As promised, I decided to write an epilogue about Monya and Msa3ad’s
life. I hope you enjoy it, and I officially deactivated my
twitter account so give me your feedback here :p. If you want to contact me about anything just leave me a
comment and I’ll be glad to help. :D
Enjoy and Au revoir (in the language of love ;) )
My stomach stretched out 50 meters in front of me. Ok
not 50, but I’m pregnant and I’m FAT. I feel like a couch potato, I can’t move
without having the whole house trying to help me out of my seat!
“Ifff maby arooo7 el6abeeeb!” I complained to Msa3ad who
has been very patient with my constant complaints.
“Monya mabuga shay 3ala weladtich hatha akher check up
ta7amilay!!” Msa3ad begged for the 479028 time.
“UGH!! Ya3ny shalbis??? Kilshay thayij o wala shay 7ilu
3alaaay babchyy!!!!” Don’t blame me; my hormones were all over the place.
I was due in two weeks. I felt terrified. I felt
miserable. I felt like I don’t know what to feel, exactly.
“7abeebty libsay ay shay bnroo7 el6abeeb mo estiqbal!”
Msa3ad said.
I grunted as I slowly got out of bed and stumbled to the
closet. I pulled out the first dress I saw and threw it on. I wore my ugly
pregnancy shoes and grabbed my purse.
“Yalla!” I huffed as I stumbled to the door.
I felt like a penguin, this baby has to come out of me
We arrived at the hospital and went to the fifth floor
where my doctor’s office was. As we made our way there I bumped into my good
friend Lama (remember her from Give Fate A Chance?). She went to the same
doctor and she was just leaving.
“HIII!!!” I cheered up as soon as I saw her.
“Ahlaaaain!!!” Lama said.
“Shlonich??” I asked as I kissed both her cheeks.
“El7imdlaa bkhaiir! Entay shakhbarich??” she asked.
“Bkhairrr!!” I said with a grin.
“Lama shlonich?” Msa3ad asked. Meanwhile Wahab, Lama’s
husband, asked me the same question.
We replied to the gentlemen before they left us to
continue our conversation and started a conversation of their own.
“Abaih Monyaa 7ady khayfa!!” Lama said.
“9adgeeny mu kithry!! Ams Nawal elkhaysa 3yezat wihya
tkhari3ny!!” I said.
“Waaay la kilish mo wagt’haa!!! Tkhayilay el dr galatly
enna ay wagt hal sboo3 ymkin olad o etha masar shay besawooly C-section!!!!”
she said, her eyes masked with fear.
“Laa enshallah 6abee3yy!! bad3eelich o entay ed3ayy o
lat7ateen ka kil el umahat sawoha gabilna enshalla maku ella el3afya!!” I said.
I’m so happy our babies will be the same age!!!
“Allaah ysmaa3 minnich!!! Walla umy ga3da t7aaty akthar
miny!” she said.
“Haha bint’ha elwa7eeda o awal marra ejarib!!” I said.
“Eee walla kasra kha6ryy haha, ta3alay entay wain
ebtg3deen bil nfas?” she asked.
“Walla madry, bs 7ady many ray7a bait uboy 3ind enisra
Lulu,” I said, making a face when I mentioned Lulu’s name.
“Haha ee walla latroo7en! Abaaih ta3alay baitna walla
maku a7ad!! O uboy ra7 ekoon msafer ni9 elwagt bs ana o umy!” she offered.
“Way tkhayilay! Laa shakly bag3ad eb baitna o khalaty
mara7 ega9roon ma3ay enshallah, abaih bnit2akhar 3al maw3id!! Khalas ashofich
enshallah 3ugub bacher 3ind Rawoon?” I asked.
“Ee enshallahh hatha etha ma wilaadt,” she said.
“Haha 3an el3ayara yalla bye,” I said before I left.
I met Lama a while back in Rawan’s bachelorette party.
Yes, she got married just a few months after me, and guess who her husband is?
Thary, Ghala’s brother (remember her from Suddenly Everything Changes?)
Lama and Rawan’s mothers are friends, so the girls
became friends too. We invited her to the party, and Ghala was there too. Those
two girls are the sweetest.
Rawan was having our every week get together at her
khaima since it was December and the weather is just lovely.
Nawal picked me up and we made our way to Rawan’s.
“Ha how are you holding up,” Nawal asked pointing at my
big fat belly.
“Allaaah kareeem,” I said.
“Waay etshawgeeen! Enzain maglteeely bint wela walad??”
she asked.
“Maraaaa7 agoool!!!” I said.
