A Walk Down Memory Lane..29
The look I gave Lulu made her quietly
turn around and leave the room because she knows if she stays here any longer,
sh*ts going to get real.
I turned to my dad, "Yuba
3ashany enta lazim etfakir feeny gabl la tqarir."
"Ana adawer ma9la7tich," he
"Wain elma9laa7a
blmawthooo3??" I asked.
"Bas Monya lat3awreen rasyy ana
o Lulu tiklamna blmawthoo3 o etakhthna elqarar," he said.
Oh no she didn’t.
"Enta o LULU??" I shouted.
"Ee!!" my dad replied defensively.
"Ehyaaa shaku takhith rayhaa???
Yahil a9ghaar minny o tsmaa3 kalamhaa???" I said.
"E7tarmaay nafsich, hathy 7isbat
umich!" my dad said.
I wanted to answer but suddenly
everything around me paused, including me. All I felt was my pounding heart and
the blood rushing to my head. I stared at my dad with wide eyes, trying to un-hear
what he just said.
How could he?
"Umyy ma7shooomaa enik etshabiha
eb hal ashkaal!" I said through gritted teeth.
He looked at me, and then looked at
the ground. Obviously he regretted saying that.
"Ma7aad, lo titzawaj el7areem
elly bldinya kilihum wala wa7da tgool 3anha 7sbat umy allah yer7amha. Enta
a9laan may9eer etekalam 3an umy! B3t'haa brkhees o khathaait hal bazi3 elly
mataby ghair floosik! 6araadt 3yaalik 3ashanha!! Bthimitik umy tstahil kil elly
sawaita?? E7naa 3yaaalik elly min la7mik o damik tbee3naa o eb kil
suhula??" I shouted between my sobs.
"Ana bakalim yadyy o batzawaj
Msa3ad, 3al aqal fee a7ad lail7een y7ibny o yaby ma9laa7ty 3aksik!!" I
said before I power walked to my car.
I know I was totally rude, and that’s no way to talk to my father
but he was getting on my last nerve! Especially when he mentioned my mom and
what he said, I really can’t hear that and not say anything!
As soon as I arrived at my grandpa’s house I called 9ali7.
I told him everything that happened between my dad and I.
“fa umm yeah bakalim yady o etha wafaq I’ll get married,” I said.
“Walla ya Monya madry shagolich!” 9ali7 said.
“Gooly tam! 9ali7 uboy khalas he doesn’t care about me!! O hathy
Lulu farra rasa fa hatha a7saan 7al!!” I said.
“Khalas enshallah ana ba3ad shway akalim yadyy o ashof shegool, bs
entay latkalmeena!!” he warned.
“Ok,” I said before I hung up.
I leaned on my bed’s headboard and hugged my pillow as I drifted off
into space. How did it all get to this point? How can a person become so
miserable? I try to hide the pain, but it keeps getting magnified to a point
that everything I touch shrivels up into dreariness. I try to be positive; I
try to look at the bright side of things… but what if there is no bright side?
Sometimes I think I might be making a big deal out of things but anyone would
do the same thing when all the doors just slam shut right in their face. The
only thing that gets me going is God’s words, “Ena ma3a el3usry yusra.”
As my room’s door opened, it brought me back to my glum reality. I
hadn’t realized the river of tears flowing down both my cheeks. I quickly
grabbed a tissue to wipe them off.
“Shfeech 7abeebty tabcheen?” my grandpa asked.
He doesn’t know about Msa3ad’s situation.
“M-mafeny shay,” I said.
“Kil hal dmoo3 o mafeech shay?” he said as he sat down on the foot
of my bed.
“Walaht 3ala umyy,” I said as I started tearing up again. Honestly,
everything made me sad.
“Kilna walhaneen 3ala umich ya bnaytyy, bs ehy al7een 3ind elra7eem
o kilina bnamshy eb nafs hal 6reej,” he said as he got closer.
He placed his hand around my shoulder and I rested my head on his
chest and cried.
“Mo zain tabcheen, umich t7taaj el du3aa2, goleely shnu elly
mthaygich ana shayfich hal cham yoom mo 3ala ba3thich,” he said.
“Madry baba kilshayy,” I said.
“Hmm akeed ubooch la eed eb hal salfa,” he said.
I just nodded. I wanted to tell my grandpa the truth but I’m not
sure of how he’ll react. Also, 9ali7 warned me not to.
“Shsawa? Tezawaj wa7da thanya?” he chuckled.
“Laaa bs wayed mitghayer 3alaina! Madry shloon ebaady elghareeba
3ala 3yalaa!! Yikraahny!” I said as I started sobbing again.
“Affaa wana ubooch shlon tgoleen ena ykrihich? Mahma ysawyy ethil
ebooch wintay et’thleen binta elwa7eeda e7ibich akthar shay eb hal dinyaa!!” he
said, trying to comfort me.
“La 9adignyy laa kil ma kalamtaa yab 6aryy murta o 9ayer ysmaa3
kalamha eb kilshay!!” I complained.
“Uboch rayal kbeer o y7taj wa7da ma3a t3eena, o uhwa masawa shay
ghala6 hathy murta o labud enna ykoon laha raay!” he said.
