Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Give fate a chance 40 (LAST POST)

***This post is dedicated to all my beautiful readers, jad you guys are amazing!!! I love each and every one of you, and I hope you enjoy this last post. Sam7ooony 3ala lig9oor;***


Good things always find their way out of your life when you least expect it. with out any warnings, they just disappear. As much as you cry, as much as your heart breaks into a million tiny pieces, they just never come back.

“Mmm.” Wahab mumbled.

I swear my heart skipped a beat. I hit him hard on his shoulders. Wahab shot up, “Haa ha shisalfa?” he said as he tried to keep his eyes open.

“LAIIISHHHH LAISHH ETSAWYYY CHITHYYY KHARA3TNYYYY WAIII3 WAIIII3 WALLAA BAGHAIT AMOOOT!!!” I shouted at the top of my lungs as the tears fell down my cheeks.

He looked at me with narrowed eyes, he was confused.

“Lama?” He said as he scratched his eyes.

I wrapped him in my arms in a huge hug, I thought I lost him. At first he was stiff, then he hugged back.

“Adry ennnich walahtay 3alay bs shway shway,” He chuckled in his sleepy voice.

“Enta nomik thigeel wela shsalfitik? 3ayazt o ana aga3dek mu rathy etgoom khara3tny wallaah.” Just the thought of loosing him brought me to tears.

He smiled at me and pulled me closer to him. He made me sit on his lap and hugged me from the back and showered my shoulder with kisses. “Asif enny khara3tich, bs ams magedart anam fa khathait sleeping pills. O 3ad sina 3ala ma agoom etha khathait’hum.”

I turned around to face him, “Latsaweeha mara thanya wela athbi7ik!!” I warned.

“Hahaha, enshallah 3amity”

“Iff galby lail7een yirgaa3!” I punched him lightly on his shoulder.

“A777!!!” he said moving his shoulder away from my flailing hand.

“3ashan et3arif eshloon etkhari3ny!!”

“9ij ra7 etkhafeen ya3ny etha mit?” he grinned eager to hear my answer.

“La et9adig basawy 7afla, ya3y shrayik!!!!” I huffed.

“Hahahaha 3asa yomy gabil yoomich.” He whispered into my ear.

I felt a chill run down my spine, I don’t want to think about that.

“Please khanghayer el mawthoo3, o tara kilman ta7at yalla badil.”

“Yalla ok.”

I got up and he did the same. I turned around, o yalaitny ma lafiat. All he wore was boxers. His tanned skin and his masculine body, is just wow.

“HAHAHAHA mu chithy etan7oon ya bnaya.” He laughed.

"Ha? Shaku matana7t." I quickly ran out of the room my face turning all shades of red.

I waited for him to change and then we went down stairs.

"Wee nesaainakum 6awaltaww!" khalty Nawal whispered to me as I sat down next to her.

"Haha wildich yanany 3ala ma gam." I smiled.

"Ee Wahab noma thigeel allah y7aftha."


At 8 pm everyone left the shalaih keeping it for Wahab and I.

"Tabeen nig3ad 3al ba7ar?" Wahab offered.

"Eee yalla."

We went outside and sat on the beach. It was a beautiful moonlit night. The wind played with the strands of my hair lighlty blowing it in every direction. The sound of the waves calmed all my nerves leaving me in a state of serenity.

Wahab sat down in front of me and grinned.

"Shfeek e6ali3ny chthy??" I smiled.

"Murty o kaify!!!" he grinned.

I felt my cheeks turn red. I smiled and lowered my head.

"Ya 7alat elly yisti7oon" he came closer to me. He wrapped one hand around my back and and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Shrayech enroo7 Los Angeles." he offered.

"Haha faj2a?"

"Laa ya3ny eb shahar el 3asal." he said then pecked my shoulder with kisses.

Y3ny ballah shlon baraakiz chthy :(

"Ee o ham khanroo7 Santorini, Greece. 7ad'ha etyanin!!" I said as I grabbed my phone. I looked through the pictures on my phone until I landed on a familiar picture of the beautiful blue ocean and exquisite white buildings with swimming pools.

"Shoof e9oora 7ilwa 9aa7??" I asked.

"Mhmm." he didn't even look at my phone he was busy playing with my hair.

"Wahaab shooof!" I urged.

"Ee walla 7ilwa khala9 afa 3alaich enroo7." he grinned.


"O ba3ad wain enroo7?" i turned around to face him, so he's not distracted by my hair.

"Hmm madry tabeen London?" he chuckled.

"Laaa tawna ray7een!"

"Ok khanro7 Australia walla kha6eera wa7id min erabi3 gabel ams rad. Fee ghoo9 shighil 3adil o en7adig hnak 3al ra7aa." he looked too excited.

"Laa enroo7 shahar el3asal 3ashan tghoo9??"

"Ya3ny ensawy ashya thanya ba3ad, naby adventures mu kila soog!!"

"Hmm ok bs lazim atsawag shwayy." I flashed him a toothy smile.

"Eee, agdar agool la ana?" he raised one eyebrow and smiled.

Aah, his smile takes me to a whole new planet.

"Akeed la." I winked.

He grabbed my face and stared deep into my eyes. His eyes were so intense, I never saw him like this. He kept staring into my eyes, for a second I thought he wanted to kiss me.