“T7reeen y3ny shbethirich etha gltay??” she asked.
“Bss kil shay min Allah 7iluu o b3dain bakhaleeha
mufaja2a,” I said.
“Sh-mufaja2ta pleasee ya3ny btoldeen arnab? Ya3ny ya
bint ya walad ba3ad latg3deen tsaweely fanatig,” she said.
“Hahahaa waay ya3ny it’s my first time khaleeny asawyy
elly abyy!” I said.
“Yallaa ma3laaish!!” she said.
As soon as we arrived, we got out of the car and I
rushed to the bathroom. This pregnancy thing makes me got to the bathroom
947090 times a day. :’)
Later, I walked to the khaima to find all the girls
“Ya7alaaat rab3yy!” I said as I walked in.
“Halaaa, ahlaain, ya7alaatiichh, waay latoldeeen
3alaaina tukfaain,” they all replied at once.
I sat down and started huffing like I just ran 3 miles.
“Eee ba3ad shlonkum?” I said as I looked around.
They were all talking at once and being so noisy.
“Banaat magiltkuuum, Rayoma (her daughter) 6ala3lahaa
thirs!!!” Ghala chirped in. She passed around her phone to show us her
daughter’s tooth.
“Waaay etshaawig smila 3alaaihaa,” Rawan said.
“Yakhtyyyy na63aa!!! 3u2bal manshoofha 3aroos
enshallah,” I said.
“Haha waayy hal nitfa ttzawaaaj, ya7ilooooha ameen
yaarab!” Ghala said.
“Shakilna ba3ad cham shahar binsawy 7athana hnyy!!”
Maha, Rawan and Monya’s cousin, said.
“Hahahaha ee walla bs n6roonyy khal a7amel o olad o
nifta7 7athana rasmeya bs 7ag 3yalna,” Rawan said.
“Wallaa Rawoon ana 7assa enich 7amil bs mu gaylatlina!”
Lama said.
“Haw shaku akeed bagolikum!” Rawan said as her cheeks
started heating up.
“Waaay chathabaaa 7adich 7amil embayen min wayhich el
a7maaar!!!” Maha said.
“Waaay siktaaw khalaas,” Rawan begged.
“Ya7mara 7amil o matgoleen 7ag 7amatich?” Ghala said.
“Ana bint khalat’ha min la7amha o damha magaltlyy!!
Khaleeha 3ala allah bas!” I said.
“Haha waay entaaw matkhaloon elwa7id yfaji2kum!!” Rawan
“Weee entay o Monya ya7ibkum 7ag el mufaja2at!!” Nawal
“Haha ya3ny 7amil??” I asked Rawan.
“Eee bs tawny fa please maby mashroo3 bukhor elsog
bacher eldera kilha tadryy!” she said.
“Etshaaawgeeeen mashallaaaah mabrooook allaah ytamim
3ala khairr,” we all said at once and we started hugging her and pinching her
cheeks. Well not all of us, the pregnant ladies of course were like mimes we
just made hand gestures from where we were seated.
Suddenly, Lama let out a cry of pain. We all looked at
her to find her holding her stomach and writhing in agony.
“AHHHH!!!! BOLAAD BOLAAD,” she screamed.
“SHNUU??” Rawan screamed.
“AHHHHH,” Ghala, Maha and I screamed in unison.
Lama screamed as tears of pain streamed down her cheeks.
I quickly grabbed her phone and dialed Wahab’s number.
“SHNUU??” Wahab freaked out. “WAINKUUM, WAINHA??”
“Bsr3aa roo7 Royal Hayat bewadooonha hnaak!!” I
“Ok ok!!” he said before he hung up the phone.
Lama’s cries of pain broke my heart and scared me to
death, too. Nawal, Maha and Rawan rushed her to the hospital. Meanwhile, Ghala
and I went back to our houses. My back was killing me and I felt really tired,
I decided I’d visit Lama early in the morning.
I don’t know how or if it was even possible, but I
reached the hospital in 5 minutes. Lama was so worried about this day, and now
that its here I want to be by her side every minute of it!
I rushed to the room she was in to find her parents and
some of her friends waiting in front of it.
“Halaa 3amyy,” I said as I shook his hand. “Haa bashir
shlon Lama?”
“Walla tawhum emdakhleenha enshallah khaiir!” he said.
“Taby tshoofik, ro7laha dakhil shwaya,” Lama’s mother
My heart started racing. I don’t want to see her going
through excruciating pain. I manned up, took a deep breath, and then walked in
the room.
