal shaku mtfalsifa witgolenly enna elyom 3eed meladich," he said.

"Baas lazim t3arif," I said.

Suddenly he looked at me with a grin on his face, "laish lazim?"

"Madryy y3ny its my bday lazim kilmen yadry," I said.

"6aaa3 hathyyy madry mnu 3ad Kim kardashian," he said.

"Waaii3 maligait ella kim? eee akeed tmoot 3alaihaa shaghla mukhik s7aila om el khalajeen mashafat el 7ala," I said.

"HAHAHA ullaa lehadaraja mi7tara mnha??" he asked.

"Madry 3ala shnuu a7taaar shainat el7alaya!" I said.

"Hahaha walla 3ayooz mo Monya glna elyoom 3eed meladich bs shaklich kubartay 20 sina mo sina wa7da," he said.

"Haha waay 7ag eshimata zahib," I said.

"La bs shd3wa chthy m7tara min Kim?" he asked.

"Walla mo m7taraa hatha elly nagi9 a7taar min 3ayooz enaar!!" I said.

"Hahaha ahh 9a7ee7 9a7ee7," he said.

We continued chatting and working till it was time to go home. I left the office and headed home thinking about my beautiful bed.

I entered the house to hear voices coming from the living room. Ghareeba, hal 7azza kila hodoo2.

I went there and my eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

Lulu and my dad were seated on the couch.

Hathy shayiybha baitna? O shaku ga3da ma3a uboyy???

"Hiiiii Monyaaa happyyyy birthdayyyy," Lulu shouted as she jumped out of the couch to give me a hug.

"Uhh mashkoora," I whispered. I was too shocked..

"El3umer kilaa enshallahhhh!! Waay 3ad yibt cake kint aby ashib lishmoo3 gabil la edisheen bas khathatna esiwalif," she looked at my dad and smiled.



I glared at my dad.

"Baroo7 ayeeb el cake lets celebrate agool 7ag elkhadama etsawy chay??" She asked.


"Uhh laa lulu walla mashkoora wayed bs ana rasy m9adi3 o 7adyy ta3bana, banam o 3ugub adig 3alaich n6la3 ok?" I said.

"Wee 7abeebty matshofeen sharr ee akeed 3adyy," she said.

I looked at her waiting for her to leave but she didnt move and continued her conversation with my father.

I narrowed my eyes at my dad until he said, "Yalla 3ayal ana asta2thin waray shighl ma3a esalama."

He quickly got up and left. After a few seconds Lulu grabbed her bag and stood up.

"Yalla 3ayal ana bamshy mita ma ga3adtay goleely," she said before she left.

Ya elaaahyyy :(

I changed into my pj's and slipped into my comfortable warm lovely beautiful... I cant stop praising my bed. <3

I drifted into a peaceful sleep when my loud ringtone woke me up.

Kilmarra nafs esalfa ansa a76a silent. Banti7r min hal salfa.

I answered without looking at the screen.

"Alo," I said with my sleepy voice.

"Naymaa?" hmm is that Msa3ad?

I checked the screen to read his name. yep its him.

"Ee," I said.

"Asif ga3adtich," he said.

I ignored.

"Enzain tgdreen etyeen elmaktab?" he asked.

"Shnuu?? laishhh?" walla 7asait edam3a eb 6araf 3yony bs yabeelaha dazza o tanzil.

"Fe cham shaghla lazim enkhal9hum 7ag bacher," he said.

"Waaay Masa3aad laaa plsss maly khilggg," I said.

"Shnsawy 7ata ana maly khlg bs majboreen," he said.

"Please ajlaa," I begged.

"Mo beedyy, yalla pls latt2akhrain," he said before hanging up.

UUGHHHH! someone is going to be murdered today.

I quickly changed and went to the office. Suwalif adawim bilail matamshy 3alaay! Hathy akher marra :@

I entered the building o 7ady mnafsaa. I went to our floor and headed to Msa3ad's office and knocked on the door.

Suddenly the door opened and Msa3ad peeked through the open space, "Hala wallaa."

He took a step backward and opened the door.

I widened my eyes, I cant believe this!!

