Wednesday, October 10, 2012


A Walk Down Memory Lane..14

***Thiss post is dedicated to @basooma_13. Jad I can't describe how sweet lovely amazing and gorgeous you are!!!! Love youu Bee <3

Enjoyy xx

"Yuma minha hal Nawal madry lail7een a7is waraha salfa," Dr. Manar said.

"Hahaha 7aram ana ksarat kha6ry," I said.

"Enzain 9ali7 galich shay thany 3anha wela bs gal enna y3arefha?" she looked at me, anticipating the answer.

"Laa magal shayy," I said with a smile.

I really liked talking to Dr. Manar, she never looked at me in an uncomfortable way or judged me. She made it so easy for me to talk to her and tell her every detail. I don’t think its because of her job, I just think that she's a really sweet person; one whom you can unveil yourself around.

"Enzaiin goleely salfat Msa3aad," she said with a grin.


You know that feeling when you open your eyes in the morning and just feel it in your gut that this is wont be a good day? When everything spins out of your control as soon as you set foot out of your bed. Literally.

The sound of the alarm cut through my ears, skull, and entire body. It sounded so deafening in my room's silence. I pushed away the covers and slid out of bed. Before I know it, I slipped and collapsed on the ground. How? Dont even ask me.

Its been two minutes since ive been awake and im already pissed.

I walked to the bathroom, washed, and then changed quickly. If only I can go to work in my pajamas..

The traffic was unbearable on my way to work. I was so sleepy I barely slept that night. I wasn't in the mood for work, but hey, I never really was.

I entered my office dropped my bag and rushed to the coffee room. I needed caffeine in my system.

I walked by Nawal's office and found her door open. She was sitting on the desk gawking at some papers. She was obviously half asleep.

"9aba7 elkhaiir," I said as I knocked on the door.

"Halaa, 9aba7 enoor," she said.

"Wayhich nooom," I said.

"Haha siktay walla 3ady ansidi7 3ala elqanafa wanaam," she said.

"Et9adgeen khoosh fikra?" I said. I was seriously considering it.

"Eee nisait la agolich 9ali7 yitshakar minich," I said with a smile.

She widened her eyes, "gilteela ena minny???"

I told her about what happened.

"Abaaih fashlaa!!" she said.

"Haha 3adyy 3ady," I said.

"Haha 3asa 3jeba el ward," she asked.

"Eee wayed 7iluu matga9reen!" I said.

"Egool kan ma3achh bl jam3a, tathkreena?"

She smiled.

"Uhwa 6weel o jisma fit o ya3ny typical Kuwaity guy bas bedon short beige o silverado haha," I said.

"Ee chinaa 3araftaa, ya7laaila y3arifny?" she asked with a grin.

"Ee thakrichh," I said.

"Ya7lailaa," she said with a smile, then drowned deep in thought.

"6aaa3 hathyy stanisaat hahaha," I said.

"Haw abaih shakuu," her face turned in every shade of red.

"Ee wathii7," I said with a smile.

"Agool agol redayy maktibiich bs lanadeelich Msa3ad," She said.

"Hahaha yalla byee don’t cry when I'm gone," I said.

"Bara bara,"

I returned to my office and started working. I finished a few papers then started stretching. Khalas we9alt mar7ala elly bashig hdoomy many gadra akamil.

I decided to walk around the floor just to get my blood flowing. I walked in circles, peeking through some doors and annoying some people. I went to get some coffee but it spilled all over me. I mean could my day get any better? :)

"Monyaa," I heard someone call from one of the offices.

I turned around to see that it was my boss's office. I peeked inside to see Msa3ad.

Seriously, when I asked "could this day get any better" it was a rhetorical question!!

"Ta3alaayy," he ordered.

"Enshallah," I said as I walked into the office.

"Sh3indich entay ga3da t7ooseen? ma3indich shighil??" he asked.

"Bs gilt bakhith break g9eer o bakamil," I said.

"7ilwa hathy break g9eer, tara entay wayed mdal3a ro7ich," he said.


"Yeebely el awrag elly shtaghaltay 3alaihum khanshof shighlich!!" he ordered.

Laa mabyy mabyyy!!!


I went to my office and grabbed the papers and returned to his office. I stretched out my hand, "tefathal."

He ignored me and kept typing furiously on his keyboard.


Enshallah ta36eeny wayh.

"76eehum 3ala el desk," he said while his eyes were still glued on the screen.

I placed them on the desk and turned to leave.

"La7thaa ana gitlich 6l3ay?? You werent excused laish tamsheen," he said finally looking at me.

"Asfa," I said.

That man needs a chill pill, seriously.

He grabbed the papers so harshly and looked through them, it looked like he was wrestling with the papers. He knotted his eyebrows and looked at me.