She looked pale with sweat dripping off of her face. Her
hair was all over the place; her sight broke my heart.
“Haa 7abeebtyyy shonich?,” I whispered.
I enveloped my hand in hers. She opened her eyes and the
tears started flowing like a river. She squeezed my hands.
“A7iiis bamooot Wahab bamoot!” she said.
“Ta3iwithayy min blees ya marra mafeech ellla el3afya,”
I said.
“Wahab ..” she said and continued sobbing and shouting.
Wallah 3awerat galbyy! Feeny wala feech yal ghalya!!!
9ij el welada alamha yithbaa7! Ashof Lama jidamy china
roo7ha bti6la3 machina ga3da tolad!! Astaghreb min el nas elly e3iqon umhum
wela ybadoon el ghair 3alaiha, she went through hell to bring them into this
world she deserves every ounce of respect.
The doctor asked me to leave the room and sign some
papers. After I finished I sat down on the one of the chairs in front of Lama’s
room and rested my face in my hands.
Yaraaaab etgoooom bisalmaaa! Yaraaab et3adyy hal laila
3ala khaaair!!! And I continued praying.
“Eeee o faj2a yaha el 6aalg wi7na ga3deeen, 7abeebty
walla m3awra galby,” I told Abdulla.
“Allah ygawmiha bisalmaa!!” he said.
“Way tithakart weladtyy 9ij kanat ma2saaat,” I said.
“Haha athker bechaitay bachy sina eb sa3aa!” he
“Hayy walla maytha7ik! Jarib enta tolad o ba3dain ta3al
ti6anaaz,” I said.
“La el7imdlaa e7na ma nolad walla chan ri7t feeha,
ya36eekum el 3afya
el9ara7a,” he said.
“I feel proud of being a woman,” I said.
“Haha ee feel proud yuba feel elly tabeen etfeelena bs
mawidich enyeeb ekhit wela ukho 7ag Rayooma?” he asked with a wink.
“Waay bismilaaaaa tawny! You should give me at least 5
years before we open this subject again,” I said.
“Ullaaaa khams sneeen!!! Shda3waaa!” he said.
“ee 9ij!!”
“La shnu!! 7asasteeny enich banya bait mo yayba yahil!!”
he said.
“Waay abdullah madry ya3ny elwa7da matsolif ma3ak ella
gtlaha yeebay yahil?” I said.
“Ayaal thalma! Al7een ana kil ma solaft ma3ach gtlich
yebay yahil?? Ana awareech en ma 6ala3t hal salfa min khashmich!” he grinned as
he stretched out his hands and pinched my nose playfully.
“Hahaa khalaa9 khalaa9!!” I said.
“Eee 3ashaan matitbalaain 3ala khalg allaah,” he said
and started tickling me.
“Baaas abdullaah pleeassse!!” I said laughing and trying
to break free at the same time.
“Hahaha a7ibiichh yal chathabaa,” he said.
I opened my mouth to speak only to hear Reem crying from
her room. Both Abdulla and I jumped out of our seats and rushed to check on our
daughter. I love my small family, el7imdla.
I just got back from Lama’s estiqbal. She gave birth to
the prettiest baby girl ever. Allah ykhaleeha lihum enshallah!!
I, on the other hand, was still struggling with my own
pregnancy. Now, I’m having nightmares about giving birth, allah y3eeeny.
On my way home Saad called me.
“Haaa waladtaay??” he shouted into the phone.
“E7liff!!!! Ya3ny etha waladt barid 3alaik mathalan?” I
“Haha tsaweenhaa!” he said.
“Khalisnyy shtabyy?” I asked.
“Shda3wa hatha yeezay dag as2al 3anich?” he said.
“Haha latsawy nafsik taksir el kha6ir!” I said.
“Haha sm3aayy nijaa7t eb akher mtee7an akheeeran
khalaast min el jam3aa batkharaaj!” he chirped happily.
“MABROOOK!!!!! Wa2akheeeraaan!!! Alllaah ybashrik
blkhair o 3amor shsawa?” I asked.
“La bo 3amra lazim e3eed madda,” he said.
“Laaa!!!! 7abeeby allah y3eena,” I said.
“Waih 3abalich hamma 3ady el 7ayat 7ilwa 3inda,” he
“Haha aham shay mistanis!” I said.
“Eee, enzain maglteely shnu btyeeben bint wela walad?”
he asked.
“O ba3daain ma3a hal su2al???? B3dain et3aref,” I said.
“Eee yakhy golay al7een shbethirich?” he said.
“Basss entaw kilkum et7noooon waay kailaytaw galbyy!