**Heyy tara I didnt proof read fa 6awfaw any mistakes :$ hope you enjoyeddd<3 and dont forget to comment please :D

Monday, November 26, 2012


A Walk Down Memory Lane..23

"Beda y7ibiichh," Dr. Manar said as she wiggled her eyebrows.

I just blushed.

"Enzain 3ad sh9aar 3ugub?" she asked.


I spent the rest of the night thinking about him, ahhh, I was mostly trying to get him out of my mind.

I dont know what happened or how it happened, but suddenly everytime I remember Msa3ad, I smile!!

Then, like a wall of bricks hit me, I remembered Zaid and felt like I was some how betraying him. Its not like he promised to marry me or something!!

I really have to stop thinking about Zaid. He asked for my help to become a better person and I did my part, now he's in Mecca and he has to do his part.

Msa3ad, on the other hand, is the new problem I'm currently facing. I need to get his beautiful smile out of my head.

After a while of thinking about Zaid and Msa3ad and trying to think about something else, Msa3ad called.

"Aloo," I said.

"Halaa Monya shlonich?" he asked.

Haw tawny 6al3a min el maktab.

"Uh bkhaiir," I said.

"3asaa, bs kint bagoolich enna ya36eech el3afya 3ala el shighil elyoom wayed anjazna," he said.

"Shda3wa masawait shayy," I said.

"Laa bl3aks wayed sa3adteeny," he said.

"Enta ba3ad mashkor o magasart," I said.

"Masawait ella elwajib," he said.

A moment of silence....

"Ee magilteely r7tay el6abeeeb?" he asked.

"Laa bacher enshalah aroo7," I said.

"Ee tara etha 7asaitay enich matgdreen edawmeen agdar ashtghl broo7y lat'thgh6een 3ala 3umrich," he said.

"Enshalla matga9er!"

"Ee o shlon 9ali7?" he asked.

Ahh y3ny btsolif?

"Bkhair el7mdla, umm Msa3ad lazim aroo7," I said.

"Ee ee asiff, yalla t9b7een 3ala khair," he said.

"Winta min ahala," i said before I hung up.

The next day was friday, so it was the usual long afternoon and then a gathering at my grandpas house at night.

I arrived early and started chatting with my grandpa. Then my aunts started coming in greeting, also surprised to see me.

After a while of chatting I overheard a conversation between one of my aunts (Zaids mother) and papa.

"Ee wagolik elyoom Zaid raye7 ma3a rab3a Asbanya eb ya7throon mbarat," she said.

"Ee galyy thak elyoom bero7 mbarat Madrid," grandpa said.

"Ee walla hal shabab allah y7afith'hum kil ma tamaw 6agaw 3umerhum o saferaaw," she said.

I didn't hear the rest of the conversation because my heartbeats were too loud that I couldnt hear anything but the thudding in my head.

Zaid went to SPAIN?

This is not real. No way.

He told me he's going to Mecca.

He told me he CHANGED.

"Uhh khalty Zaid mu raye7 el3umra?" I heard myself say.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "haaw laa wala yaab 6ary el3umra, wela chaan zaain eroo7 bs mayismaa3!!"

"Ahh ok," I said.

"Laish uho gayilich?" she asked.

"Laa ana ymkin mtkharbe6a," I lied. "Yala ana bamshy 3ayal."

I quickly got up and left the place. Im not even angry with him, the only person im angry with is myself for believing his load of crap.

You know what? Im not even going to think about that jerk because he's already stolen so much of my time.

And like I was speaking of the devil, he sent me a message.

"Hala Monya, tawny mkhalis 3umrity el7imdla sahalat, shlonich?"



"Walla hal Zaid mu 3ajibny min elbedaya, blees rakib eb rasa staghferallah," Dr. Manar said.

"Ee bs echathiib," I said.

"Hathaila elly yinkhaaf minhum, tlageena uhwa mayadry shnu yabyy! ychathib 3ala flan o 3ilaan o enaqith 3umra wala yoo9al 7ag nateeja!" she said.

"Eeee allah yhadahuum!! bs elmuskila ellyy 7arnyy enna ana mu msaweetla shayy 3ashan eswyy hal swat!! Ma 3umry tharraita!!" I said.

