Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mit3eb ElGalb 23

Lulu's POV:

I stared at him, still not believing my ears. Mo min 9ija yay yis2alny cham raqam ukhoy!!


"Umm... 99******," I said as he punched in the numbers on his phone.


"Mashkoraa," he said.


"El3afo," I said before I quickly turned around.


"Lulu la7tha," he said.


My heart skipped a beat when I heard him call my name.


I turned back around and looked at him..


He stared at me.. he opened his mouth to speak but then closed it again.


My heart started beating faster; it felt like he was gazing into my soul.


I quickly looked away and I’m sure my cheeks started turning into 50 shades of red.


I kept stealing glances at him; I couldn't help but look at his beautiful face.


We stood there silently gazing into one another, but my head was a loud jungle of thoughts and wishes colliding into each other.


His lips stretched into a small smile, "la khala9, asif akhartch."


"La 3ady," I said before I quickly turned around and left.


I got into my car and closed the door behind me. I leaned into my seat and let out a long breath.


Hmm breathing... i realized i was holding my breath the whole time.


I closed my eyes and waited for my heart to calm down.


The images of his smile and intense gaze were still dancing in my head.


I opened my eyes and instantly my gaze flew to where we were standing a few minutes ago.


I found Saad leaning on the door looking right at me. When he saw me, he quickly lowered his head and stood up straight. He ran his hand through his hair then turned around and disappeared into the house.



**In Paris..



Noura's POV:




A7is 3ady athba7 ay a7ad ykalmny al7een.


T3arfon elsh3oor elly ay shay e9eer titnarfizon 7ata lo 3ALa shay mayiswa?


My hormones are all over the place.


I'm gonna kill myself its like I’m going to be pmsing for 8 more months. :)


aby arid likuwait.


"Haa Noura mabadaltay?" Mit3eb asked.


I narrowed my eyes at him and covered myself with the bed cover.


"Shfeech gomay badlay ebn6laa3," he said.


"Maby a6la3," I said.


"Laish?" He asked.


"Bas maly khilg," I said.


"Feech shay? Ta3bana? Taben awadech el6abeeb?" He asked.


"Laaaa," I said pushing his hand away.


"Khala9 3ala ra7tch," he said.


I covered myself up and covered my ears waiting for them to leave.


7ady athayeg elkhilg o 9ayra abchy 3ala ay shayy bizyadaa o etha 6ala3t at3ab bsr3a o elnisaaat thab7atny :'(


I walked around the apartment not knowing what to do.. this is so boring.



Mit3eb’s pov:


Walla noura mthayga khilgy o ba6a chabdy eb nafs elwagt


Ya3ny 9ayra di3la bs matinlaam el9ara7a o lazim at7amlha ana..


Yalla tagzir enshallaahh o tyeeblina 7amany wild Mit3eb


Ya zeena byi6la3 mamloo7 3ala oboo.. ukh mafakart feeha ba6afer nouro eb hal mawthoo3!!


Laa yuba lay7ooshik al7een tfajer feeny


Khalas khalas lama tolad.


Ba9eer ubo ya3ny? Ana anaaa ba9eer ubo???


Haha la la bas aqalid Noura::::




"Lamees," I whispered. Maby lailo tisma3ny hal fthee7a.


"Na3am," she said.


"Wedy ashtry shay 7ag Noura bs madry shashtryy.." I said.


"Mithel shnu?" She asked.


"Madry ay shay ywanisha khatam swar qalb ay shay," I said.


"Hmmm ehya thak elyoom gaylatly taby jan6aa," she said.


"Min wain?" I asked.


"Min Chanel," she said.


"Mnu hatha?" I asked.


"Haw ma7al," she said while giggling.


"Ok yalla khanro7la," I said.


We continued walking and walking and walking…


“Waina ma7alkum hatha?” I asked.


“Ka shway o no9aal,” Lamees said.


After a few minutes we reached the store and entered.


Lamees asked for the bag and I paid for it of course.


“Yalla khanrid nakhith Noura winroo7 nitghada,” I said.




Dakhalt el ghurfa wila ashof Noura mjabla el kabat o mgha6ya wayeha eb eedha..


“Esalaam,” I said.


I heard her mumble something..


“Laish lail7een mabadaltaay,” I asked.


O yalaitny ma sa2alt..


Lafat 3alaay o wayeha a7mar min el bachy, “Ma3endyy shaay albiisa!!! Maku shay makuu!!”


El mushkila ella elkabat kila hdoomha wallaa..


Garrabt yamha o ashart 3ala el kabat, “Etshoofen elly ashooofa??”


She looked at me in confusion.


“E9ara7a ana ashof ena el kabaat matroos hdoom bs madry 3anich..” I said.


“Adry!!!!! Bs madry shalbiiis mo 3ajibnyy shaayyy,” she said before she burst into more tears.