“Ka enta matizawajt wa7da thanya 3ugub yadity allah yer7amha! O
walla ana mo thid fikrat enna uhwa rayyal o y7igla ytzawaj, bs may9eer ehid
el7areem elly bildeera kilhum o ytzawaj wa7da kanat rfeejty o A9GHAAR minyy!!”
I said.
“Hathy kitbat rabbich Monya o khalas manigdar ensawyy shay al7een,”
he said.
“Bs entay latit’thayigaain 3ala hal salfa ya bnaytyy khalas elly 9ar
9ar o entay lazim et3eeshen 7ayatych 6abe3eya latkhaleen kilshay e2ather
3alaich,” he said.
Ughhh I reallllyy want to tell him!!
“Baba, aby agolik shay ok?” I said, facing him.
“Akeed ee! Ana 9arly mudda aby a3aref shfeech!” he said.
“Ana e9ara7a mu mit’thayga 3ala zawaj uboyy kither ma ana mit’thayga
3alla elly sawa elyoom!!” I told him.
“Shsawaa?” he asked.
“E9ara7a gabel cham sboo3 wa7id esma Msa3ad alX ma3ay bldawam kalam
uboyy ena yaby yakh6ibny! O yady walla uhwa khosh wa7id o mudeer qisimna o
mayinrad!! Bs uboy faj2a gala enna ma3indy banat lizawaj o gam 3anna!!! Walla
ta9arufata ghareeeba!” I said, taking a deep breath after I let it all out.
My grandpa looked at me, I hated the fact that I don’t know what
he’s thinking. Is he angry with me?
“Akeed uboch sam3 3ana shay..” he finally said.
“Laa a9lan may3arfa! O 9ali7 yadry o y3arfa o ygool ena uhwa khosh
wa7id. O kalam uboy o ham maritha!!” I said.
“Walla madry shagoolich!” he said.
“Umm ana r7tla elyoom aklma. Glt ymkin aksir kha6ra o yertha! Bs
g6ee3a Lulu farra rasa o mu9er enny matzawaj Msa3ad! O lama gtla enny aby aklma
bro7y galy laa qa9ib Lulu tg3ad ma3ana,” I said as I teared up again.
My grandpa took a deep breath then shook his head, obviously
disappointed in my father.
“O tadry shnu elly 3awar galbyy akthar? Enna lama Lulu qalat adabhaa
o yeet barid 3alaihaa zafny o galyy e7tarmay nafsich hathy 7isbat umich! Ya3ny
shloon egool hal kalam!! Shloon eyeeb 6ary umyy ma3a 6ary hal bazi3!” I said
breaking down into sobs.
Ok, maybe I was crying way too much but I really needed to touch my
grandpa’s heart.
“Khalas Monya 7abeebtyy latabcheen,” he said as he hugged me.
“Baba please kalmaa!! Enta elwa7eed elly tgdar taqni3a!!” I begged.
“Y3ny entay mu9ira 3ala hal Msa3ad?” he asked.
“Baba ana shtaghalt ma3a o masima3t 3anna ella kil khair mashof enna
fe sabab ekhaleeny arfitha!” I said.
“Khalas lat7ateen ana enshalla bacher aroo7 akalim ubooch o wala
y9eer kha6rich ella 6ayeb! Bs al7een abeech tms7een dmo3ich tara ghaleeen! O
ta3alay ta3ashay ma3ay bil9ala,” he said as he kissed my forehead.
I have the best grandpa in the whole wide world!!!! <3<3<3
**Hellooo! I just wanted to say that I really LOVEEE reading your comments!! thank youu so much for making my day <3 Also, chapter 30 will be the last post in this story and the LAST POST ILL EVER PUBLISH!! Sad, I know. Haha! Anyway I hope you enjoyed ;***
ReplyDeleteLulu UGHHHHHH! I just want to kick her out of the story wla I killing her is better?!:: SHE I A SL*T! 7AAAQEEERA
Obu monya? YRF3 AL'6'36!!! Yghaaaaaar! Mashi wra lulu zay al5aroof!!! YGHR!! W the part where he said "lulu b7sabt omch"??? Rfaaa3 '6a'36iiiiii
9ali7: is a cuttteeeeee!!! Ya 7a'6 manal fee
Grandpa I THE CUTES THING !! Bs enshalla ywafig w yr'6a 3la msa3d!!
Monya? aaaaahh yaaa monyyyyaaa<3/!!! mskeenaa!! She has a father bs 3dma abrak! M863a galbiiiiiiii!!!! Alla ywfgha w ta54 msa3ad!!!
W YOU ARE AMAIZING! Walla 7ta amaizing shwya 3aleeek! As much as I want u to post anthor post as much as I don't want u to leave!! I WILL MISS YOU!!!
9aaaaaaa7 I just remembered!! Wean Sa3ad??? Ya galbiii!! Ma 3nda neya yshoof '3eer se7lya?? If yes 3a6ooni 5abar aji Kuwait::::: I want to know what's going to happen to saad!!
Try to post soon:*
Love you magiiii;**
Tara dama3t laman giltay ina this is your last post :( kill my favorite bloggers ga3deen eroo7oon :''( pleeeeaaaaassee stay :''(
ReplyDeleteThank youuuuuuuuuuuu amazinngg posttt <3
ReplyDeleteOmg NOO please don't gooo :(( you're such an amazing blogger w your writing is mashallaah :(((