Friday, December 14, 2012


A Walk Down Memory Lane..28

"Ya 7ilwa Msa3ad wayed kubar eb 3ainyy," Dr. Manar said.

"Ee eyaninn," I said.

"3ad kalam uboch?" she asked.

"Ee bs 3ugub 6al3at elroo7," I said.

"Laishh shsaar?"


The hot breeze prickled his neck as he pulled his hair back and straightened his ghitra. He pulled a crumpled tissue from his pocket and wiped the sweat beads from his forehead. Meanwhile, he rang the doorbell. 

The seconds seemed so long he could barely stand on his feet. He took a deep breath trying to calm his pounding heart down. He flexed his hands trying to release some of the stress, but he failed miserably.

“Can I help you?” the nanny, asked.

“Umm, yes, is Mr. AlX here?” Msa3ad asked.

“Yes come inside I will call him,” she replied.

The nanny opened the door for Msa3ad and showed him to the living room. His feet barely walked him to the room where he plopped on one of the ivory colored couches.  He tried to straighten the creases on his dishdasha, rehearsing the words he memorized to tell my father. Msa3ad looked around the huge room he was in, from the floor to ceiling windows to the perfectly waxed wooden floors. Behind the transparent glass was a small garden with a huge swing in the middle. The grass looked pale from the burning sunrays and flowers were mostly shriveled up.

“Esalamu 3alaikum,” my father greeted as he walked into the room.

Msa3ad stood up and shook my father’s hand.

“Hala 3amy shlonik, ma3ak Msa3ad AlX,"

“Bkhaiir el7imdilaa, ent shakhbarik?” my father looked at him, clueless.

A few seconds’ later, 9ali7 walked in with his hand stretched.

"Halla walla Msa3ad, shlonik?" he asked as he shook Msa3ads hand.

"Bkhaiir ent shakhbarik," Msa3ad asked.

"Walla tamam, tefthaal," 9ali7 said as he pointed to the couch.

My father looked at Msa3ad intently, waiting patiently for what he has to say.

Msa3ad felt my father's burning gaze and that made him sweat even more.

“E7m, 3amy ana e7m yay a6lub minik shaghla..” Msa3ad stuttered.

“Uhh, e3thrny bas ma3arftik,” my father said, still not sure who Msa3ad was and what he wanted.

"Ana ashtghl eb sharikat AlX ma3a Monya," Msa3ad said.

"Ahh, 3asa ma shar? Monya feha shay?" my father asked.

Msa3ad's heartbeats accelerated. This is it; this is the moment he was waiting for. He rehearsed the words in his head a million times before coming here and now they’re all forgotten. Msa3ad fidgeted in his seat trying to quickly find the perfect way to say what’s on his mind. He had one chance, and he couldn’t blow it. 

“Shfeek matit7acha?” my father urged.

"Ana e9ara7a yay a6lib eed bintik," Msa3ad said.

The look on my father's hand sent chills down Msa3ad's spine. My father furrowed his eyebrows and looked at 9ali7 in confusion.

"Eee.." my father breathed as he looked down at his lap.

"Ana 9arly 5 sneen ashtghl eb sharikat uboy o 3amamy, ya3ny mkawin nafsy o agdar a9rif 3ala bait o adeer baky 3ala Monya,” Msa3ad said, suddenly gaining more confidence.

“Ha yuba nis2al Monya, blakeer el ray rayha,” 9ali7 said.

My dad narrowed his eyes at 9ali7.

“Wain elwalid?” my father asked.

“Msafer,” Msa3ad said.

“Mhmm.. 3al3omom ana ma3indy banat lilzawaj,” My father said as he got up.

“Shnu?” Msa3ad and 9ali7 asked at the same time.

My father walked out of the room ignoring the two shocked men. 9ali7 shot up and straightened his ghitra.

“Sami7ny Msa3ad, bs uboy mo 3ala ba3tha hal yomain,” 9ali7 said apologetically.

“9ali7 tukfa shoofly 7aal,” Msa3ad said.

“Ebshir, ana elyoom akalma warid lik khabar bacher enshallah,” 9ali7 said as he lead Msa3ad to the door.

I got out of my hiding place behind the room’s back door. I was so frustrated with my dad.

“9ali7!” I said through clenched teeth.

“Ha entay hny?” 9ali7 asked.

“Eee!! 9ali7 uboy shqa9daa!!!” I asked, irritated.

“Ma3alaich Monya ana akalmaa,” 9ali7 said.

“Eee please..”  I said as a tear ran down my cheek.

“Khalas lat’thaygeen khlgich o rday bait yadyy ana atfaham ma3a uboy,” 9ali7 reassured me.