Bayeeb b3eer enzain!!!” I said.
“HAHAHAH ullaa b3eer 3ad marra wa7da!” Saad said.
“Haha staghferallaaah bs walla yanantooony!” I said.
“Bs khalas lat3a9been latoldeen 3alainaa, yalla 3ayal
ashoofich enshallah,” he said before he hang up.
I went home to see Msa3ad in the living room watching
“Halla wallaa,” he greeted when I walked in.
“Ahlain!” I said as I plopped on the couch next to him.
“Ha shlonich elyoom?” he asked.
“Bkhaiir el7mdla wenta shakhbarik?” I asked.
“Bkhair damich bkhair, o shlon elly yetay minhum?” he
“Tamaam, bs Lama t3awer el galb!!” I said.
“Allah yajerha enshallah!!” he said.
“Ameeen,” I said.
I tried to get off the couch but its really hard. :(
“Haa shnu tabeen?” Msa3ad asked.
“Aby mayy,” I said grinning at Msa3ad.
“Ok al7een ayeeblich,” he said as he got up.
I sat back down and stretched my feet. I felt a little
pain in my stomach but it kept coming and going since the morning.
Now I suddenly feel a deadly pain it was like nothing I
felt before!!
Msa3ad came running back to me. “SHFEECH?”
“Ta3alaaay,” he slowly held me by the shoulder and
walked me to the car. He quickly drove off.
The pain was getting worse; I think I might die!!!
“Msa3ad a7is bamoot,” I barely breathed the words out.
“Ta3awithay min blees,” he was so tense and obviously
freaking out.
“Please deer balik 3ala el baby etha mit,” I said as I
“MONYA!!” he said through clenched teeth.
“Tara mo than-nba, 3ashany,” I continued.
EL3AFYA!” Msa3ad shouted.
The pain was unbearable. Msa3ad was speeding and with every
bump o every time he hits the brake pedal the pain magnifies.
FINALLY, we reached the hospital. I almost blacked out
from the pain. They rushed me to a room and started attaching all these wires
and machines on me. They asked me if I wanted some kind of injection, all I
remember was nodding then blacking out.
I opened my eyes but everything was blurry. I see Msa3ad’s
face hovering over me. I see lights, blinding lights.
I closed my eyes and opened them again. I see nurses
running all over the place. Now, the sounds are coming back to me. I hear objects
being thrown. I hear Msa3ad calling my name. I hear a baby crying.
I shot up.
“Shway shwayy smila 3alaaich,” Msa3ad said.
“Waiin el baby??” I asked.
“Kaa ga3den eghasloonha,” Msa3ad said with a grin.
“Bnayya?” I asked with a bigger grin. My heart beats
started speeding up.
“Eeee, el7imdla 3al salama 7abeebtyy,” he said as he
kissed my forehead.
I couldn’t stop smiling even though I was in so much
Through out my pregnancy every one asked me about the
gender of the baby and I kept telling them to wait and see. Yet, I really never
knew what I was having, I wanted to surprise myself. Now I know have a beautiful
baby girl!!
El7imdlaaa ya raab!!!
I wanted to run and daaance, but that’s a really bad
idea right now.
The nurse wrapped her up and brought her over to me. I
held her in my arms and the feeling was indescribable. She was so tiny and
pretty and I wanted to eat her up. All that pain I went through paid off as
soon as I saw her face.
At that moment I knew that I would love her more than I
love myself. I wish my mother were here to witness this.
“Shnu tabeen ensameeha?” Msa3ad asked.
“Maryam, 3ala umyy,” I said while gazing into that
beautiful tiny person in my hands.
You asked about my life? Well its still life. It has its
ups and downs but I learned to try and focus on the ups rather than the downs.
I try to cherish every beautiful moment and turn every sad memory into a
Lulu and my father, as much as it saddens me to say it,
but they’re still happily married. I don’t know how she does it but if she
makes my father happy than I’m done trying to get her out of the picture. I
don’t really see her or know anything about her, all I know is that she was
pregnant but the baby died premature. My dad, on the other hand, I see every
once in a while he either visits me or we all gather at my grandpa’s.
Saad still hurts every time he remembers Lulu but he
moved on. He didn’t really mention that he’s in love again and every time I
give him the “Yalla takharaj 3ashan titzawaj” speech he says that he doesn’t
want to get married.
Nawal and 9ali7 have the prettiest baby boy and they’re
living happily. As for Omar, well he’s still that boy who just wants to have
fun, nothing significant.
I wish you all a happy life. <3
Maggie ;*