"Ee uhu shafich sama7tyy awal marra gaal ba3eed nafs elqiisa o bastighilha bs eb6areeqa thanya, hatha el mafrooth ennich etsakreen el bab o matkameena abad!!" she said.

"Ee walla 9a7 kalamichh!" I said.

"Enzain 3ad shsawaitayy kalamteeh??" she asked.


I hated myself for being so naive. I decided I will never ever forgive him for lying, because he sure didnt deserve my second chance.

The days passed by repeating themselves. I'd go to work, Msa3ad would be his usual weird self, and then I'd return home and sleep.

At times he makes me feel special, yet at other times I just feel like any other girl. Sometimes he keeps on chatting with me wanting to know every detail, and at other times he couldnt care less.

Zaid on the other hand, kept calling and texting me but I ignored of course, he doesnt deserve my time.

One day Lulu told me she wanted to visit. Ya7lailha bsr3a 6ayi7at el meyana. I thought since we're alone, Ill tell her about Saad.

So she came on the same afternoon, we sat in the living room since the house was empty.

After a while of talking and sipping tea, my dad and 9ali7 came in.

Shloooon nesait enna uboy berid elyom:/

"El7mdlaa 3al salamaaa," I got up and kissed both his cheeks.

"Allah ysalmichh 7abeebty, shlonkum?" he asked.

"Bkhair el7imdla, shlom amreca??" I asked.

"Walla ma baghaaiy arid, ba3ad mayi7tayy agolich 3an amreka," he said.

"Wayy mara thanyaa lazim takhitny ma3aak," I said.

"Ee enshallahh meta ma 3a6ooch ejazq awadeech," he said before he left to his room.

"Waay mashallah entaw wayed etsafroon?" Lulu asked.

"Haha y3ny min fatra laih fatraa laish?" I asked.

"Laa bs ana uboy maysafirna kilish madry laish!! y3ny akher mara safart min cham sina!" she said.

"Wee, ymkin may7ib esaafir," I said.

"Um ee may7ib, entay uboch shakla mayig3ad bldeera," she said.

"Haha mashallah la 3ad shda3wa," I said

"Oo hatha ukhooch elly kan ma3a?" she asked.

"Ee 9ali7," I said.

"Akbar minich? 3ad mayshabhich et9adgeen," she said.

"Ee, 9ij 3ad kilmen egool ena yshbahny!" I said.

"La madry ma7asaait! Enzain uhwa mtzawij?" She asked.

Haw bedaina blta7qeeq??

"Laa lail7een," I said. Maby ayeeb 6ary Nawal since masar shay 3ala hal mawthoo3.

"Wee ghareeba lail7en ga3d y3ny 3nda khair o floos o san3 mafroth minziman mtzawij, ma dawartoola?"she asked.

"Umm ee 7a6a eb baly cham wa7da," I said. Wayed jaree2a.

"Haha ana minhum 3aad," she said as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Ahaha laa kbeer 3alaiich!" I said  y3ny shloon arid 3alaiha?!

"Haw laish? I'm 20 kubaart!!" she said.

"Ee ok bs madryy, y3ny entay 3ady ttzawijain etha a7ad taqadamlich al7een?" I asked.

"Ee etha kan wild floos o mayinraad nafs 9ali7," she said.

I widened my eyes at her, sh'hal jur2a!!

she burst out laughing, "Hahaha atghashmar shfeeech."

Ghashmartich baykha, y3ny 3aib tgol chthy 7ata lo ghashmara.

"ahaha," I faked a laugh.

"Enzain etha tabeen adawer ma3ach tara ana zahba," she said.

"Mashkoora," I said.

"Oo shsma ubooch wain yshtghl?" she asked.

"3nda sharika," I said.

"Mhmm," she said china o 3ajibha. "Enzain 3ndch khwan thaneen aw khawat?"

"Ma3ndy khawat, bs 3ndy twins sbayan kubrich."

"Ahh ya7lailhum," she said.

"Entay cham tfathleen ekon farg el3omir bainich o bain raylich?" I asked.

"4 years aw akbaar, mo kubry!!" she said.

Wee ra7at 3alaik ya Saad.

"Ahh ok," I said.

"O entay ghareeba lail7een mankh6abtay?" she asked.