"9adigg enny feek mughram, feek! Wil7ayyat aish el 7ayat ella mishahad nathiraik?" Wahab hummed. "Kil galbin lah 7abeeba o enta ma7booby, o tadry min 3yonik 9a3ib tasrigny siwaleef el bashar. O ana enithar o enta li3yoony enithar."

He planted a kiss on my cheek.

My palms started to sweat and my face became hot. I backed away,

"Hmm, meta ra7 ensawy el 3irs." I have to change the subject.

"Meta ma allah ketab." he was not concentrating with what I had to say. :O

"La min9ijyy."

"Madry ba3ad shahar enshallah." he grabbed my hand and played with my fingers. "Hatha loon e7i6ona allah yhadach?" he smiled.

"Ee 7iluu!!" I stared at my ombre-orange nails.

"Enzain laish kil thifir loon?" he asked as he inspected my nails.

"Bas chthyy.."

"Shrayich nishtiry bait 3al ba7ar, o nabny fee 12 rooms 7ag kil wa7id min 3yalna. O kil dar etkoon 3ala theme mo3ayyan, ya3ny mathalan wa7da 3ala princess, bs hathy 7ag libnaya elly tishbihich bas." He grinned.

"You had me at 12 rooms. Taby thna3ash yahil???" I widened my eyes.

"Ee 7alata el bait yintiris yahal."

"Ana agool eshtarlik 7athana a7saan shnu thana3ash yahil? Sh3ind cheaper by the dozen!!"

"HAHAHA! Khalas khalas yuba cham yahel tabeen?"

"Madry wa7id aw athain?" I smiled.

"La walla? La aqal shayy khamsa." he said in a stern voice.

"Hmm e9eer khair lets worry about this later."

I turned around and faced the ocean again. It was beautiful, just like the person sitting next to me. I don't want this to last, I never want him to leave my side.

Just a few months ago, I was a girl living a plain boring life. Now, Im married to the most wonderful man in this world. Grateful can't begin to describe how I feel. I hope this smile stays plastered on my face and Wahab's forever.

Life works in mysterious ways and all you have to do is give it a chance. Give it a chance to show you a brighter day and to make all your sadness melt away.

Dont ever take anything for granted and love people for who they are. Looks and money fade, but the personality stays forever. This, is a lesson I learned the hard way.

You will not always be happy, and you wont always be sad. Life will twist and turn, but in the end, you will be surrounded with everything you wish for.

Just give fate a chance, and you'll see. ;)


  1. Laaa so sad its the last post:( the story was amazing!! Are you going to write another story? Plz say you will!

  2. AMAZING :(<3

    You will post another story again :D?

  3. NOOO don't end the story :( I loved it anywayss<3 Wahab is so adorable. please write another story as soon as possiblee. xo

  4. 5b9ty globna bl post ily gabla #_#
    Ilra7a ilnafsya lmn grait isma ashwa ina ma mat T_T
    The story 3AJEEEEEEBA
    LOVE everything espcially the lesson behind hope everyone learns from it:***


  6. Amaaaaaaazing!!! Wallah a job well done! Keep up the good work! Cant wait for the next story!

    P.S you proved me wrong with wahab... 6ila3 5oosh wa7ed

  7. BEST STORY EVER !!!!!




  8. AMAZING!!!LOVE YOUR STORY!!sad that ended;(!w we will wait for your new story!love you;*

    such an amazing eneding :'( *Criesariver*
    they're so cuteee togetherr!!!!! <3 <3
    Wish you the best in life Xxx
    dont stop writing~~~~~

  10. Amazing story ! W entay 3ajeeba :*! Bas ma 7abbait el end :c

    " You know you're reading a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend " - Paul Sweeney.
    I feel the same way c':
    Are you going to post a new story? Please say yes!
    I love you and I'll always be your biggest fan<3


  12. Ktbai one post 3n 7ayat'hom o ohma married :(

    1. EEEEEE PLEEEEEEASEEEE<33333333:'''((((

  13. AMAAAAZINGGG<333 I realllyyy didn't want it to end!

  14. Woahh! I jost gotta say that I EFFIN love this story! I love happy endings and this is one hell of a happy ending again I love it and don't give up on us write stories to make us and yourself happy!

    Goodluck in your life!

  15. Allaaahhhhhh! AH MAZ ING! Umbayyyy I LOVE YOU! Seriously who writes like that....all I can say is mashallah! PAH LEASE gurrrrlllll no one does and that's a freakin good thing! Keep it up and I'll swear that I'll be supportive of everything youu write! Then again I love youu, and most importantly I LOVEEEE LOVEE LOVEE...shall I continue? Cause I swear I won't shut the hell up I love your stories get it?!!! I hope I made your day cause youu just made my whole 1 week!


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  17. AMAAAZIIING!! Totally loved it!!! Pretty please create a new story? ;;)
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  18. Are you going to write a new story?

  19. After all the 30+ blogs i read, yours was the only one with a message or more like a moral. You do really deserve an applause. Im always a silent reader, i never comment but this time its exceptional! Awesome writer mashallah 3alaich, keep the good work up. All love from the UAE xox

  20. Mestw3ba ena min the first day you posted this post w Ana kel youm ad5el astna the other story:(?walla I missed you:'(

  21. amazing story walla I love your way of writing mashalla ♥


  23. Thank god you came back I couldn't wait no more to read this again

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