Thursday, May 23, 2013

Mit3eb ElGalb 26

Noura's pov: 


I can feel my heart breaking into a million tiny pieces. 

It’s so hard to have a person so close, yet so far away. The problem is that  he's not just any person; he's my husband!!

El7imdlaa 3ala kil 7aal!!

Mit3eb's POV: 

Magdar ashoof murty.. Wala ag3ad ma3aha. 

Ana elwaaa7ed elly etha garrabt minha taglib chabdha..

Min bid enaas kilhum ana elwa7eed elly tanasat feeny..

Yakhyy walla shay y3awer elgalb

A7is wedy ag3ad ma3a murtyy wihya 7amel ajablha wasa3idha ..

Wedy a3awenha bil ashyaa elly mat3aber tsaweehum

Aby akoon ana elshaakh9 elly ewadeha elmustashfa laih t3abat

Ana elly awadeeha lama y9er 3endaha maw3id 6abeeb

Ana elly as'har ma3aha etha t3abat eb ni9 elaail ....

Noura's POV:

I rested my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. I imagined mit3eb sitting next to me, holding my hand. Absentmindedly I brought my hand to my chest as if hugging it. 

Khalas khalaaaas I need to stop thinking about my bad fortune. 

I realized that my head started hurting me even more and my stomach is still churning. I hate that feeling :(

"Yuma," I called my mother.

"Shfeech 7abeebty," she said.

"Chabdy taglib 7aail o rasy y3awerrny khal ya36ony duwaa," I complained.

"Wee khal anady el nurse," she said. 

She went to call the nurse and came back with her.

"What’s wrong maam," the nurse asked.

"I feel sick, and my head is hurting me so much," I said.

I can see Mit3eb peaking into the room looking at me and asking my mother, "shfeeha?"

The nurse placed her hand on my forehead, and then frowned.

What? What? Why the frown?

She brought a thermometer and motioned for me to open my mouth and then slipped it under my tongue.

After a few seconds she pulled it out, looked at it then sighed.

"How high is it?" I asked assuming that I have a fever.

"39," she said walking around the room looking for something. "Wait I will call the doctor."

"Shisalfa?" mit3eb asked still standing next to the door.

"7arart'ha mirtaf3aa," my mother said close to panicking.

The doctor and the nurse stepped into the room.

"Haaa shit7seen fe?" The dr asked with a smile.

"Chabdy o rasyyy," I said resting my palm on my forehead.

"Hmm 7arartich mirtaf3a ba7i6lich drip 3ashan tanzil el 7arrara," he said as he grabbed an injection and inspected my hand for any veins.

I looked at him horrified, I'm forever afraid of injections!!

I closed my eyes and tried thinking of something else..

Perhaps mit3eb holding my hand? Yes.

Mit3eb's POV:

Madry shfeeha Noura wallaa mkhar3atnyy

Mi3tafsa 7alat'haa o ana mo gader asaweelaha shayy

Laa wal7een biqizoonha ebra o ehy khawafaa, o ana magdar 7ata akoon yamha

Ga3ed a7awel a6el 3alaiha wana wagef yam elbab.. 

Ashofha tabchy wela wath3ha 6abee3y.. 3ad ehy 9ayra um dmai3a hal yomain

Elmushkila eldr sad eshasha mashoof wayyeha

"Ba3aad eldrip a36ech 7bob tkhafif ello3a, o afathel tnameen elaila bilmustashfa 3ala ma tanzil 7arartich," I heard the dr say.

Noura moaned and rested her head on the pillow and closed her eyes. 

Wayeha 9ayer a9faar o mbayyen ga3da tit2laam..

Feeny wala feech ya um 7amany

"Esalaamu 3alaikum dr..shfeeha Noura?" I asked the dr as I followed him out of the room.

"7arart'ha mirtaaf3aa o t7is eb loo3a y3ny feha athaar nazla m3awiya, bs enshalla tkoon khafeefa," he said.

"Eee... Enshala mashkoor," I said and turned around back into the room.

"Mit3eb eg3aad 3endha shway ana baro7 elbait bayeeb aghrath ly o laha warid many m6awla enshalla," khalty said.

"Enshallaahh," I said.

Khalty meshaat o ana sa7abtly kirsy o ga3adt yam el bab.

"Noura," I whispered.

Shakilha namaat.. 

Msakra 3ainha o laffa wayeha..

"Na3am," she moaned after a few seconds.

"3abaly nimtayy," I said.

"La ga3da," she said. 7awelat terfa3 ras’ha, "wain umyyy?" 

"Ra7at tyeeb aghraath o bitrid," I said. "Laishhh mo taris 3ainich anaa?"

She smiled.

"Ee ee kathray min hal ebtesamat elly minzimaaan mo shayifha," I said.

"Mit3eb khaayfaa," she said as she struggled to sit up straight.

"Min shnuu??" I asked.

"Akhaf fe shay bil baby.." She said as she placed one hand on her stomach.

"Laaa enshalla maku ella el3afya," I said.