"Haha ana glt lama ashtghl eseer khair," I said.

And she kept asking about 9ali7 and my father. I tried to change the subject a couple of times but failed miserably. She's starting to scare me...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


A Walk Down Memory Lane..22

"Ma3araft Msa3ad jaad!" Dr. Manar stated.

"Haha wala ana walla gumt akhtiri3!!" I said.

"Ya7lailaa y3ny ga3d e7awil ytghayyar," she said.

"Eee bs madryy kint lail7een akrahaa!!" I said.

"Kint? shnu al7een 9ar fe ta6aweraat?" she asked with a smile.

"haha eee," I said.

"Yallaaa golayy shna6raaa?" she said.

"Haha laa mo al7een tyeech esalfa b3dain al7een bakamilich esh9aar," I said.

"Yalla im all ears," she said.


That same day I invited Maha, Lulu, and Rawan at my house. Minha at3arraf 3ala Lulu zyada 3ashan ma3a el ayam afati7ha eb mawthoo3 Saad.

I opened the door for them and we all greeted eachother. On our way to the living room, I saw my dad coming out of the kitchen wearing a black suit with a striped necktie, and holding a bag. you know that bag that men usually carry for work?

"Ohh oh shal kashkhaa?" I said as he got closer.

"esalamu 3alaikum 3amy," maha greeted.

"Wa3alaikum esalam shlonich yuba?" he asked.

"bkhair wl7mdlaa."

"ha yuba min elly kashikhla e3tirif," I said with a wink.

"Haha yoozay, la bs baro7 new york 3ndy shighil," he announced.

"Shnuu? o laish magiltly minziman chan lezaagt feeek," i said.

"haha walla tawhum e7adidon wagt elmeeting hal sboo3 o tadreen amreka yabelha darb fa glt aroo7 min al7een," he said.

"O maakint ra7 tsalim 3alaay?" I asked.

"Emballa tawny yay banadeechh latsawen aflam," he chuckled.

"Haha ok tabeeny awa9lik elma6ar?" I asked.

"La 7abeebty bo khalid bemirny, ana tawa mkalm khwanich gtlhum, deeray balich 3ala nafsich o 3ala el bait 7abeebty o 7awlay tga3denhum 7g 9alat el fayer ha yuba?" he said.

"Enshallahh min 3yoony, yalla bisalamaa enshalla o kalimny awal ma toosal 6aminy 3ala ma azahib el lista haha," I said already thinking about all the things I want him to get me.

"Haha enshallahh yalla ma3a esalama," he said before he left.

The girls and I continued to the living room and sat down.

"Wayy ya7laila 3amyy a7isa murahiq bilkhamseen 7ada 3ayish 7ayata," maha said.

"mashalla shaklaa sgheeer maylog ubu," lulu said.

"haha ee mashallah allah y7afthaa," i said.

"yabakhtkum fee ma7ad emdalilich o ma36eech wayh bhal dinya ghairaa haha," maha mocked.

"Eee bs latit7achon 3an uboyy," i said.

Ba3ad estaghferallah akhaf ya7sdona. :)

"hahaha waaay ba3ad ga3deen nimda7aa g6ee3a mataby nimdaa7 a7ad ghairhaa," maha said.

"hahaaa ya 7maraaa," i said.

After a while Rawan came in with cookies and that is when the night started, it was fun. I still had second thoughts about Lulu, the way she acted, the things she said were odd. However, Im not the one marrying her, Saad is.

The next morning I dragged my self put of bed, changed and headed to work, against my will! You know when you barely slept the night before and you feel like your head is suddenly gigantic that you can barely carry it? Im feeling so much worse.

On my way, I remembered that I have a lot of work with Msa3ad today, jad thag khilgyy. It was not my morning..

I entered my office to find my desk piled with folders and papers. I swear my heart almost skipped a beat. Kil hatha bashtighil 3alaih el yoom?? :')

I sat on one of the chairs in front of my desk and I rested my head on the back of the chair. I closed my eyes, Im not going to sleep really I won't I'm jus.......

"Monyaa!!!" I heard someone shout.

I jumped out of the chair and breathed heavily.

"Shfeech smila 3alaich," Msa3ad said.