“Ok,” I said before I left the house.

I’m going to let 9ali7 handle this one for me, because if I talked to my dad I’m going to say things that I will most likely regret later in life.

I went back to my room at my grandpa’s house and buried myself under my covers. Just when you think life couldn’t get any worse, BAM, it slaps you in the face with a problem so much worse. The only thing that’s helping me through this are God’s words, “Wa bashir al9abereen.”


Dr. Manar looked at me with pity in her eyes. She felt sorry for me, and I really don’t need anyone feeling sorry for me!

“Ya- ya3ny ma tizawajtaw?” she asked in a croaked voice.

“Uboy safar ma3a s7aila, ra7aw London thany youm 3ala 6ool 7ata 9ali7 mamda ekalim uboy!” I said.

“La 7awla wala quwata ella bila!” Dr. Manar said.

“Ee wallla, 6ab3an Msa3ad kan m3a9ib. ana khift ena ykrahny ebsibat uboy…” I said.

“Eee walla malooma, elrayyal may7ib yindigir o y7is ena uhwa mayiswa,” she said.

“9a7 kalamich, kalamt Msa3ad bldawam thany youm,”


I made my way to Msa3ad’s office as my heartbeats accelerated with every step. I’m sure he doesn’t want to see me right now, after what my father did.

I knocked on the door to hear him say, “tefathal.”

I walked into his office with my head bent.

“Esalamu 3alaikum,” I said.

“Wa3alaykum elsalam, hala walla,” Msa3ad said as he got out of his chair.

Seems like he’s in a good mood.

“Shlonik?” I asked as I sat down on the couch.

“Bkhaiiiir damich ma3aayy,” he said as he sat next to me.

“3assaaa,” I said with a smile.

“Allah laya7rminy minnik o min 7alak o min dalalik, matmanna ghair shofik tibtisim mirta7 balik,” he sang into my ear.

All shades of red danced on my cheeks as I lowered my head.

“Monya, shloon ubooch elyom?” he asked.

“Uhh zain, msafer,” I said in disgust.

I reallllly didn’t want to hate my dad, but everything he’s doing is pointing me to that direction.

“La wallaa!!” Msa3ad said, shocked.


“Enzain 9ali7 magalich shay?” he asked.

“La..” I said.

“SHofay ana makint aby agolich elly 9ar ams lana tiwaqa3t el mas2ala eb tin7al bs shakilha m6awla,” Msa3ad said as he played with his hands.

“SH9ar?” I asked as if I didn’t know exactly what happened.

Msa3ad doesn’t know that I was at the house when he talked to my dad so he thinks I don’t know what happened.

“Shofay latz3leen Monya elly allah katba enshalla be9eer bs ams ethahir ubooch makan mooda zain o kalamta o 7amag o mesha,” he said.

“Abaihh Msa3ad walla 7ady miftashla min elly 9ar!! Tara walla uboyy makan chthy bs min tizawag hatheech o uhwa mi3tifis!!” I said as a lump formed in my throat.

“3adyy Monya walla ana mitfahim enshallah allah ysakhra lina o yrtha!!” he said.

“Ameeen. Y3ny wala I don’t understand him. Ya6ridna min el bait lana el anesa Lulu matabeena bs kilyoom edig 3alaina o bain kil cham yoom emurna bait yady! A7isa shway mit7asif 3ala elly saw abs ham mistanis,” I said as my vision blurred from the tears.

“7abeebty latabcheenn, azma wit3ady enshallah,” he said as he placed his thumb under my eye to wipe the tears.

I moved away from him and got up.

“Enshallah,” I said before I left the room.

The days passed so slowly as I waited for my dad to come back to Kuwait. I didn’t lose hope yet; I knew that if I talked to my dad he would come around.

I spent most of my days praying that God would make this work because he’s the only one who can. Da3ait enna allah ysakhirlina uboy o enna ytamim zawajna 3ala khair.

Finally, Friday came and my dad arrived as well. At about 8 pm I went to my dad’s house. Yup, now we call it DAD’S house instead of OUR house. :’(
I entered to find om elsa3af o el leef aka Lulu sitting in the living room flipping through a magazine.

I walked past her to my father’s room.

“La7tha la7tha wain ray7a?” she asked.

I ignored and walked into the room to find my dad sitting on his bed.

“Esalamu 3alaikum,” I said as I walked over to him and kissed his forehead.

“Wa3alaikum el salam, ha shyaybich hny?” he asked.

“Aby akalmik eb mawthoo3,” I said.

“Entay laish matrdeen 3alay lama akalmich ha?” Lulu asked.

“Bs please bainy o bainik mala da3y hathy tisma3,” I said.