"Hatha tsameena shighil?" he asked.

"Laish shfe?" I asked as I walked to the desk.

"Kila ghala6 o el arqam mukanha ghala6 o mo mratab!! E7na eb sharikat ***** manaqbil shighiil ay kaalam!!" he shouted.

I just stared at him.

He threw the papers back on the desk, "3edeeehum o abyy ashofhum by the end of the day!"

Babchyy wallah.

I grabbed the papers and stormed out of the office. Shyabyy hatha yit2amar he's not even my boss iff!! Thany shay Im new here akeed baghlii6!!

I went to Nawal's office.

"Tara bathba7 Msa3ad yom min el ayam," I said as I walked in.

"Shh layismi3ich, shsawa ba3ad??" she asked.

I told her what happened.

"Abaiih mu min 9ijja," she said.

"7ada ynarfiz iff maku shaghla ghairy ana 9a7?" I said.

"3a6eeny lawrag khanashoof shisalfaa," she said.

She skimmed through the papers and told me what I had to fix. I brought the rest of the papers and we finished them together.

"Abaaaih Nawaal walla 7ady a7ibichh!! Khala9naa eb digeega wana 3adyy ag3aad sa3a 3ala wriga wa7da," I said.

"Haha 3ady ana awal mashatghalt kint chthyy bs eta3awidain ana 9arly sintain hny entay tawich mshtaghla," she said.

"Eee way khanro7 aratibhum layabchy 3alaayy momo," I said.

"g6ee3a mnu momo?" she asked.

"Msa3ad haha," I said.

"Hahaha staghferallah hatha wayha way momo? Agool ro7ay 3a6e elawrag o namay latkhooreenha zyada," she said.

It was almost the end of the day; I went into my boss's office to find Msa3ad again. Wedy agola yroo7 maktiba shnu msawela maktab 3all fathy?:)

I placed the papers quickly and left before he said anything.


"Wee gasher hal msa3ad!!" Dr Manar said.

"7aaail!!" I said.

"3ad zafich ba3ad wela 6awafha?" she asked.

"La ashwaa, agolich 3ugub cham yoom kint ba6laa3 ma3a Rawan o Nawal,"I said.


"Nawal mureenyy lana sayarty mafeha banzeen o maly khilg asoog," I said.

"Okk btalashnaa yalla ana al7een ba6laa3 etha sawaitlich missed call 6l3ay," she said.

After a while, Nawal called wela eb yayat 9ali7.

“Ha wain ray7a?” he asked.

“Ba6la3 ma3a Rawan o Nawal,” I said as I opened the door and he followed.

“Wain btro7on?” he asked. He stopped when he realized that my friend is picking me up.

I opened the door as Nawal took off her glasses and ran her hand through her hair. I entered the car but didn’t close the door.

“Esalam, Nawal 3adel?” 9ali7 asked.

“Wa3alaikum esalam, eee,” she said while giggling.

“Wini3im!! Shlonich?” he asked.

“Allah yin3am eb 7alik, el7imdila bkhaiir enta shakhabrik 3ugub el 7adith?” she asked.

“Wallah el7imdla wayedd a7saan!” he said.

“El7imdlaa 3asaak eb hal 7aal o a7san enshallah,” Nawal said as she flashed him a dimpled smile.

“Matga9reen, oo mashkoora ba3ad 3al cake elly dazaiteeha,” he said.

7asaait weddy a9arikh “GET A ROOM” haha machinyy ga3da bainhum. :)

“SHda3wa masawait shay tistahil kil khair,” Nawal said.

“Ok yalla khanamshy bnit2akhar 3ala Rawan,” I interrupted them.

“Yalla ma3 esalama o deru balkum bil 6reej,” 9ali7 said before he went to his car.

Nawal was grinning the whole way to 360.


  1. I was commenting on the wrong post loooooool =)))

  2. I wonder if she's going to love Musa3d :o! cant wait for the next chapter

  3. Love it ;*I agree with anon ally fougi ;p ^ .. I think 9ali7 and nawal will love each other ;p Post soon ;*

  4. Loved it .. Please continue;*

  5. Elstory staylha yded w never read any simillar ones .. That means ur SOOO GOOOD .. And such a great writter ..keep it on .. Ur one in a million;*

  6. A M A Z I N G<3
    Next post please asap

  7. POST plzzzzzz
    Abyy a3ref shnu y9eeerrr:'(

  8. Akrah msa3ad .. Nafsya 7aadaa w eslooba nafs wayha
    Bs a7sehom ra7 y7bon ba3'6

  9. May i ask a questoin?
    Laish 6awaltay wayeed .. Ana kil yom adsh achayek w theres no new post!
    Lo sm7ti post:*