Oh God I fell asleeep!!!

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Did he just enter my office to find me sleeping?? I hope I didnt SNORE:'( babchyyyy

"Abaaihh wallah asfaa asfaa, bs kint aby aray7 shway walla madry--,"

"Hahah shda3wa 3adyy 7ass feech, etha wayed ta3bana riday namay o ta3alay 3ugub," he offered.

"La laa bas baroo7 aghasil wayhy o ayee," I said.

"3ala ra7tichh," he said.

I went to the bathroom cursing myself with every step I took, I washed my face and came back.

"Yalla nabdy?" he asked as he pulled up the sleeves of his dishdasha and took off his ghitra.

"Ebnishtighil hnyy?" I asked.

"Ee a7ib maktibich, shar7," he said.

3ayartik, walla mashaf eshara7aa.

"Ahh ok," I said

He began explaining everything and teaching me what to do. He told me a little about the people we are dealing with and gave me some advice since its my first meeting.

Elshay elwa7eed elly ta3alamta min kil hatha ena ya7laila dama khafeef :p

"Oo bas hatha kil elly lazim et3arfeena," he said.

"Okk mashkooor," I said.

"Agool, shakhbaar Salman ukhoch?" he asked.

"Haw ma3ndy ukho esma salman," I said.

"3ayal thakreeny bisma elbicher?" he asked.

"9ali7," I said.

"Eee ya7laila salmay 3alaih walla wini3im feeh," he said.

"Yo9al enshallah, shlon t3arfaa?" I asked.

"Thak elyoom kan yay diwaneyat wa7id min erabi3, o solaft ma3a awal shay mastaw3abt bs b3dain la7atht eshibaah o riba6t el asamy," he said.

"Eee ya7lailaa," I said.

"Uhoo wain yshtighil?" he asked.

"Eb sharikat ******," I said.

"Ee okk, enzain entay el ji3da? shakla ee lanich daloo3a," he said with a grin.

"Haha shaku ana mu daloo3a!! o laa ana thany wa7da o b3dain twins," I said.

"Ooh mashalllahh, o shlon elwalid wilwalda?" he asked.

I paused when I heard el "walda". Something inside me grabbed my heart and slowly twisted it.

"Shfeech sikataayy?" he asked.

"Ha? la um elwalid bkhair el7imdla o elwalda allah yr7amha eb ra7mita," I said lowering my head.

His expressions changed, "Wallaa asif makint adryy, allh yir7amha enshallahh," he said.

"Ameen allah ysma3 miniik," I said.

"Tawha mitwafya wela minziman?" he asked.

"9arlaha 6 months taghrreban," I said.

"Ee mathwaha el janna enshallahh," he said.


"Walla asif thayyagt khilgich," he said.

"La 3ady 7a9al khaiir," I said.

"Enzaim sm3ayy shrayich ta36eeny raqmich 3ashan etha aby minich shay agdar atwa9al ma3achh!" he said.

I looked at him, "nigdar bacher enkamil."

"Adry bs akhaf a7taj shay minich tharoory," he said pullinh out his phone.

"Uhh..," mabyy a36eeeh.

"Shd3waa tara its strictly for work latkhafeen!!" he said a little annoyed.

"Um ok, 99******," I said.


"Yuma mina mo hayin," Dr. Manar said.

"Ee walaahh," I said.

"3ad mashallah faj2a 9aar elshighil muhim? 3ayartaa min zood elshighil?? Bill Gates wana madryy," she said.

"HAHA ee walla shftay shloon?" I said

"Yalla kamlay kamlay khanshoof shakhrat'haa ma3aa," she said.

"Haha okk," I said.


At almost 5:30 pm I recieved a message from Msa3ad.


I looked at my screen, hmm kilish maly khilg atkalam. I was tucked in bed sneezing for the past hour, yes I can feel a flu coming.

I will ignore and hopefully he will postpone whatever it is that he wants till tomorrow. But, what if its really important? I mean he did say he will only talk to me for work purposes.

Another message interrupted my thoughts.

"Manawy, Im leaving ba3ad shwayy agdar akalmich?"

It was from Zaid.

Its like my fingers moved on their own will as they dialled his number.

"Alooo," he said.