3umry mara7 afham el banat.. al7een mo ehya elly shareet’hum o shaglaat’hum ma3aha laih Paris… shlon tyeeny al7en tgoly mo 3ajbeenha?? :@


“Libsay elly libastee ams,” I said.


She widened her eyes, “Abaaaaih shnu albis elly libasta ams??!!!”


“Hadaay a39aabiich o libsay ay shay, kilshy 7ilu 3alaich o 3indy lich mofaja2a,” I said.


She faced me with a smile on her face, “shnuu?”


“La wallaaa?? Al7een tith7ikeen?” I asked.


“Akeed bath7ak 3ad enshallah el mufaj2a twanis mo nafs thak elyoom

khabny mofaja2a o mofaja2a akher shay yayibly kakaw laa o kalait ni9a ba3aad, laan nansaaa!” she said.


“Haha la hathyy ghair,” I said as I grabbed the black bag and placed it on the bed.


She raised her eyebrows, “Ohh ta6awer.. laish a7is enik ebtikhda3ny eb chees Chanel bs ely dakhla mo min Chanel?”


“Chinyy wayed 6aye7 min 3aainich?” I asked.


“Haha laa bas 3alaik 7arakaat,” she said.


“Laa? Khalas maku hadeya,” I pulled the bag away from her grip.


“hahhaa laaa walla atghaashmar enta 6ayeb wana astahel,” she batted her eyelashes at me.


“Ebtalshnaa feech,” I said as I handed her the bag.


She opened it and I watched as her smile grew into a grin.


“Abaaaih mashkoooorrr 3aad ana kint aby haal jan6aa shdaraak?” she asked.


“Ana khoosh rayel a7is feechh o a3aref shnu tabeen bdoon latgoleeen,” I said.


“3ayartiiik akeed Lamees gaylaatlik,” she said.


“A7sidich 3ala thaka2ech el khareq, ya3ny akeed ehya gaylatly ballah ana sh3arafnyy eb hal suwalef?” I said.


“Hahaha 7abeebyy matga9er,” she said as she leaned in for a hug.


“La7tha la7thaa 3eeday shgltaay?” I asked.


“Matgaa9er?” she said.


“Laa la elly gabehla,” I said as my lips stretched into a smile.


She knotted her eyebrows in confusion and then smiled when she understood what I meant.


“7abeeby,” she said while her cheeks turned into 50 shades of red. 


“Eeee ee kathraay min hal kalaam,” I said.


7ataa kilmat 7abeeby “minik” ghaaair


She lowered her head.


“Enzain tara malamaiteeny….” I said.


Ebtasmat… garebat minny o lamatnyy faj2aa chan twakher o tni6 min lifraash o tarkith laih el 7amam o terga3 el bab.


La7agt’ha, “Nouraaa shfeeech?”




6agait el baab ..


“Faj2a chabdy gamat taglib,” she shouted.


“Shminna ba3aad?” I asked.


“Madry,” she said while opening the door.


Kanat rab6a sha3arha o wayeha a7maar.


“Tabeen awadech el 6abeeb?”  I asked.


“La ma36eeny 7boob,” she said.


She stood near the door and stared at me, slowly a tear made its way down her cheek.


“Shfeech shisalfa?” I asked.


Wallaa 7alat’ha ghareebaa..


“La maku shay,” she said while wiping the tear. She stood in front of her closet and started taking out a towel and her pajamas.


“Batsaba7,” she said.


I walked over to her and when she saw me she took a step backward. A horrified look washed over her face.


I took a step forward, she took a step backward and her back bumped into the wall.


I took another step..


She dropped the towel, covered her mouth and ran back to the bathroom slamming the door shut behind her.


Shisalfaa !!!




  1. are you going to post every day??

  2. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee laykon mtnasya feeh LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL akeed mtnasya feeh kisaar 5a6ree nit3ib .can't wait for the next post . Love ya (noor)

  3. Amazing post!! I love lulu and Saad <3
    shelsalfa???? With noura??
    -anon k-

    1. Thaank youu;**
      You will know in the next post enshallah :D

  4. amazing as always<3

  5. Why is Noura acting like this :( 7aram Mit3eb hubeeby! He's so cute! Loved this post! Please post soon xxx

    1. Thaaanj youuu;*** ee maskeeeenn bs she has her reasons :p enshallahh xx

  6. when are going to post ?

  7. hathe elnesaat yemkin lool! lovedd the post,ya36eich el3afyaa 7abebte:**

  8. love the story fav blog<3

  9. LOOOOOL meett '67ik yom galatla lamees tabe jan6a men Chanel chan ygool shy6la3 hatha=))!! W ashwa met3ib beda yt3adal!! Btw LOVED THE POST KEEEEEEP IT UP GUUURRRLL LOOVEE YAAH!!!!! - Cookie