"Lana faj2a 3tefaast," she said obviously she was close to tears.

"Noura latsaween aflaam mafeech ella el3afyaa, enshalla el7arara tanzil witrideen baitkum," I said.

La jaad latig3ad tkhari3nyy! Noura 7adha wiswasiyaa..

O madry shlon tfaker!! O al7een tig3ad tgool hal ashya 3an elbaby witkhari3na

"Enshalla," she said staring at her stomach as if silently begging the baby to be ok. Tears slowly streamed down her face.

"Yalyyy 3ala khadik ki7il lo tism7eh o titbasimy ma lilbika daaa3y," I said.

Wallaa may9eer!! Murty tabchyy jidaamy wana magdaar 7ata ag3ad yamha 3ashan amsaa7 dmoo3ha!!!


El7imdlaa 3ala kil 7aal!

Nouras pov:

I covered my eyes with my hand and sobbed silently.

Something is just not right!! Maybe I'm being a drama queen?

Or maybe something IS wrong.

I grabbed some tissues and dabbed at my eyes trying to wipe the tears.

"Khalaas Noura tukfain latabcheen," Mit3eb whispered.

You know when you feel so depressed that when you're crying its so painful it feels like your throat is actually moving? You can feel the air scratch its way through your throat to your lungs as you're gasping for it. And it feels as though the tears weigh a ton as they agonizingly make their way down your cheeks. 


I lowered my head and my insides screamed YARAAAB.

At7amal ayy shay e9eer feeny ana bs yaraab el baby may9er fe shay!!

"Noura tukfaiin... 3ashany latabcheen," Mit3eb begged.

"Asfa.." I whispered.

I'm sorry I'm putting you through so much trouble!

I’m sorry that I'm being moody and crying over everything.

I'm sorry that I can't be there for you and take care of you, as a wife should.

I'm sorry!

Mit3eb's pov:

Maar elyoom ba6ee2 7ail, Noura t9eee7 o 7alat’ha kil malha witidahwar zyada..

Ya allahh enik et9abirny!!

Walla etha 9ar feeha shay ana madry shnu ra7 e9eer feeny!!

Magdar ..magdar akhsirha 

Maby yin3ad feeny eziman o akhsir shakh9 ghaly 3alayy!

Staghferallahh mit3eb shal 7achy? enshalaa mafeeha ela el3afya latig3ad twaswis ent ethany!!

6ala3t min elmistashfa 3ugub manamt Noura o radait el baait

Wana Bil6reej dag 3alay 9a7by

"Halaa bo 3azoz," I said.

"Halaa feek wainiiiik?" He asked.

"Laa many yay elshalaih halweekend," I said.

"Afaaa laishh? 7akritik el madam china," he joked.

"Kil tibiiin walla 9akka feeny edinya," I said.

"Ent tiz3aal wana mawjod? afa bas afaa ta3al elshalaih ghayer jaaw!" He said.

"La walla maly khilg," I said.

"3ad elyoom ray7een shalaih f9aail ga3deen barra eljaaw naaar o elga3da kbeera ya6rid feeha elkhail, ta3al wana ukhook 6ee3ny," he said.

"Lisbo3 elyay enshallaa," I said.

"Waiiiii3 9ayer dalo3 chinik," he said.

"Ya3aaaamy er7aal, elmuhim salim 3ala eshabab ashofkum el sabt bldowaneya enshalla," I said before I hung up.

Walla maly khlg shay, 7ata eshalaih maly khilg aroo7!!

Wesaalt el bait o ga6ait 3umry 3ala lifraash..

Shloon banaam o murty bil mustashfaaa kil digeega t9ee7


6ala3t seyaadty o ga3adt ad3yy rabyy

اللهم اني استودعك نوره و ما في بطنها .. فاحفظهم لي يارب!


Awaaal ma ga3adt min enoom badalt o ri7t elmustashfa..

Noura lail7en 7arart'ha tirtifi3 o tanzil..

Allahh kareeem..

Lulu's pov:

I've been thinking about Saad since yesterday!!

Ok, what else is new?

Lail7een madry aroo7 wela maa aro7!! Its 6:30 pm right now and I should make a decision.

7aaail aby a3aref shnu beegoly!! Ymkin shay muhiim 

Ymkin y7taj musa3adty eb shay wetha ma r7t o 3araft shnuu yitwahaag elwalad

Min aaams wana agolibha braasy..

Hmm khalas khalas maly shighil eb Saad shakly bs bazoor Dalol.. 

Ya3ny ana mo ray7tla uhwaa!! 

Rifeejty o bazoorha!

Etha shftaa ok wetha mashifta mo lazim!

Ya3ny bashof Dalol walaht 3alaihaa!

Ga3da agi9 3ala 3umry? Ee taghreeban..

Bs 9ij y3ny el wa7da matzoor rifeejat'ha? Lool :’(

I quickly changed and headed to the door. Before I left the house I took one last look in the mirror.

"Lulu you don't have to look that good you're only visiting Dalal, remember?" That voice in my head screamed.