“HATHY 3INDAHA ISIM,” Lulu shouted.

“Lulu la7tha! Monya ayshay btgoleena ehya ebtsma3a,” he said.

“Enzain,” I said with flared nostrils. “Galy 9ali7 3an thak elyoom lama yalik Msa3ad,” I said.

“Shilma6loob?” he asked.

“Yuba laish refathta? 7ata ma3a6aita fur9a!!” I said.

“Bas uboch e3aref ma9la7tich mala da3yy tg3deen t7aqeqeen ma3a!” Lulu said.

I swear if she doesn’t shut up right now I WILL kill her.

“Bs tanaqashna ana o Lulu o 7asaina enna maynasibna Msa3ad,” he said.

Please, someone please tell me this is a joke.

I stayed quiet for a second.

“Yuba, laish tkrahny?” I asked. My voice started slowly breaking up as the lump in my throat grew bigger.

“Sh’hal su2al?” he replied.

“Ana shsawaaait 3ashan tsawy feeny kil hatha?” I asked as the tears slowly slipped down my cheeks.

“Waay latg3deeen etsaween aflaam,” Lulu said.
I looked at her with fury dancing in my eyes like frames.

-- To be continued--

**Heyy adry wayed 6awalt bs I'm trying my best lana ma3indy wagt o ham I'm having writers block enna madry shnu aktib!!  Bear with me there's only two posts left :D Hope you enjoyed and tell me what you think. Xx


  1. wedii aqtel lulu waaay t7eeeer!!
    mashallaa garait kil your stories 7ail mu'athereen Oo I love your way of writing... tadreen ena I am a silent reader bs your blog khalani garga reader hehee

    ma3thoora 7abebti kil ensan lah thoroofaa x
    i love you ♥

  2. Can Lulu just leave this blog please. shhe's SOOOO annoying >:::( Lovee your story!

  3. EXACTLY ^^^^^
    i swear lulu is so pointless oo il9ara7a im really starting to hate this story because of her and i really dont want because you are such a good writer but PLEASE get rid of this b****!!!!!!!
    p.s. still love msa3ad

  4. finallly and dw we understand <3 loved the postt and hope u post sooon :P

    6al3eeha min l story!! I hate her!! She is a b*tch!
    W Monya almskeeena!! 7aabeebtii ar7mhhha!!
    Msa3ad is just so sweet!
    W 9al7 san3!
    I loved the post! I almost cried in the morning while I was reading plus I was in bad mood the first 2 periods in school min algahar!
    I LOVE YOU! Post soon albiii:**


  7. HA4E ELE BA8TLHA !!!!!!!!!! Hal kaalbaaa lulu mal a8ch'haaa waaay abeee adsh a6gha 6ag a5alee karamt'haa bel ar'6 MA AGDR LAA PLZ laamaa tetzawj 5al troo7 w 6GHA W TGOL HEY ENTAY 99ADGTAY NAFSECH YAL ZABOO6A w t36eeeehaa kaaf e6ayhaa bel 2ar'6 plz 5al tsawe chthe w 5al tnadeeha zaboo6a WAI3 LULU AKRAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oo thank you 3al post !!!!!!!! W sorry t7mst bzyada bas shaswe hal lulu t8ith !! :( -cookie

  8. Wayy I'm soo frustrated with luluu, plzz don't make it a sad ending oo 5alay monya ttzawaj msa3ad, kafy the sad things that happened in this story:(

  9. I don't like Lulu but it adds action to the story, so you should keep her :D
    Great chapter as usual, please post soon x

  10. Omg she's so annying please next post let them divorce oo ykon a5r lga lha and I'll say "IN YOUR FACE BITCH !!! " Oo 9al7 ? ... He's so MAN 9dg rjal , monya mara t7zn alla ykoon b3oonha :(

  11. Heyy.. ana wa7da atab3ich min ayam your first story,o i still do , o for some reason my phone doesn't post comments ;@ !!!!! so i just read silently ;p bes shbkt bl laptop so i comment xP 7bait agoolich enich mawhoooooooooba mashallah o 8e9a9ich 3ajeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebaa methlich !! o mwafiga bl exams 7abeebtii ;** cant wait 4 ur next posts :D

  12. Lulu bitch must die!!!!!

  13. Enshallah e6alg lulu hathe 8athatne walla ! Oo jad law monya oo msa3ed ma tzawjaw I'm Gunna die :( ! I hope They get married then like lulu takes all your dads money then he feels so bad and sorry for what he did to you guys then he takes lulu to jail and you guys get back and it's a happy ever ending and write about m&m's marriage life yay im so excited really t2thrt 7ail bl 8sa lol sorry byeeee xxxxxxxz