I hate myself every time my heart sinks when I hear his voice.

"Halaa," I said.

"Laykoon nayma?" he asked.

"Laa ga3daa," I said.

"3ayal shfeech? 9ootich mtghayer, ta3bana?" he asked.

"Ee walla ga3da antishil," I said.

"Salamaaat yal ghalya matshoofen shaar enshallahh," he said.

Please, dont say such things..

"Elshar mayeek," I said.

"Tabeenyy ayee al7een awadeech el 6abeeb afa 3alaichh!!" he offered.

"Haha laa laa," I said.

"Haha yalla enshallah mafeech ella el3afyaa anywayy ana shwayy waroo7 el ma6ar, tamreeny 3ala shay?" he asked.

"Latinsa umy bildu3a2," I said.

"Akeeed enshallah latwa9eeen, yalla 3ayal ma3a elsalama," he said.

"Ma3a elsalama," I said before I hung up.

Ahhh, I was stabbing myself internally a million times for actually being happy about that phonecall.

After a few minutes, Msa3ad called.

"Allo," I answered.

"SHfeech 9arly sa3a adiglich matrideen," he complained.

"Um kint ga3da atkalam bltelephone,"I said.

"Aha, elmuhim tawa dag 3alay ahmad (my former boss) o 6alab mina ensawy powerpoint 7g bcher tharoory," he said.

"Wee mayseer nishtighil 3alay bacher?" I asked.

"La agoolich uhwa yabee bacher!!" he said.

"Ok asfa, shlon nshtghl 3alaih?" I asked.

"Tyeen el maktaab mara7 en6awil enshallah," he said.

"Uhh... mafee 7al thany?" I said.

"La," he replied quickly.

"Umm ok aye al7een?" I asked.

"Ee ana bil6reej na6rich," he said before he hung up.

I had mixed feelings about this but I had to go.

I dragged myself out of bed, changed, and headed to the office.

It was empty and the only lit floor was ours. I walked to Msa3ad's office and knocked on the door.

"Ta3alay," he said.

As soon as I stepped foot inside his office my heart beats accelerated.

Ana maynooonaa ghabbeyyaa?? ray7aa maktaab el rayaal eb hal laail o broo7na bl maktaab! babchyyyyy!!

Mabuga du3a2 magiltaa 3adyy khatamt el qur2an min el khar3aa, I remembered I had 9ali7's number on speed dial just incase.

"G3day shfeech wagfaa?" he asked.

Lazim ha jumla kil ma adish maktiba.I sat down.

"Enzaiin elpower point lazim yit'thaman ....." he explained what we will work on. "3ndich afkar thanya?"

I told him a couple ideas at the top of my head.

"Hmm ee khosh fikraa yala khanabdyy," he said. He got out of his chair and brought the laptop and sat next to me.

Bismila bismilaa :/

"Su2aal, 9otich mitghayer shfeech ta3bana?" he asked.

Abaih he's sitting so close to mee I moved a little to the other side.

"Umm ee," I whispered.

"Ahh salamaat asif 3ainatich wintay mareetha bs tadreen eshighil 9a3ba en2ajlaa," he said.

"La 3adyy maku mushkilaa," I assured him.

He moved the cursor from side to side explaining everything he did as we slowly built the power point project.

"Hathy shsalfat'ha madry laish my rathya titkabar el 9oora," he complained.

"Haha shway shway, la7tha khal ajarib ana," I offered.

He raised one eyebrow and smiled, "Yalla jarbay."

I tried to expand the picture and it worked.

"And thats how you do it," I said with a smile.

For some reason I felt more comfortable around him.

"Haha bs lat7asisseny enich mikhtar3a eltharra," he mocked.

"Hmm jealous much?" I asked.

"Agoool hatha esamoona begginers luck," he said as he placed the pen on the table

The pen started sliding my way about to fall so I reached out to stop it. Msa3ad reached out too placing his hands on top of mine. I paused for a second, and he did as well. I regained my focus and pulled my hand away quickly. I looked at him, to see a hint of a smile tugging on his lips.

"A-asiif.." he said.

**Tara I didnt proof read fa 6awfaw any spelling/grammar mistakes. Enjoyyy<3