Ifffff ok ok:)

I took one last glance before I left.


I parked my car and got out. My heart was beating so fast and my hands started to shake.

Entay ray7a 7ag Dalal mo a7ad thany, the voice in my head kept repeating.

As soon as I took the first step towards the entrance I felt something sting my heart.

Thameeery 7ail ga3ed e2anibny!!           

I felt really low; I loathed myself. Therefore, I turned around and got back into the car.

Whatever Saad has to tell me can wait.

I texted Dalal informing her that I’m not coming anymore.

What was I thinking coming here anyway?

Just as I was backing out of the driveway my phone started vibrating.

I looked at the phone to see a new message from Saad.

“Laish radaitay ya Lulu?”

I stared at my phone with my mouth hanging open. SHAFNY :’)

I looked at the house from the rear view mirror searching for him, but I didn’t see him.

I decided to ignore the message and continue driving home.

After a few seconds my phone started ringing, I looked at the screen and of course it was Saad.

I waited for a couple of seconds before I answered.

“Aloo,” I whispered.

“Hala Lulu,” he said.

My heart started fluttering.. Elly yesmaa3 egol tawa gayely shi3ir machina bs salaam.. 

9ij feeny naq9 7anan :')

I need to reply faster because I seem like a retard.

“Ahlain,” I said.

“Shfeech radaiytayy?” he asked.

“Uhh madry… bas,” I said.

I don’t know what to say, really.

“3ala ra7tich, bas Lulu mabeech tfhmeeny ghala6.. ana makan qa9dy enny a2atheech eb ay 6areeqa,” he said.

“Adryy,” I whispered.

“Bs e9ara7aa ana min awal mashiftich dakhaltayy kha6ry.. o ana e9ara7a mabyy a6lib minich 6alab entay matgdren 3alaih.. bs aby as2ilich su2al,” he said.

I froze, laa ya Saad matefaqnaa tgoooly hal kalam wana ga3daa asooog!! Baghaait adoos 
aqwa break wana bil khaa6 el saree3!!

I felt sweat beads form on the back of my neck and forehead.

How does one reply to that?

“Lulu… etha taqadamtlich o kha6abtich min ahalich twafqeeen?” he asked.

*mini heart attack*


  1. Yaay awal mra a9eer the first one to comment y3ny jd lma shft enh new post shaget faky mnn alabtsama wallah agra w ana abtsm y3ny jd I check your account 3la alagl 5 mrat blyoum w ana agra at5ayl nfsy noura ely blg9a w a3esh aldwr mra a7zn much? A7777bbiikk mra wdy a9adgk lovvee yaahh make my day w post bukra b3d mu style aswy comment 3la blog bs sb7an allah bs 3ndk y9eer wdy -nourah

  2. A M A Z I N G!!

    A7bch wallaa w your story is really amazing
    A7laa 8e9aaa xoxoxo

  4. A7la shay mit3b's pov :')
    7adaa eyaanin wallaa
    Cant wait 7g elnext chapter:*

  5. CUUUUUUUUUUTTTTEEE SAAD :'(!!!!!!!! Maa kalmhaaa w ga9 3alaiha 3ala 6ool 56baa waaiiiii CUTE!!!!!!! Eeee btwaf8 law ma waf8at a4ba7haa :'( !! Mm 3ade y9eer action shway? Bas tara lail7een ur blog 3ajeeeeb keep it guuurrrl love yaah -cookie

  6. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE POST TODAY!!!!:((((

  7. EEEEH EEEH EEH ARTHA AWAFEQ GOOLAY EEH YAA LULU WALLAH MATELGAIN A7SAN MINA, oo a7san men 6ebtaa oo a7san men akhlaqaaa wallaah 6e3eyneee oo wafqayy, sharech hal rayal sharech!!!! please lata3been galby akthar, laish laish yaa mit3eb laish t3awer galby oo tbachyny? shsawatlek laish lazem tkoun tshaweg? lay hal daraja t7eb noura? yubaa 7ibny ana matnasaa feek walla , wla a3awer galbik!! noura laish tetnasain fee oo t3athbeeenaa, laish, maskeeeen, yallah 5al troo7 hal nesat oo tredenlaa tra gam yet3athaaab!!! ooo el baby lay9er fee shay laa ante7er okay? laa jkjk, elmoheeeemm, elpost naaaaaar ���� keep up the great work girl, and you'll be an author one day, okaay? loooveee youuu, yallah khala9 ta7al6amt wayed, BYYYEEEE

  8. Please posttt I'm starting to forget the whole story :(! I'll read it all again anyway! Not to forget to mention, you're an awesome blogger!

  9. Waaaaay a7la bloggg feldenya w akthar person feldenya cute hw mit3eb!!! Che lain ytkalam 3n nourah ukase 5a6riiiii!!!! Post please mnzman am sawaiti post, I LOVE YOU, A7SAN BLOG FELDENYAAAA!!


  10. OMG CUUUUUUUTTEE saad and lulu enshalla ytzawejoun and noura kasra kha6re 7aaail:(
